専任事務職員(国際センター)/Full-Time Administrative Staff
Application Guidelines
Category | Full-Time Administrative Staff (Non-fixed term. Mandatory Retirement Age: 60 years old.) |
Position | Senior Staff or General Position (Depending on applicant’s experience and interview results) |
Assignment | University Bureau, International Office, International Liaison Office |
Location | *Those employed at the International Office are expected to be placed at the Kyoto Uzumasa Campus ・Kyoto Uzumasa Campus Address: 18 Yamanouchi Gotanda-cho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City Access: 3-minute walk from Kyoto City Subway Tozai Line Uzumasa Tenjingawa Station Commute by car to Uzumasa Campus is not permitted (No employee parking available) ・Kyoto Kameoka Campus Address: 1-1 Sogabecho Nanjo Otani, Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture Access: 10 minutes by bus from JR San-In Line Kameoka Station, or 35 minutes by bus from Hankyu Kyoto Line Katsura Station Commute by car permitted upon request (Employee parking available) |
Hours | Weekdays, 8:30~17:00 (60-minute break) |
Holiday Work | Yes (for open campus events, entrance examinations, etc.) ・Equivalent compensatory holidays/days in lieu will be given for days worked on weekends and university holidays |
Holidays Paid Leave | ・Holidays: 125 days/year (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end holidays, summer holidays) ・Paid leave: 10 days in the first year of employment, maximum 20 acquired days in subsequent years ・Special “refresh” holidays: 5 days per year after the second year of continuous employment |
Salary Range | 3.5 – 5 million yen (including 3.0 months bonus) ・In addition to the above, various allowances and transportation expenses will be provided separately if the employee meets the requirements set out in the University’s regulations. |
Commuting Allowance | Yes (Up to a maximum of 50,000 yen/month) |
Rent Allowance | Yes (Up to 15,000 yen/month when the employee is the head of the household.) ・Provided when the employee meets the requirements set out in the University’s regulations |
Dependent Allowance | Yes (For spouses, dependents, etc.) ・Provided when the employee meets the requirements set out in the University’s regulations |
Social Insurance | Health insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, employee pension, retirement allowance system |
Trial Period | Yes (3 months) |
Staff Reassignment | Yes |
Other | Cafeteria available, no uniforms, no dormitories or company housing, no smoking on premises (outdoor smoking areas available) |
Job Description
- Support students coming from around the world to study at KUAS (travel support before coming to Japan, coordination with parents and other related parties, support setting up their lives after coming to Japan and during their enrollment, etc.)
- Provide study abroad support for KUAS students going abroad
- Plan and execute international exchange events for domestic and international students
- Hold discussions with universities all over the world regarding the conclusion of exchange agreements
- Cooperate and conference with other departments within the university related to the promotion of internationalization
- Perform internal translation and interpretation
Necessary Skills | ・Native-level English ability in reading, writing, listening, and speaking ・Advanced Japanese proficiency (JLPT N1 certification preferred; N1 level command of Japanese required) ・Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.) ・Remote work tools such as Teams, Zoom, Slack, etc. ・Excellent negotiation and communication skills both on and off campus |
Preferred Skills | ・Language proficiency other than English and Japanese ・Background knowledge or experience working with administrative or official documentation (e.g. applications to the Japanese Immigration Bureau) |
Required Qualifications and Expected Experience | ・Bachelor’s degree or higher ・Experience dealing with customers in a business setting (sales, customer service, etc.) ・Work experience in the international department of a university ・A hospitable and flexible personality ・A proactive and driven attitude to work |
Application Process
Application Method | Please send the following documents to the address listed below. 1.Resume (with a photo and contact e-mail address included) (履歴書) 2.Employment History(職務経歴書) |
Selection Process | After the document screening, successful applicants will be required to take a written examination (適性検査と能力試験) and 2-3 interviews. |
Employment Examinations (Written tests, Interviews, etc.) | Scheduled as necessary |
Where to Apply/Contact information | ・18 Gotanda-cho, Yamanouchi, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City 615-8577, Japan ・Kyoto University of Advanced Science University General Affairs Department Personnel Division, Hiring Manager Email: saiyou@kuas.ac.jp |
募集職種 | 専任事務職員(期間の定め無し。60歳定年) |
役職 | 主査 もしくは 役職なし (ご経験及び面接結果を踏まえて決定予定) |
配属先 | 大学事務局 国際センター 国際事業推進課 |
採用日 | 随時(早めに入社いただける方歓迎) |
応募資格 | 4年制⼤学以上を卒業した者 |
勤務地 | ※国際センター配属は「京都太秦キャンパス」勤務を予定 ・京都太秦キャンパス(京都市右京区⼭ノ内五反⽥町18) アクセス:京都市営地下鉄東⻄線「太秦天神川駅」より3分 自動車通勤不可(従業員用駐車場無) ・京都⻲岡キャンパス(京都府⻲岡市曽我部町南条⼤⾕1-1) アクセス:JR⼭陰本線「⻲岡駅」よりバスで10分・阪急京都線「桂駅」より バスで35分 自動車通勤可 |
勤務時間 | 平⽇ 8:30〜17:00(休憩60分) |
休日勤務 | 有(オープンキャンパス・入試対応等) ※休日勤務時は振替休日を別途取得 |
休日・休暇 | ・年間休日125日(2023年度予定)土・日・祝日 ・年末年始/夏期休暇/有給休暇(入社1年目10日・以降年間最大付与日数20日/リフレッシュ特別休暇(入職2年目以降 5日/年) |
想定年収 | 3.5百万円 ~ 5百万円(含賞与3.0カ月) (上記に加え、本学規程の要件を満たす場合は各種手当・交通費を別途支給) |
通勤⼿当 | 有 上限50,000円/月 |
住居手当 | 有 世帯主の場合 15,000円/月(本学規程の要件を満たす場合に支給) |
扶養手当 | 有 配偶者・扶養者等(本学規程の要件を満たす場合に支給) |
社会保険 | 健康保険・労災保険・雇用保険・厚生年金・退職金制度 |
試用期間 | 有(3か月) |
人事異動 | 有 |
その他 | 食堂有、制服無、寮・社宅無、敷地内禁煙(屋外喫煙可能場所あり) |
- 世界から本学へ留学する学生の支援(来日前の渡航支援、保護者を含めた関係者との調整、来日後の生活立上げ支援・生活相談等)
- 海外に派遣する学生の留学支援
- 留学生と日本人学生との学内交流行事の企画・運営
- 世界各地の大学との交流協定締結に向けた交渉
- 国際化推進に関わる学内の他部署との連携、会議運営
- 学内文書の翻訳、通訳
保有すべきスキル | ・ネイティブレベルの英語力(読む・書く・聞く・話すが全てネイティブレベルであること) ・日本語上級レベル(JLPT「N1」歓迎。「N1」相当の日本語運用能力必須) ・Office(Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook等) ・Teams, Zoom, Slack等のリモートワークツール ・学内外における卓越した交渉・コミュニケーションスキル |
歓迎するスキル | ・英語・日本語以外の言語スキル ・行政文書、公的文書に関わる予備知識や実務経験(出入国在留管理局への申請関連文書、等) |
要求資格・期待する経験 | ・大学卒業以上 ・ビジネスにおける顧客対応経験(営業、接客等) ・大学の国際部門での勤務 ・ホスピタリティが高く、状況に応じ柔軟に行動できる方 ・能動的に行動できる方 |
応募方法 | 履歴書(写真貼付、連絡メールアドレス必須)、職務経歴書を下記応募先へ送付 |
選考方法 | 書類審査の上、通過者には、筆記試験(適性検査と能力試験)及び⾯接(2-3回) |
採用試験日 | 随時 |
応募先・問合せ先 | 〒615-8577 京都市右京区山ノ内五反田町18番地 京都先端科学大学 大学総務部人事課 採用担当 Mail:saiyou@kuas.ac.jp |