第6回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催


第6回 2021年12月17日(金)<終了>:
テーマ | 「自分で決める、自分らしい人生とは」 |
講演者 | 栗田 貴祥氏 ㈱リクルート リクナビ編集長 |
第1部 ご講演 第2部 Q&Aコーナー 第3部 「Will・Must・Can」アクティビティ 第4部 質疑応答 |

(人文学部 歴史文化学科 3年生)
(経済経営学部 経営学科 2年生)
(工学部 機械電気システム工学科 1年生)
(インターンシップセンター グオ ヘイリー、青木 望)
Co-hosted by the Career Support Center and Internship Center Round 6 of「Becoming a Top-Tier Talent〜How do I get there?〜」 Choosing and Living Your Own Life
On December 17 (Fri.), Mr. Takayoshi Kurita, chief editor of “Rikunabi,” one of Japan’s largest job hunting websites used by over 740,000 job hunters, gave a lecture at our Kyoto Uzumasa Campus entitled “Choosing and Living Your Own Life”.
Why does Recruit Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as Recruit) produce so many corporate executives? Mr. Kurita shared his answer.
When Mr. Kurita confessed, “During my job hunting, Recruit was the number one company I didn’t want to work for,” the entire audience was shocked. However, as Mr. Kurita shared about his career path from when he was a student to now, he revealed that what encouraged him to decide on Recruit in the end is their philosophy that “people are the source of value”. Employees work as a team to continue to provide new value to the world and are given a strong sense of ownership over their projects. The people-focused company culture provides a positive environment where workers can learn from one another and helps them master the fundamental skill sets they need to become corporate executives in the future.
In order to choose and live your own life, you must first know yourself. When do you feel the most energetic? When do you feel fulfilled? The students were able to form a clearer idea of their ideal future self as they worked through an activity in which they considered their own “will” (what I will do), “can” (what I can do), and “must” (what I must do). Speaking from his own experience, Mr. Kurita stressed the importance of making decisions for yourself as you begin interactions with society during the job hunt.

In addition, Mr. Kurita and Mr. Matsuoka, Division Chief of the Career Support Center, held a “Q&A Corner” where they asked a series of questions that delved deeper into Mr. Kurita’s career. One of the questions asked was, “What mistakes have you made?” Mr. Kurita candidly answered, “Recruit used to have many company parties, and I once overslept and was late for a meeting the next day. But I was able to earn even more trust than before by making a full-blown effort to recover from that failure.” Based on his own experience, he passionately conveyed the importance of a strong recovery which can turn even a crisis into a chance.
Mr. Kurita’s way of life and advice pushed many students to take more action in their lives. It was a special event that encouraged first and second year students to make the most of their university life and helped third year students take a big step forward in their job hunting.
Round 6 on 2021/12/17(Fri)<Closed>:
Theme | 「Choosing and Living Your Own Life」 |
Speaker | Mr. Takayoshi Kurita Recruit Co., Ltd. Chief editor of Rikunabi |
Part 1 Lecture Part 2 Q&A Corner w/ Mr. Matsuoka Part 3 「Will・Must・Can」Activity Part 4 Q&A session |

Student Voices
“Job hunting is the first decision you make in your life”. This resonates with me so much. I’m always looking for a sense of security. However, I strongly felt that I was spending my life lying to myself and not being myself. As a student who is still searching for themselves, I will now continue to try and seek the kind of life I want to lead.
(Faculty of Humanities, 3rd year)
I will start job hunting next year, but at the moment I don’t even have a sense of direction. So I decided to first decide what I want to do, how I want to work, and what kind of life I want to lead, and then set a direction. The event made me feel that there is growth in the process of making mistakes and that it is very important to struggle and recover from them. From that, I decided to actively take advantage of the opportunities provided by the school and make many mistakes in my university life.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2nd year)
Job hunting is the first choice you make in your life, so I decided that I will always take a proactive rather than a reactive approach and make my own choices.
(Faculty of Engineering, 1st year)
And more!
(Internship Center, Hailey Guo and Nozomi Aoki)