第9回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催

京都・滋賀・北大阪を営業地域として地域社会の発展に寄与する京都信用金庫(以下京信)理事長 榊田 隆之氏が、4月20日(水)に京都太秦キャンパスへ来学され、100名以上の参加者に対して、スマートフォン等を活用したインタラクティブな講演を行った。テーマは「時代の潮流変化とこれからの金融のあるべき姿」。



―競争から共創へ、Commons の重要性とQuestionの存在意義

ひとつの会社で完結する時代は終わった。私の好きな言葉である Beyond Boundariesは、いわば他流試合ということだ。自分と同じような人とだけ話していてもイノベーションは起こらない。これからは他社とのコラボレーションで新しい産業を興す時代になる。



Questionにぜひ行ってみたいと思います!ありがとうございました。(経済経営学部 経営学科 3年生)
(経済経営学部 経営学科 3年生)
(人文学部 心理学科 3年生)
(経済経営学部 経営学科 4年生)
第9回 2022年4月20日(水) <終了>:
テーマ | 「自分が主人公にならないと、仕事の満足感は湧かない!」 |
講演者 | 榊田 隆之 氏 京都信用金庫 理事長 |

(インターンシップセンター 青木 望)
“Becoming a Top-tier Talent ~ How Do I Get There?” Round 9 Changing Times and the Future of Finance Hosted by the Internship Center
Takayuki Sakakida is the chairman of the board of directors at the Kyoto Shinkin Bank (Kyoshin), a company which contributes to the development of local communities in its operating regions of Kyoto, Shiga, and Kita-Osaka. Mr. Sakakida visited the Kyoto Uzumasa Campus on Wednesday, April 20 and delivered an interactive lecture using smartphones and other devices to more than 100 participants. The theme was “Changing Times and the Future of Finance.”
The lecture began with the words, “Finance is dynamic thing. I want to take time to think about the future together.” Using examples from his career, Mr. Sakakida talked about the future of financial institutions.
The participants, mostly made up of students, were able to use their smartphones to write questions and comments to which Mr. Sakakida could respond to in real time as they listened intently to his lecture. This modern style of lecture was truly indicative of the changing tide of the times.
Today’s Kyoshin, born out of valuing one’s own stance
Your own experiences and judgments inform who you are

His grandfather was the founder of Kyoshin, but he never expected to succeed him as chairman. He first visited the United States when he was in the 4th grade of elementary school and was so shocked by the culture that he decided to study in the United States when he was only 10 years old. He left his parents for Tokyo after junior high school and began studying English. His efforts paid off when he was accepted into a boarding high school on the East Coast of the United States. He spent four grueling years in the United States, struggling with racism and English, but he says he was able to gain valuable experience that was essential for his current management outlook.
He then went on to return to Japan for university and subsequently immersed himself in tennis, becoming so good that he was able to win his university tournament. After graduation, he sought a global job at the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, but following the sudden death of his father, he decided to take over at Kyoshin. He seriously hesitated over whether to succeed his father or not, and consulted many people in his circle. Mr. Sakakida believes that all his experiences have led him to where he is today, and that his current position is a calling to build up and revitalize the local community.
– The paradigm shift in finance, changing from an exclusionary to inclusive system

The world is currently undergoing drastic changes. Instead of a recurring business cycle, there is a major and substantial change in the tide, a paradigm shift. It is important not to be a person who laments that the future of the world is uncertain, but to create a flexible self that can adapt to any changes.
The current 21st century-style organization has been exclusionary, but now it must become inclusive. Regional financial institutions as well as society itself are urged to embrace this change. For example, financial institutions are sometimes thought to give the cold shoulder to small business partners, those without track records or collateral (i.e. startups), and those with slumping business performance. This kind of behavior is exclusionary thinking.
On the other hand, if we think in an inclusive way we should consider how to connect people and help those in real need. This inclusive nature is essential to Kyoshin’s philosophy of the “busybody banker.” We are entering an era in which financial institutions cannot survive unless they actively provide support not only for financial issues as in the past, but also for more substantial tasks such as business expansion, personnel development, and cost control.
-Customer focus, not sales performance, solves regional issues

Focusing on problem solving also means that bank employees will need to be thoroughly customer-oriented rather than focused on their own earning figures. Mr. Sakakida gives an example of when the sales of a particular regional strawberry farm slumped due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. The sales representative in charge put his wits to work, consulting with his colleagues to conceive the idea of “mobile strawberry picking.” As a result of cooperation with the sales representatives of the farm, Kyoshin established the first mobile strawberry picking in a prime location, the rooftop space of Abeno Harukas Kintetsu Main Store in Osaka. By working in tandem with the client farm, a new business opportunity was able to be established. The client went on to praise the representative, saying that they wanted to have the sales representative by their side permanently. This example is an ideal form of the “Kyoto busybody banker” that Kyoshin values.
In order to take this initiative one step further, two young people in their twenties became co-presidents of the Kyoshin Jinzai Bank, which incorporates the local human resources network. This is a mechanism to encourage personnel exchanges among business partners. As a result of this, Kyoshin was able to connect a long-established Japanese confectionery maker in Kyoto, who had been struggling with social media management, with an industry professional from an Osaka manufacturer who had long been engaged in digital marketing, and have them work for the confectionery maker as a side job. The digital marketing professional wanted to make extensive use of the social networking system and know-how they had worked so hard to build for the community. Expanding one’s circle through empathy, including not only one’s abilities but also their ideas, is an important perspective needed to solve regional issues.
The future as seen by Mr. Sakakida
-From competition to collaboration, the importance of the Commons and the raison d’etre of Question

Gone are the days of everything being done by one company. Beyond Boundaries, is a favorite term of Mr. Sakakida, You can’t innovate by talking only to people like you. From now on, there will be an era of collaboration with other companies to create new industries.
Looking ahead to this era, he built a facility aptly called Question in the heart of Kyoto. The facility is not only a modern communal working space, but is also a forum for questions. People are free to write local issues on the bulletin board, and 200 professionals in various fields come by to offer solutions. The participants usually have different jobs, but they are connected by a common desire to solve social problems. The 21st century is the age of networking. The Internet is important, but having a common area for sharing ideas can strengthen the connection between people. Question also has a space for students, so we encourage you to participate sometime.
-Aiming to be a true social company
In addition to its clients in the small startup slump, Kyoshin wants to tap into financial inclusivity in another “S”: social enterprises. To be a social company, consumer awareness and corporate awareness must both change at the same time. To kickstart this, Kyoshin has started public certification as an initiative to support businesses. In the future, it plans to turn 80% of its borrowers into social enterprises. Next, as a mechanism to change the consumer side, they launched a new project called Social Good Deposit. It’s a service that allows depositors to decide what social issues their funds are being used to solve. For the time being, it is being solely led by Kyoshin, but it will hopefully become mainstream in the coming years.

Mr. Sakakida sees the current era as diverse and complex, but conversely, a world that can be made simple through the power of communication and dialogue. Kyoshin repeatedly holds interactive meetings with its 2000 employees and values bottom-up ideas, resulting in such changes as the elimination of quotas and dress codes.

Finally, Mr. Sakakida gave some advice to students set to join the workforce. A good company is not only about good principles, but also ideas and a climate that makes people excited, and whether or not the people working there are excited. Mr. Sakakida hopes that students will create a new era with this way of thinking.

Student Voices
I would love to visit Question! Thank you very much.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, 3rd Year)
It was very helpful to hear about Mr. Sakakida’s actual experience as a manager. I was worried that if I got a job that I didn’t like, I would quit right away, but after listening to Mr. Sakakida’s story, I began to think that I should try hard things first and keep trying until I’m able to do them properly. I know there will be a lot of hard and unpleasant things coming, but I want to have patience and work hard at my future job.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, 3rd Year)
I was able to learn the mindset that will be important for me going forward in life. Instead of just being brand-conscious and joining a major company, I should choose a “good company” where I can work passionately. To do this, I wanted to actively interact with people from different fields than my own, broaden my horizons, and live with the mindset to develop a flexible attitude free from preconceived notions.
(Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology, 3rd Year)
The image I had of financial institutions has been transformed. I also asked him about his thoughts as a chairman of Kyoto Shinkin Bank and what a truly social society should be, and I felt that I will take the values I internalize into the outside world when I join the workforce next year.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, 4th Year)
Round 9, Wednesday, April 20, 2022:
Theme | “Find fulfillment in work: Become your own protagonist!” |
Speakers | Mr. Takayuki Sakakida The Kyoto Shinkin Bank Chairman |

(Internship Center: Nozomi Aoki)