Typo in the Departure Time of The Route 60 Bus Timetable

A typo has been found in the route 60, Kameoka campus to JR Kameoka station, bus time schedule issued by Keihan Kyoto Bus. 

Departure at 17:50

Departure at 17:53

The correct departure time is 17:53, even if the timetable at the bus stop says 17:50.
Please note that the correct departure time is 17:53.

10 minutes by bus from JR Kameoka Station

From JR Kameoka Station to Kameoka Campus (Route 57 and Route 60)

WeekdaysSaturdays and holidays
708 28 51708 35
807 29 37 49 50807 35
905 06 11 13 43915 45
1000 ​​​​​​30 32 1015 35
1100 15 451115 35
1215 451215 45
1315 451315 45
1415 451415 45
1515 451515 45
1600 33 451600 45
1701 32 491705 49
1810 35 491810 35
1911 321911 47
2005 4120 

From Kameoka Campus to JR Kameoka Station (Route 57 and Route 60)

WeekdaysSaturdays and holidays
725 45723 50
811 29 47822 50
916 36930
1003 15 471000 30 50
1115 301130 50
1200 38 501238
1300 301300 30
1400 38 551400 38
1500 301500 30
1600 15 40 ​​481615 36
1700 25 531700 23
1808 28 531808 53
1911 30 501926

Points to note when riding the buses

・Commuter passes for public transportation can only be purchased up to the station nearest the campus where the student takes classes. (Commuter passes cannot be purchased to campuses where students engage in extracurricular activities only.)

【About Discount Tickets】

(Available for the following routes: Kameoka Campus – JR Kameoka Station, Kameoka Campus – via Hankyu Katsura Station East Exit – JR Katsuragawa Station, Uzumasa Campus – Kyoto Kameoka Campus)

  • Discount bus tickets are available only at the university. They cannot be purchased at Keihan-Kyoto Kotsu counters.
  • This service is available only to KUAS students.
  • These tickets cannot be used on other Keihan-Kyoto Kotsu routes.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • In accordance with the price revision from June 1, 2024, if you use the old ticket book, please pay the difference in cash. Note that you cannot get a refund on the purchased ticket book.

【Keihan Kyoto Kotsu Contact Information】

  • Information desk in front of JR Kameoka Station Tel: 0771-23-4511
  • Hankyu Katsura Station East Exit Information Center Tel: 075-391-8888
  • Weekday Hours: 7:30 – 13:00, 14:00 – 20:00
  • Saturday and Holiday Hours: 9:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 19:00