
2024年4月15日(月)に実施した今年度第一弾となる「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」(本学太秦キャンパス開催)では、大手化粧品会社キャリアカウンセリンググループの九鬼邦光氏と内田勝俊氏をお招きし、「人生100年時代の働き方~企業を知る、自分を知る~」をテーマにご講演いただきました。当日は就職活動を控えた3年生を中心に約40名の学生が参加し、終始真剣な眼差しで話を聞き、講演内でのディスカッションにも積極的に取り組む姿が見られました。










(経済経営学部経営学科 2年生)

(人文学部心理学科 3年生)

(経済経営学部経済学科 3年生)


第16回 2024年4月15日(火) <終了>

テーマ人生100年時代の働き方 ~企業を知る、自分を知る~
講演者九鬼 邦光氏
内田 勝俊氏
大手化粧品会社 キャリアカウンセリンググループ

(インターンシップ推進課 乾 芙美香)

“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How do I get there?~”2024 Round 1

On Monday, April 15th, KUAS welcomed Mr. Kunimitsu Kuki and Mr. Katsutoshi Uchida, Career Counsellors at a top cosmetics firm in Japan, for the first “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” lecture series of the 2024 academic year, where they spoke on the topic Your “100-year Life” Career: Finding Your Place in the Professional World. The event was attended by more than 40 KUAS students, many of whom were 3rd year students just starting their job-hunting journey, and they were seen listening intently to the speakers as well as actively engaging with the discussion activities.

Commemorative photo with participants

Understanding “Company Culture” and “Your Culture”

It is important to understand both a company’s culture (the distinct personality and atmosphere of a company) and your own culture (your personal values and perspectives) via a variety of means and to “adapt your culture to that of the company” when working. Doing so often leads to opportunities for personal growth.

In terms of job hunting, it becomes vital to understand your own personal values, determine whether they can match with those of a company, highlight the matching points in applications and interviews, and to work on improving skills that are valued by the company. However, Mr. Kuki emphasized the importance of “also bringing out a part of your identity”.

What’s Needed in Today’s Age is Adaptability and Identity!

We now live in an overlap of both the VUCA age and the 100-Year Life era characterized by a large increase in the percentage of the population that will live to see 100 years of age. Conversely, the average “age” of a business in Japan is a mere 23.3 years old, underscoring the fact your work environment can change even for major corporations, which can still be affected by M&A’s and bankruptcy. In order to thrive in this uncertain time, you must learn to adapt to your surroundings. “By refining your own uniqueness and identity, you can practice independent career development, becoming closer to the kind of Top-Tier Talent needed in our society,” Mr. Kuki added.

Finally, the importance of reflecting on your past in order to evaluate oneself. Eliminating any preconceptions and challenging yourself to things you find difficult. “You miss every shot you don’t take, the possibilities are limitless,” they concluded, prompting students to nurture their ability to thrive in the future.

Mr. Kuki, speaking of his current dream of becoming a radio hos
Mr. Uchida, reflecting on his experiences carving his own path during various turning points in his life

Students’ Voices

I was worried about my job-hunting, but learning about company culture and how to carry myself helped me see where to focus on going forward.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration 2nd Year)

With the guidance of Mr. Kuki and Mr. Uchida, I feel that I want to live my life remembering to stay flexible and adaptable.
(Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology 3rd Year)

This was an opportunity to reflect on my thoughts and opinions, and I intend to share what I learned with my friends and family.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration 3rd Year)

A student asking about what to do when self-reflection leads to pessimistic thoughts
Students engaged in additional discussions with Mr. Kuki, Mr. Uchida and Ms. Ogawa

“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How do I get there?~” 2024 Round

ThemeYour “100-Year Life” Carrer: Finding Your Place in the Professional World
SpeakersMr. Kunimitsu Kuki
Mr. Katsutoshi Uchida
Major Cosmetics Firm – Career Counselling Groupグループ

(Fumika INUI, Internship Division)