第12回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催

2023年1月10日(火)、キウイを販売するゼスプリインターナショナル株式会社から登壇者をお招きし、第12回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?」(主催:インターンシップセンター)を開催しました。
今回のイベントは、ニュージーランド(以下、「NZ」)からオンラインで接続されたリビー・トゥエス氏(External Relations Advisor)と、京都太秦キャンパスで登壇された佐藤真史氏(執行役員カスタマーサクセス担当バイスプレジデント)2名によるハイブリッド形式にて実施しました。主に、トゥエス氏はゼスプリ独自のビジネス構造を説明いただき、佐藤氏は日本市場のマーケット戦略について語っていただきました。講演はすべて英語で行われ、約30人の学生と教職員の参加者にとって国際企業での成功に必要なグローバル視点やスキルに対する新しい理解を得る機会となりました。
- 同社は約30年間、キウイのみで経営を持続。
- 自社では生産を行わず、NZを始め世界各国の自作農と連携してキウイの輸出、マーケティング、果樹園芸等に注力。日本国内においてもわずかながら厳しい基準をクリアしたゼスプリ認定商品あり。
(経済経営学部 経済学科 2年生)
(経済経営学部 経済学科 4年生)
(人文学部 心理学科 1年生)

第12回 2023年1月10日(火) <終了>:
テーマ | 「成長の可能性を引き出す /ゼスプリの日本におけるマーケット戦略」 |
講演者 | 佐藤真史 氏 ゼスプリインターナショナル株式会社 執行役員カスタマーサクセス担当バイスプレジデント トゥエス・リビー 氏 ゼスプリインターナショナル株式会社 External Relations Advisor |

(インターンシップセンター グオ・ヘイリー)
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How do I get there? ~” From New Zealand to Japan – Bringing Value Through Kiwifruit Round 12 – Organized by the Internship Center
On Tuesday, January 10th, KUAS welcomed two guests from kiwifruit marketing giant, Zespri International, for our first “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” event for 2023.
This event was conducted in a hybrid format, with one guest connecting online live from New Zealand while the other presented in-person at our Kyoto Uzumasa Campus. The guest speakers for this event were Ms. Libby Twiss, External Relations Advisor and Mr. Masafumi Sato, Vice President of Customer Success, Japan. Ms.Twiss joined the event virtually from New Zealand to outline Zespri’s unique business structure and Mr. Sato joined in person to provide insights into Japan as a key market. The event was held entirely in English, and around 30 student and staff participants came away with a newfound appreciation for the global mindset and skills necessary for success in international business.
– Uniquely Zespri
When it comes to kiwifruit, the biggest name in the industry is undoubtedly Zespri. Through the presentations, participants were made privy to some surprising facts behind Zespri’s success, such as:
- Zespri only sells one product – kiwifruit!
- Despite this, they do not actually grow or pack any fruit. Instead, they handle the logistics of selling kiwifruit: exporting, marketing and innovating of fruits grown in New Zealand and around the world.
- Zespri operate under a ‘single desk’ model. This means that exports are regulated and Zespri is the primary exporter of New Zealand-grown kiwifruit to all countries other than Australia. This eliminates the need for competition between growers and packhouses, enabling more resources to be pooled into branding.
Thanks to such strategies, kiwifruit is now New Zealand’s largest horticultural export, making up over half of the country’s output.
– Zespri Global Supply and Japan as a Grower
Participants also learned that a key factor behind achieving high sales is Zespri Global Supply. As a horticultural product, New Zealand grown kiwifruit are only available for around 8 months of the year from the southern hemisphere. In the months when New Zealand fruit is unavailable, growers in the northern hemisphere help make up the gap and contribute to Zespri’s mission of providing top-quality kiwifruit year-round. Zespri has been working with growers in Japan since 2001,which has the added benefit of providing much needed investment to rural areas, creating new jobs and contributing to regional revitalization.
– Japan as a Key Market
Zespri does careful research before attempting entry into a new market, making investments in branding using tailored consumer insights. This has paid off in Japan, which is currently the second largest market and fastest growing. However, this was not always the case, as Mr. Sato recalled with irony. Kiwifruit was not a popular commodity in 1991 when he transitioned from a major travel agency into kiwifruit sales. They had the image of being too sour, which differed from what Japanese consumers expected of fruits. This began to shift with the introduction of “SunGold”, a newly developed sweeter variety with a yellowish-gold color. Today, Zespri Japan continues to meet market needs through sales and branding tactics such as the creation of the “Kiwi Brothers” mascot characters, which are also popular among KUAS students. Audience members enjoyed watching recent “Kiwi Brothers” television commercials and hearing about the background of the marketing campaign, with one student even expressing her interest in obtaining elusive Kiwi Brothers merchandise. Due in part to such efforts, kiwifruit consumption in Japan has increased dramatically in the past 25 years, from only 2 fruits per person per annum to 8. With further varieties in the works and plans for new domestic orchards, Zespri looks set to continue to grow and bring value to Japan through the goodness of kiwifruit.
Participant Voices
It was very insightful to hear that an increase in value is necessary for the growth of a company. I don’t usually eat fruit, so I didn’t eat kiwifruits either, but I was interested to know that red kiwifruits are being produced and to see the Kiwi Brothers.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Economics Department, 2nd Year)
I felt that in business, marketing is important for products that are close to their original unprocessed state, such as fruit. It was good to learn about Zespri’s innovative promotional strategies and its objectives.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Business Administration Department, 4th Year)
I learned that kiwifruits were not well accepted in the Japanese market due to their sour image. I also learned that companies in New Zealand are successfully entering the Japan market and other countries, which reminded me of the importance of marketing strategies.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Business Administration Department, Faculty Member)

Round 12 Tuesday, January 10, 2023:
Theme | “Unlocking growth potential: Zespri’s market strategy in Japan” |
Speakers | 1) Mr. Masafumi Sato Zespri International (Japan) K.K, Vice-President of Customer Success 2) Ms. Libby Twiss Zespri International, External Relations Advisor |

(Internship Center, Hailey Guo)