第1回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催

どうすれば成功者になれるのか? 元テレビプロデューサーから転身し、サンタモニカ・ベースボール・アカデミー(以下SMBA)を創設したウェス・テリー氏の答えは「Success Starts Within(成功は自分の中から)」であった。
学生からの要望が多く2021年度も「トンガリ人材への道~How Do I Get There?~」を開催することになった。テリー氏はそのトップバッターとして、生涯にわたる野球への情熱をキャリアに選択したことや、彼のリーダーシップの下、SMBAをロサンゼルス西部最大の野球アカデミーに育て上げた経験を語ってくれた。
また、今回はスポーツ振興室からの声かけで体育会系部活の部員も参加し、硬式野球部のキャプテンをはじめ、太秦と亀岡の両キャンパスから学生がテリー氏に様々な質問をした。交流ライブの中でテリー氏は質問「幸せの見つけ方は?」、「海外でキャリアを築く方法は?」、「すぐに上達する野球選手の共通点は?」といった質問に、一つずつ丁寧に答えてくれた。その中で共通していたのは、「私達には自分の物語を作る力があり、夢を実現するためには行動を起こすことが大切だ」というメッセージだ。すべては「Success Starts Within(成功は自分の中から)」というテーマに繋がっていた。
第1回 2021年5月18日(火):【実施済】
日 時 | 2021年5月18日(火)12:00-13:00 |
テーマ | 「Success Starts Within(成功は自分の中から)」 |
講演者 | ウェス テリー氏 サンタモニカ野球アカデミー創設者 |
内容 | STEP1 事前視聴 ビデオメッセージ STEP2 5月18日 交流ライブ |
形式 | オンライン |
言語 | 英語 ※日本語サポートあり |






第2回 | 6/4(金)18:30-20:00 テーマ:オーストラリアの野生動物保護と国際関係 | |
講演者: 水野 哲男氏 オーストラリア日本野生動物保護教育財団 理事長 内 容: 第1部 水野 哲男氏のご講演 第2部 質疑応答 言 語: 日本語 | ||
第3回 | 6/18(金)16:30-18:00 テーマ: コストコ代表が伝える人生で大切な事~キャリア・価値観・将来観~ | |
講演者: ケン テリオ氏 (Mr. Ken Theriault) コストコホールセールジャパン 日本支社長 内 容: 第1部 ケン テリオ氏のご講演 第2部 質疑応答 言 語: 英語+日本語サポート |
イベント「トンガリ人材への道」の目的 : 社会との接点を提供する
(インターンシップセンター 田村 スティシー)
This year’s “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” opens with the founder of the Santa Monica Baseball Academy as the first guest speaker.
How do you become successful? Wes Terry, a former television producer and current founder of the Santa Monica Baseball Academy (SMBA), has the answer: “Success Starts Within”.
Terry is the first batter in the 2021-2022 “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” event series, which is continuing on to its second year due to popular demand from students. He turned his life-long passion for baseball into a career and under his leadership, SMBA has grown to become the largest baseball academy in the west side of Los Angeles.
This was the first time the series welcomed a speaker currently living abroad as part of an all-English event, and the event was held in a special 2-part format. In “Step 1: Video Message”, Terry gave a message to be watched in advance. Then on May 18th, students, staff, and faculty had a live 1-hour Q&A session with Terry.
The Sports Promotion Office made announcements about the event to athletic clubs and many club members attended. Students from both Uzumasa and Kameoka campuses, including the baseball team captain, asked Terry several questions. There were a wide range of question topics, from finding happiness to having a career abroad, as well as the common traits of baseball players who improve quickly. But one message kept reappearing: we have the power to create our own stories and taking action is the key to realizing our dreams. As Terry said before, “Success Starts Within.”
Round 1 on 2021/5/18(Tue)【Past Event】:
Date | 2021/5/18(Tue)12:00-13:00 |
Theme | 「Success Starts Within」 |
Speaker | Mr. Wes Terry Santa Monica Baseball Academy, Founder |
Content | STEP1 Video Message STEP2 Live Q&A Session *On 5/18 |
Format | Online |
Language | English *With Japanese support |

Question From Student

Wes Terry

Question From Faculty

At Kameoka Campus

During the Q&A Session

Online Group Photo
Student Voices:
1. It was great to have the opportunity to hear the stories of people who are not in Japan, but in other countries. I felt that Japan should adopt more of the American style of teaching.(Faculty of Health and Medical Science, 4th year)
2. I was able to grow not only as a baseball player but also as a person. I learned a lot of things that will help me in my future life. As Terry said, I want to take action without being afraid of being rejected. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 1st year)
3. Terry’s advice about how we are the ones who create our stories really resonated with me. I know that I have a long way to go in my life, but as I am the one who will create the story of my life, I have decided that I want to create the best story I can. (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 4th year)
Future Events:
Round 2 | 6/4(Fri)18:30-20:00 Theme: Australian Wildlife Conservation and International Relations | |
Speaker: Dr. Tetsuo Mizuno CEO of Australia-Japan Wildlife Conservation & Education Foundation Program: Part 1 Lecture from Dr. Tetsuo Mizuno Part 2 Q&A Session Language: Japanese | ||
Round 3 | 6/18(Fri)16:30-18:00 Theme: The Important Things in Life as Heard From a Costco Representative ~Career Values and the Future~ | |
Speaker: Mr. Ken Theriault Country Manager of Costco Wholesale Japan Program: Part 1 Lecture from Mr. Ken Theriault Part 2 Q&A Session Language: English + Japanese support |
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” Event Series: Helping Students Connect with Society
This event speaker series provides students opportunities to think more deeply about their future life and career choices. We believe that one of the reasons why students have difficulty imagining their future careers is that they have few chances to interact with working professionals while in school. Expanding your network through encounters on and off campus and learning about the values of various people will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. This will be a step towards enriching your student life, by helping you develop a clearer image for your future, and by acting as a starting point for accelerating your activities both on and off campus.
(Internship Center, Stacey Tamura)