インターンシップセンター主催 秋学期イベント実施報告 第2回「トンガリ人材への道〜How do I get there?〜」

第2回 2020年12月18日(金)について
テーマ | 仲間づくり×グローバル ~キャリアネットワークの拡大~ |
スピーカー | 経済経営学部 学部長 西村 周三 氏 インターンシップセンター グローバル職員 田村 スティシー 氏 グオ ヘイリー 氏 |

第2回は経済経営学部 西村学部長に加え、インターンシップセンター職員 田村さん、グオさんのトリプルゲストにご登壇頂きました。


スピーカー:西村 周三氏

スピーカー:田村 スティシー氏

スピーカー:グオ ヘイリー氏

ネットワークの重要さについて改めて気付かされた。Mind mapをしたときに、どのような関係のネットワークを持っているのかがよくわかったが、日本人とのネットワークがあるけれど、外国の方とのネットワークが一切ないことが分かった。海外インターンシップや留学制度など、外国の方とのかかわりを持つ機会が多くあるので、まず行動して、つながりを持ちたいです。
第3回 | 1/8 (金)@17:00~19:30 | ~いま、あなたの心に火はついていますか~ |
スピーカー神保 拓也氏 トーチリレー 代表取締役 隊長/元ファーストリテイリンググループ ユニクロ 上席執行役員 | ||
第4回 | 2/19 (金)@15:00-16:30 ※参加して頂きやすい時間帯へ変更しました | ~次世代で活躍するデジタル人材~ |
スピーカーデロイトトーマツコンサルティング合同会社 金谷 優樹氏 マネージャー サプライチェーン・製造チーム 大地 宏明氏 スペシャリストリード サプライチェーン・製造チーム | ||
第5回 | 3/19 (金)@調整中 | ~マスマーケティングと商品づくり~(仮) |
スピーカーBen Taylor氏 ㈱スクウェア・エニックス テクニカルダイレクター |
- Covid-19感染症対策の上で実施。
- 全学生、教職員等、KUAS関係者であればどなたでも参加大歓迎です。詳細は先端なびやポータルをご参照下さい。
Fall Semester Event Hosted by the Internship Center
Round 2 of “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?~”
~Dean Nishimura, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration x Internship Center International Staff~
At KUAS, we are holding a series of events called “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” for all students, faculty and staff from November until March. This article is a report on the second round of the event series.
Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” Event Series: Helping Students Connect with Society
This event speaker series provides students with opportunities to think more deeply about their future life and career choices. We believe that one of the reasons why students have difficulty imagining their future careers is that they have few chances to interact with working professionals while in school. Expanding your network through encounters on and off-campus and learning about the values of various people will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. This will be a step towards enriching your student life, by helping you develop a clearer image for your future, and by acting as a starting point for accelerating your activities both on and off-campus.
Round 2 on 2020/12/18 (Fri):
Theme | 仲間づくり×グローバル ~Building Relationships x Becoming Global: Expanding Your Career Network |
Speakers | Mr. Shuzo Nishimura Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Ms. Stacey Tamura & Ms. Hailey Guo International Staff Internship Center |

In addition to Dean Nishimura of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the second round of featured a guest appearance by Internship Center staff members Ms. Tamura and Ms. Guo.
Dean Nishimura emphasized that respecting others is the most important factor in building relationships, and gave practical advice on how to make a good impression on others, such as using facial expressions and body language in conversation.

At the event

Speaker: Dean Nishimura
Speaking from their experiences as expats in Japan, Ms. Tamura and Ms. Guo talked about having a “can-do” attitude towards everything in order to form networks in different countries and how to continue relationships across borders.

Speaker: Ms. Stacey Tamura

Speaker: Ms. Hailey Guo
During the activities after the lectures, students visualized their own networks with mind maps, and then discussed with other participants about how they can expand their networks. Many students chose to stay after the event ended to ask questions to the speakers and exchange opinions. In the days following the event, some of the participants were seen enthusiastically spreading the words about this event series to their peers. The Internship Center will continue to plan and organize events like this so that they can act as a catalyst to enrich students’ lives.

Student Voices
I was surprised and moved by what Professor Nishimura said, “Communication skills are a matter of practice”. I realized once again how important it is to meet many people and gain experience. (Faculty of Engineering, 1st year)
After listening to Ms. Tamura’s lecture, I was impressed by the importance of being proactive and taking on challenges. After listening to Ms. Guo’s lecture, I understood the importance of getting to know many people and providing support to one another. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2nd year)
I was reminded of the importance of networking when I did the Mind Map. I could see what kind of networks I have, but I found out that I mostly network with Japanese people. There are many opportunities for me to connect with people from other countries, such as through overseas internships and study abroad programs, so I would like to make the first move to make those connections. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 1st year)
Future Events
Round 3 | 1/8 (Fri) @17:00~19:30 | ~Do You Have a Fire Burning In Your Heart? ~ |
Speakers: Mr. Takuya Jimbo Torch Relay, Representative Director/Captain Former Upper Executive Officer of Fast Retailing Group (UNIQLO) | ||
Round 4 | 2/19 (Fri) @18:00~19:30 | ~The Next Generation of Digital Talent ~ |
Speakers: Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC Mr. Yuki Kanaya, Manager, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Team Mr. Hiroaki Ochi, Specialist Lead, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Team | ||
Round 5 | 3/19 (Fri)@18:00~19:30 | ~Mass Marketing and Product Creation – (tentative) |
Speakers: Mr. Ben Taylor Technical Director, Square Enix Co. |
- Conducted with COVID-19 safety measures in place.
- All students, faculty, staff, and anyone else involved with KUAS are welcome to attend. For details, please refer to the portal site.