第7回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催

世界5億人が利用する語学アプリDuolingo社へ日本第一号社員として入社したCountry Managerの水谷翔氏が、1月28日(金)に京都太秦キャンパスへ来学し、参加者約30名に向けてマーケティングのワークショップとともに、実体験に基づいたご自身のキャリアを語ってくれた。

パッとしない新入社員だったが、英語を話せることでチャンスが巡ってきた。海外の大手グローバル会社の本社役員向けに英語でプレゼンテーションをしないといけない状況下、「水谷、そう言えば、英語ができたな!」と社内で出来る人がおらず、入社1年目の自分に声が掛かった。とはいえ、ビジネス英語や英語での資料作成は未経験。外資系企業に勤めた経験ある先輩社員に資料作りを教えてもらい、必死になって準備した。そして、そのプレゼンテーションをきっかけに、役員をはじめ 社内メンバーに自分を覚えてもらうことが出来た。その後の北米マーケティングにもつながった。



(人文学部 歴史文化学科 1年生)
(バイオ環境学部 バイオサイエンス学科 3年生)
(経済経営学部 経済学科 3年生)
第7回 2022年1月28日(金) <終了>:
テーマ | 「世界5億人が利用する語学アプリ Duolingo日本責任者から マーケティングの基本を学ぼう!」 |
講演者 | 水谷 翔 氏 Country Manager, Japan Duolingo |
第1部 ご講演 第2部 ワークショップ |

(インターンシップセンター 青木 望)
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?~” Boosting Your Career Through English Round 7, Hosted by the Internship Center
On Friday 28 January, we welcomed Mr. Sho Mizutani, the first employee of the Japanese branch of Duolingo, to our Kyoto Uzumasa Campus. Duolingo is a language application used by 500 million people around the world. In addition to leading a marketing workshop, Mr. Mizutani spoke about his own career and experiences to an audience of around 30 participants.
(The following is from Mr. Mizutani’s presentation)
――Mr. Mizutani’s main focus in his work as a marketer is…?

When I was in college, I didn’t do anything special. It’s funny to think about it now, and it’s not a big deal, but on Christmas Eve, my friends and I came up with the idea of dressing up as Santa Claus and handing out chocolates around campus. Strangers gave us the cold shoulder and thought we were just being frivolous, but it was still fun to see the happy reactions of the people we gave chocolates to. When I gave chocolates to a worker on campus, she was so grateful that she said, “I can make it through the day!” I was so impressed by her astonishing level of gratitude. After experiencing the joy of making people happy with my own project, I began to think that I wanted to do work where I can create new services and propagate them around the world.
When the time came for me to start job hunting, I put all my money into joining a job hunting cram school, which further enhanced this desire. As you can see from the story, my focus is on “creating my own projects, delivering them to people, and making them happy”. Considering this, I felt that getting involved in internet-based services would be good as the business cycle is fast and I would be able test my ability more often, leading to increased growth. I focused on the web industry, and was fortunate enough to work for a company whose philosophy and wavelength matched my own. Since then my focus has remained the same.
――Boosting your career through English
I want to share a story about how knowing English has given me more opportunities, more knowledge, and more income, effectively boosting my career.
I was an inconspicuous new employee, but speaking English gave me a chance. One time, someone had to give a presentation in English to the head office executive of a major global company. There was no one else in my company who could do it, but someone remembered, “Mizutani, come to think of it, you can speak English!” So I was asked to do it as a first-year employee. However, I had no experience in business English or creating documents in English. I was taught how to prepare materials by a senior employee who had experience working for a foreign company, and I worked hard to prepare. The presentation was a great opportunity for me to get myself on the radar of the executives and other company members. This led to my subsequent move into marketing in North America.
――What is the best way to study English?
I don’t know if this will help you, but in my case, I lived in the U.S. when I was in elementary school, and I was the only foreigner at the local school, not even knowing my ABCs. Naturally, I didn’t understand English or what was going on around me. On the first day of school, my mother told me, “If you really don’t understand something, just say it in Japanese and your thoughts will be conveyed, so believe in yourself”. So when a classmate tried to talk to me, I replied in Japanese, “Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying”. However, in the end, I could not get through to my classmate, and I clearly remember coming to a painful realization about the importance of English. It was an experience which taught me that although you may be filled with thoughts and feelings, they cannot be conveyed unless you put them into words.

You can find many reference books which aim for a TOEIC score of 600 to 800 in bookstores, but this is a high hurdle for those who struggled with middle school English and have a hard time with it. However, middle school English cannot be underestimated when it comes to learning the basics, and the first step is to solidify the basics. In addition to Duolingo, which allows you to learn in a game-like environment, it is also important to learn through a balanced approach of input and output, such as talking to foreigners in English and practicing shadowing.
――Why do you choose to work in Japan instead of working overseas in spite of
To tell the truth, I went through a difficult experience of having to withdraw from the market in North America, which the president had entrusted me with marketing. At that time, I strongly felt that I needed to have more experience to improve my marketing skills, so I have been challenging myself with all marketing-related jobs regardless of whether they are overseas or in Japan. I am still in the process of learning and would like to improve my skills before taking on bigger markets.

(scene from the workshop)

I decided to think about the meaning of advertisements and how their messages are delivered to us, which I had not paid much attention to before. Although people have different values, I learned that it is important to focus on a target and dig deeper into that person.
(Faculty of Humanities, Department of Japanese History and Cultural Studies, 1st year)
When we tried to decide on “Who” and “What” in the workshop, we had a big discussion in the group about what kind of person we wanted to focus on, and I felt that it was really difficult to narrow it down. I thought that I should build up a marketing mindset by watching commercials and reading newspapers on a regular basis.
(Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 3rd year)
Who is the target? What are the merits of the brand? I learned the importance of thinking through these questions. I also felt that it was difficult to summarize the various opinions that emerged in the workshop. I would like to acquire the ability to do so.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics, 3rd year)
Round 7 on 2022/1/28 (Fri) <closed>:
Theme | “Marketing Basics from the Japan Country Manager of Duolingo, an App with 500 Million Users!” |
Speaker | Mr. Sho Mizutani Japan Country Manager Duolingo Inc. |
Part 1 Presentation Part 2 Workshop |

(Internship Center, Nozomi Aoki)