第11回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催

2022年11月18日(金)、セイコーエプソン株式会社取締役会長の碓井稔氏を京都太秦キャンパスにお招きし、第11回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?」(主催:インターンシップセンター)を開催いたしました。グループ連結従業員数77,000人を超える企業の経営者として、組織を動かす心構えやインクジェットプリンター開発の歩みなどを約50人の参加者に向けてご講演いただきました。碓井氏は、ご自身が大切にされている行動指針「本質を究めて、極める」に触れられ、高い志やビジョン、自らの世界観を持つ重要性などについて、トップエンジニアと経営者の2つのお立場から語っていただきました。
同社で長く開発に携わってきたご経験から、モノづくりには本質的なニーズを見極めて取り組む必要があることを強調。また同社のパーパスである「省・小・精(パーパス | 理念 | エプソン (corporate.epson))」の考えから、(製造技術の進化によって)製品化した実例も紹介いただきました。
EPSONに込めた想い ~セイコーエプソン株式会社について~
セイコーエプソン株式会社のブランド名であるEPSONは、事業領域を広げる発端となった小型軽量デジタルプリンター「EP-101」Electric Printerの頭文字と、様々な分野で価値ある製品を多く生み出す思いを込めた「SON(子ども)」が由来となっています。
同社はお客様だけでなく社会にとっても「なくてはならない会社」の実現を目指しています。例えば使用済み用紙から新たな紙を作り出す技術を製品化(Paper Lab)するなど、地域環境と社会に対する取組に貢献し続けています。SDGsが声高に叫ばれる昨今、経営理念を具現化すべく同社は持続可能な社会の実現にも取り組んでいます。
(経済経営学部 経済学科 4年生)
(経済経営学部 経営学科 3年生)
It was enlightening to see that Usui-san was still able to land himself in a stable and rewarding career, despite not having been able to pursue his desired course of study back in university while being unsure of his future, contrary to what is usually perceived.
(工学部 機械電気システム工学科 2年生)

第11回 2022年11月18日(金) <終了>:
テーマ | 「究めて極めるとは? / 0から1を生み出す思考法を知ろう!」 |
講演者 | 碓井 稔 氏 セイコーエプソン株式会社取締役会長 |

(インターンシップセンター 中西善彦)
“Becoming a Top Tier Talent ~How do I get there? ~” Philosophy of an Engineer and Business Manager Round 11 – Sponsored by the Internship Center.
On Friday, November 18th, Mr. Minoru Usui, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Seiko Epson Corporation visited the Kyoto Uzumasa Campus for Round 11 of “Becoming a Top Tier Talent ~How do I get there?~” (Organized by the Internship Center). Mr. Usui, who is the Chairman of a group company with over 77,000 employees, spoke about his mindset as a business leader and on the development of the inkjet printer to about 50 participants. Mr. Usui spoke from his position as both a top engineer and business manager, emphasizing his guiding principle of “mastering mastery”; the importance of one’s worldview having high aspirations and vision.
This round was the first to feature simultaneous interpretation and was well attended by international students who aspire to be engineers in the future.
-Evolution of printer technology
After joining the company in 1979, Mr. Usui worked the design department for mini printers and subsequently on the development team of a video and inkjet printer. From 1990, he was involved in the development of a micro piezo technology and served as a top engineer in the printer development department. Based on this experience, he emphasized the importance of identifying and addressing essential needs in manufacturing. Mr. Usui also introduced examples of products that Seiko Epson had developed based on the company philosophy of “Efficient, Small and Precise.”
The printing business accounts for about 70% of Seiko Epson Group’s revenue, but the inkjet printhead that Mr. Usui created is not limited to paper printing, but is constantly evolving and is now being applied to commercial fashion textile printing among various other industrial fields.
-Philosophy as a leader
Mr. Usui became president of Seiko Epson in 2008, the timing of which provided a serious challenge with the global financial crisis. He focused on the company founding philosophy of giving sincere effort and being an indispensable company. By pursuing customer value, he was able to led the company for over 12 years.
In his speech, he spoke passionately about his 10 guiding points as a leader, such as having high passion and ambition, always having a sense of purpose, and conveying one’s passion to motivate employees.
Mr. Usui said that to maximize growth in a large organization, it is important to have a balance between a top-down and bottom-up approach. Being an avid fan of soccer, he drew the comparison of the management of a company to a soccer team, saying it is important to maximize the overall strength of the organization by balancing the high abilities and aspirations of each individual with teamwork.
Despite his current high position in the company, Mr. Usui maintained the importance to have a pulse on the ground-level of the company, making sure to visit development facilities and factories.
-About Seiko Epson
EPSON, the brand name of Seiko Epson Corporation, is derived from the initials of the “EP -101” Electric Printer, a small, lightweight digital printer that initiated the expansion of the company’s business domain, and “SON” (child), which expresses the desire to create many valuable products in various fields.
Seiko Epson aims to be an indispensable company not only to consumers, but also to society. For example, by developing technology to be able to reuse paper (Paperlab), they are contributing to various environmental protection initiatives. With SDGs being the focus of much attention in recent years, Seiko Epson is working to incorporating sustainability into its management philosophy.
Student Voices
I was very pleased to hear Mr. Usui’s explanation of the history of inkjet printers and their structure in an easy-to-understand manner, as well as important points for life and leadership in organizations which I hope I can apply in my own future.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Economics Department, 4th Year)
It was interesting to learn about Seiko Epson’s transition from developing new technology to identifying the market and taking the helm of challenging business development. In addition to his awareness as a business manager, the detailed explanation of printer technology gave me a sense of the splendor of technological development.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Business Administration Department, 3rd Year)
It was enlightening to see that Usui-san was still able to land himself in a stable and rewarding career, despite not having been able to pursue his desired course of study back in university while being unsure of his future, contrary to what is usually perceived.
(Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering, 2nd Year)
I identified with the idea of “powering your dreams!” that Mr. Usui spoke about in the lecture. As a manager I also believe that the most important thing is to realize your dream. Listening to this speech, I was able to reaffirm my high aspirations, positive thinking, and unwavering determination to keep pushing forward.
(Business School(MBA)Enrolled Student, Representative Director of a company)

Theme | “Exceed Your Vision: Lessons from the Father of the Inkjet Printer” |
Speaker | Mr. Minoru Usui Chairman and Director, Seiko Epson Corporation |

(Internship Center, Yoshihiko Nakanishi)