第14回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」開催

2023年11月27日(月)に開催した第14回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」(本学太秦キャンパス開催)では「Politics meets Technologies 政治とテクノロジーは切っても切れなくなった」をテーマに開催し、JSR株式会社の社長などを歴任された小柴満信氏にご講演いただきました。外国人学生も含む60名以上の学生が参加しました。

小柴 満信氏
Cdots合同会社 共同創業者、JSR株式会社 元名誉会⻑
1955年東京⽣まれ。1978年千葉⼤学⼯学部卒業および同⼤学院修了。⽶国ウィスコンシン州⽴⼤学⼤学院材料科学科に留学後、1981年⽇本合成ゴム株式会社(現JSR株式会社)に⼊社。同社にて半導体材料の開発に従事され、社長、会長を歴任。経済同友会副代表幹事としては、経済安全保障や海外との交流・関係構築などを担当。現在は商船三井の社外取締役などを務める⼀⽅、Cdots合同会社 (シンクタンク)を設⽴し、政府への政策提案やスタートアップ支援など幅広く手掛けておられます。

(経済経営学部 経済学科 2年生)
(健康医療学部 看護学科 4年生)
(経済経営学部 経済学科 2年生)
It’s my very first time joining a top-tier talent event. I really enjoyed Mr. Koshiba’s presentation regarding the semiconductor, and it broadened my knowledge. I am looking forward to joining the next ones.
(工学部 機械電気システム工学科 3年 留学生)

第14回 2023年11月27日(月) <終了>
テーマ | Politics meets Technologies 政治とテクノロジーは切っても切れなくなった |
講演者 | 小柴 満信氏 Cdots合同会社 共同創業者 JSR株式会社 元名誉会長 経済同友会 元副代表幹事 |

(インターンシップ推進課 乾芙美香)
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent”~How do I get there?~Round 14
On Monday, November 27th, KUAS welcomed Mr. Mitsunobu Koshiba to Kyoto Uzumasa Campus for the 14th “Becoming a Top-tier Talent” event on “Politics Meets Technologies: What Has Now Become Inseparable.” Mr. Koshiba is the former Chairman of JSR Corporation, former vice-chairman of KEIZAI DOYUKAI, and currently co-founder of think-tank Cdots GK. Over 60 students attended the lecture. Mr. Koshiba spoke on the future of a variety of topics tailored to the academic interests of our students, including geopolitics, entrepreneurism, artificial intelligence, semiconductors, quantum computing, and biotechnology. The speech included specialized knowledge in fields that are sure to prove useful for students looking forward to the future, especially those interested in becoming entrepreneurs themselves.

You Cannot Speak on the Future of the State or of Business Without Mentioning Technology!
When analyzing history through the lens of long-term cycles, it becomes apparent that the wars and tensions currently occurring have also happened in the past, and that global dominance passes over periodically as it once did from the British Empire to the United States. The power of a nation is tightly linked to its technology, as demonstrated by British strength after the Industrial Revolution, followed by America’s dominance with the advent of cars and electronics, and again with the development of semiconductors. These technologies have brought about significant changes in American society and the country finds itself in the midst of an ongoing socioeconomic cycle. For businesses, quickly adopting the latest technology is an important priority, gaining a competitive edge for both the business and the nation as a whole. Current big-tech companies are an example of companies that managed to quickly adopt advances in AI technology. Current trends in cutting-edge technology look to include quantum computing and biotechnology such as genetically modified bacteria.
Current Trends in Japan
On the unending march of global technological innovation, Japan’s “Lost Decades” have stemmed from the nation’s failure to ride the three major waves of the past (semiconductors, the Internet, and AI). But now, right as a once-every-fifty-year revolution is seemingly about to begin, Japan is fast approaching a critical moment. Within this context, Japan is investing in semiconductor technology through the likes of Rapidus and supporting the development of a Kumamoto factory by top Taiwanese manufacturer TSMC. Similarly in the field of quantum technology, Japan is conducting joint research with the United States while also collaborating in technological development through the Quad, a partnership among Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. Mr. Koshiba himself serves as one of the 5 Japanese representatives of this agreement.
Mr. Koshiba’s message to Students
“By the time you go out into the world, the world will likely be a very different place with society at the cusp of a new cycle. It is important to learn new technologies, how they can be utilized, and how they will impact society to think about what they mean for your future. As the people who will support the future of our society, the transforming times of the 2020s will present a large opportunity for you, and I hope you will keep in mind the importance of technology within the framework of politics and business as you immerse yourselves in your studies.”
About Mr. Koshiba
Co-founder of Cdots GK, Former Chairman of JSR Corporation, Former Vice-Chairman of KEIZAI DOYUKAI
Born in Tokyo in 1955. Graduated from Chiba University’s Faculty of Engineering in 1978 before also completing his Master’s Degree there.Studied abroad at the University of Wisconsin-Madison before joining Japan Rubber Corporation in 1981 (Now JSR Corporation) developing semiconductor technology, eventually rising to become CEO and Chairman.As Vice-Chairman of KEIZAI DOYUKAI was in charge of economic security and building relations with global partners.Currently, an Independent Director of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, while co-founding think-tank Cdots GK to make policy proposals to the government and support start-ups.

Students’ Voices
I learned about fields I never knew before which broadened my perspective. For the first time, I felt like I wanted to learn more in-depth after learning something new.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics 2nd Year)
I learned about technology, an area I wasn’t really familiar with before, and how it impacts society and the economy.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration 2nd Year)
I myself am hoping to begin a start-up that can grow beyond just Japan, and I was able to hear about what is required to do so as well as what investors and venture capital firms look for in Japanese start-ups.”(Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Nursing 4th Year)
I enjoyed learning more about an unfamiliar field. I was very impressed by the fact that bacteria-grown fibers can be used to reduce the burden on the environment.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration 2nd Year)
It’s my very first time joining a top-tier talent event. I really enjoyed Mr Koshiba’s presentation regarding the semiconductor, and it broadened my knowledge. I am looking forward to joining the next ones.
(Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering 3rd Year)

Round 14 Monday, November 27, 2023
Theme | ~Politics Meets Technologies: What Has Now Become Inseparable~ |
Speakers | Mr. Mitsunobu Koshiba Cdots GK (Think-tank) – Co-Founder JSR Corporation – Former Chairman KEIZAI DOYUKAI – Former Vice-Chairman |

(Fumika INUI, Internship Division)