インターンシップセンター主催 秋学期イベント実施報告 第5回「トンガリ人材への道〜How do I get there?〜」

~株式会社BANDAI SPIRITS(バンダイスピリッツ)~
第5回 2021年3月19日(金)<終了>:
テーマ | 個性を発揮して、夢に向かって突き進む |
スピーカー | オルモンドバン・マリウス氏 株式会社BANDAI SPIRITS(バンダイスピリッツ) ウェブ&プロモーションチーム |
第1部 オルモンドバン・マリウス氏のご講演「Wow!個性で枠をぶちやぶれ!」
第2部 質疑応答
第3部 アクティビティ






イベント「トンガリ人材への道」の目的 :
社会との接点を提供する ゲストスピーカーの講話を通じて、参加者へ自分の人生やキャリアと真剣に向き合う機会を提供しています。就職活動等で将来のキャリアを想像できない一つの要因は在学中に社会との接点が少ないことだと考えます。学内外の出会いを通じてネットワークを広げ、様々な人の価値観を学ぶことが自分自身の理解を深めることにつながります。卒業後の働く姿が想像できるようになったり、学内はもちろん、学外活動にも力を入れるようになったり、学生生活を充実させる一歩になると考えています。
(インターンシップセンター 青木望)
Fall Semester Event Hosted by the Internship Center
Round 5 of “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?~”
“Break Out of the Box, WOW with Individuality”. Looking past the bombastic title of his presentation, Marius Ormond-Byrne of BANDAI SPIRITS provided participants with this important insight: to be successful overseas, it is important to respect other people’s culture and ideas while striving to remain true to yourself.
Born in Australia and raised in New Zealand, Mr. Ormond-Byrne had traveled to 15 countries by the age of 12 and studied Japanese at university before deciding to pursue a career in Japan. In Japan, rather than find a job that is easy for a foreigner to obtain, such as something involving tourism or translation, Mr. Ormond-Byrne chose to pursue a career he was passionate about. According to him, it was because of his experiences during his job hunt that he was able to find a job that he loves now, despite the hardships of job hunting abroad and the difficulties of working for an overseas company. Mr. Ormond-Byrne delivered his entire talk, as well as the question and answer session that followed, in English.
Mr. Ormond-Byrne’s ability to see everything in a positive light is due to the fact that he has worked very hard. From his own experience, he told us that the key to achieving what you want to do is to look at every adversity positively and use it as an opportunity to improve your abilities.
His strength to see everything in a positive light is due to the fact that he has worked harder than others. From his own experience, he told us that the key to achieving what you want to do is to look at every adversity positively and keep improving your abilities.
Round 5 on 2021/3/19 (Fri)【Past Event】
Theme | Exert Your Individuality and Reach for Your Dreams |
Speaker | BANDAI SPIRITS Web & Promotions Team Mr. Marius Ormond-Byrne |
Part 1 Lecture by Mr. Marius Ormond-Byrne
“Break Out of the Box, WOW with Individuality”
Part 2 Q&A Session
Part 3 Activity

At the event

During the Q&A session

Mr. Ormond-Byrne instructing students during the Activity Session

Activity Session

Activity Session

At the event
Student Voices
I felt that by gaining experience through various jobs, I can learn new ways to think about things. I was very impressed by what he said about understanding and mastering the language and culture as being a factor in working effectively overseas. I would like to work hard every day to be able to play an active role globally. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2nd year)
I was glad to be able to hear a talk from a staff member of one of Japan’s biggest entertainment companies, and it gave me a lot of ideas. (Faculty of Humanities, 1st year)
I understood that BANDAI SPIRITS is not only about making toys but also giving people dreams through those toys. In the group activity, I realized that we should share roles, understand the characteristics of ourselves and others, and make the most of them. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 1st year)
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” Event Series: Helping Students Connect with Society
This event speaker series provides students with opportunities to think more deeply about their future life and career choices. We believe that one of the reasons why students have difficulty imagining their future careers is that they have few chances to interact with working professionals while in school. Expanding your network through encounters on and off-campus and learning about the values of various people will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. This will be a step towards enriching your student life, by helping you develop a clearer image for your future, and by acting as a starting point for accelerating your activities both on and off-campus.
(Internship Center, Nozomi Aoki)