KUAS Library System
Student & Faculty Services

Library Hours
Library Hours
Campus | Library Hours | |
Kameoka Campus | Librar | LibrarySchedule |
Annex | ||
Uzumasa Campus | North Library | LibrarySchedule |
South Library |
Using the Libraries
- The following persons are eligible to use the KUAS Library System.
- Faculty and staff (including professors emeritus)
- University students (including non-degree students, auditing students, non-traditional students and research students)
- Graduate students of the university (including non-degree students, auditing students and non-traditional students)
- Alumni
- Persons who have worked as faculty of staff of the university
- General members of the public (persons who live near KUAS)Click here for the Non-student Services page
- Any other person authorized by the Library Director
Library Rules
- A student / employee ID card or library card is required to enter the library and when borrowing media or using library facilities.
- Cell phone calls, smoking, eating and drinking are not allowed in the library.
- Bags and other personal items may be brought into the library. Please place wet umbrellas in the umbrella stand or inside a plastic bag.
- Do not leave personal belongings or books unattended. Always hold on to valuables.
- Please handle library materials with care. Please do not fold pages, draw lines or write in notes in the books. If a book is defaced or lost, the persons responsible will be required to pay for the damages.
- Visitors may be asked to leave if they disrupt other users or do not follow the instructions of the staff.
- ard-operated copy machines are available in the libraries.
- Black-and-white copies costs 1 card point (10 yen). Color copies cost 5 points (50 yen).
- Copy machines do not accept cash.
- Copy cards are available at the counter.
- Two varieties of copy card are available: 50-point (500 yen) and 100-point (1000 yen).
- Only library media may be copied.
Please only make copies extent allowed by copyright. The user assumes all responsibility for copyright.
Copyright Allowances
Works may be partially copied on the condition that all reproduction is for the purpose of individual research and study.
Not more than half of all pages should be copied. When multiple works by different authors form a single volume, less than half of each work should be copied.
Magazines and Newspapers
In the case of latest issues, less than half of the individual works (articles) should be copied. If a considerable period of time has elapsed since publication, such as when a newer issue has been published, the entirety of individual works may be reproduced.
Borrowing Limits
borrow limit | borrow period | |
undergrad student | 10 books | 2 weeks |
grad student | 20 books | 8 weeks |
employee | Unlimited | Unlimited |
faculty | Unlimited | Unlimited |
general public | 3books | 2 weeks |
- Only books can be borrowed from the library. Newspapers, magazines, etc. cannot be checked out.
- Please present a student ID, employee ID or library card when borrowing a book.
- Persons who do not present proper ID will not be allowed to borrow any media.
- Please return books at the counter.
- Do not return directly to the bookshelf without going through the counter.
- Please note that late returns will result in a temporary suspension of borrowing privileges.
- If a book is lost or damaged, please report it to the counter immediately.
- When returning books after hours, please use the After Hours Return Post next to the entrance of the Kameoka Campus Library, or the After Hours Return Post located at the west entrance of the Uzumasa Campus Library.
- Books cannot be returned after hours at the Kameoka Campus Library Annex. Please return books to the counter during library hours.
- If a book is not reserved by another library user by the return date, an extension can be requested.
- Please bring the book and proper ID to the counter by the return date to request an exension.
- If the due date of the book has passed, extensions cannot be provided.
- If another library user reserves a book that is being borrowed on extension, that book must be returned immediately.
- Extensions can be requested online. To do so, please apply for a login and password to online services (My Library). Please visit the counter to apply.
- If a book is already being borrowed by another library user, a reservation can be requested at the counter.
- A reservation can also be made online. To do so, please apply for a login and password to online services (My Library). Please visit the counter to apply.
Organization System
Locating books
ホFrom the Library main page, click on KUAS OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) to go to the search page. Searches may be performed from off-campus via the internet. For details, please refer to the OPAC Operation Manual.
How to read call numbers
The “Classification Number” is a useful way to find books. This is a numerical representation of the subject of the book.

Code in the blue circle: indicates the classification number.
Code in the red circle (top): indicates the author and title of the media.
Code in the red circle (bottom): indicates the book number (if it is part of a series).
Books on the same subject are arranged in the same section of the bookshelf, so the classification number can be used to go directly to that bookshelf and search for related material.This code is used as a guide when searching for media.
Location of Media
Books may be located in the Kameoka Library, the Uzumasa Libraries, faculty offices, or elsewhere.
- Please ask at the counter about using the media in faculty members’ offices. (This service is available to students and faculty only).
- Some of the materials in the Kameoka Campus Library are located in reading rooms and some are in the archives. Library visitors can use the media in the archives by filling out a “Browsing Pass” at the counter, or by applying for access to the archives.
- Members of the public are not allowed to enter the archives. Please ask at the counter to use the materials in the archives.
Lending Classification
This information designates the the media as available for borrowing or not.
- Media marked as “NO LOAN” (禁帯出) cannot be borrowed from the library.
- Media marked as “LOAN OK” (帯出可) can be borrowed from the library.
Book Arrangement
How to read spine stickers
At the KUAS Library System, materials other than general books are distinguished by a sticker on the spine. Book stickers are as follows.
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
NO LOAN | Textbook | Designated Reading |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Qualification Manual | Local History (etc.) Document | Large Book |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
White Papers and Statistics | Bibliography | SENBUNKO |
※Materials with a NO LOAN sticker on them cannot be borrowed. Please use these in the library. Other materials may be borrowed, even if they have their own unique designation sticker on them.
※Senbunko is a collection of materials related to the tea ceremony.
Media Retrieval
If the libraries on one campus do not have the materials required, a request can be made for an inter-campus interlibrary loan. Please ask at the library counter to request a loan.
※Books cannot be loaned back and forth from the Kameoka Campus Main Library and the Kameoka Annex Library
Requesting Off-campus Media
This service is only available to students and faculty.
If a library visitor discovers that the book they ned is not held by the KUAS Library System, they can request media from other libraries.
It is possible to search for media held by other university libraries throughout Japan on the National Institute of Informatics’ CiNii database.
※If you wish to visit other university libraries, you may need a letter of introduction issued by the KUAS Library System. If you wish to visit other university libraries, you may need a letter of introduction issued by the KUAS Library System. However, in some cases, you may not need a letter of introduction if KUAS has an agreement with that university. For more information, please refer to the University Consortium Unified Browsing System and the Kyoto Area Council.
Interlibrary Services (borrowing and copying materials from other libraries)
University libraries collect a wide variety of books and materials, but there is a natural limit to the number of books and materials that can be collected in just one university.
Thus, the KUAS Library System has signed cooperative agreements with other university libraries for mutual use.
Available interlibrary services
1.Photocopying services (pick up location: library counter)
Segments of journal articles, newspapers or books held at other libraries can be copied and sent to KUAS upon request.
- The requester asked to bear the cost of the photocopying and postage.
- Please fill out the relevant request form and submit it at the library counter.
2.Media borrowing services
Books can be borrowed by mail from other libraries and viewed within the KUAS Library System.
- These books cannot be taken out of the library.
- The types of materials available and the length of their loan period depends on what library they are borrowed from.
- The borrower is responsible for the cost of postage.
- Please fill out the relevant request form and submit it at the library counter.
3.Browsing services
KUAS students and faculty can visit the libraries of other universities to browse their materials. You will need a letter of introduction from the KUAS Library System and a Interlibrary Browsing Pass to do so.
Using the Kyoto Prefectural Library Network (K-Libnet)
KUAS library patrons can borrow books and other materials held by Kyoto Prefecture’s public libraries. Holdings can be browsed via the Kyoto Prefectural Library Catalog Network.
- Borrowed media can be taken out and read at home.
- Requested media will arrive within one to two weeks.
- There is no charge for this service.
- Please fill out the relevant request form and submit it at the library counter.
Using the National Diet Library’s Digitization & Transfer Services
The KUAS Library System provides access to digitized materials from the National Diet Library that are difficult to otherwise obtain due to being out of print or for other reasons. This service is available for materials in the National Diet Library’s Digital Collection that are checked as “Transferrable Materials”.
- To use these services, please make a request at the library counter during following hours.
- Kameoka Library
On days where the library is open until 7:00PM: Opening Time – 5:00PM
On days where the library is open until 5:00PM: Opening Time – 12:00PM - Uzumasa Libraries
10:00AM – 5:00PM - Browsing is free, and can be done for one hour at a time.
- Photocopies are available at cost. Black and white copies are 20 yen per sheet, color copies are 60 yen per sheet. The library staff will make these copies and issue them at a later date.
Use the Consortium of Universities Kyoto Common Browsing System and Kyoto Area Council Common Browsing Pass
The Consortium of Universities Kyoto Common Browsing System allows patrons to browse materials held by member universities and junior colleges by simply presenting their ID card.
The Private University Libraries Association (Kyoto District Council) Common Browsing Pass allows patrons to browse media at the partner libraries of private universities in Kyoto, Nara, Shiga, Fukui, Ishikawa, and Toyama prefectures. Patrons must present this Browsing Pass when visiting a library.
- Conditions of use (rules, hours, services offered, etc.) differ from library to library.
- Please be sure to check the “Services Available at Each University Library” page from the above member lists.
*Individual users cannot search the consortium’s browsing system on their own or submit the forms for a Browsing Pass. Please make an application at the library counter.
Reference Services
Reference services provide patrons with advice on how to find the materials and information they need for studies and research.
Reference Services can assist with the following
- How to find where books and journals held
- How to collect materials on a specific topic
- How to find certain cases and data
- How to use the library
The library will purchase books necessary for study and research, even if the books are not held by the library. To request the purchase of media, please fill out the “Purchase Request Form” and submit it at the counter.
Request forms are available in the reading room or at the counter.
- Requests to purchase audiovisual media or best-sellers cannot be accepted.
- Furthermore, items that are not appropriate for library use cannot be purchased.
Audiovisual Media
The Library System has about 3,500 video and software titles for students to view.
Each library has its own collection, so if you know which software or video you want to view, please check the catalog to see where it is held.
For information on how to use these services, please inquire at the relevant library counter.
- No video or software media may be taken out of or borrowed from the library.
- Furthermore, videos etc. from outside the library can not be brought in for viewing.
- If something is wrong with the equipment, please contact the counter immediately.
Online Services (My Library)
This service is only available to students and faculty.
The following services are currently available online via the KUAS Library System’s web page
- Checking whether a book is borrowed
- Renewing a book’s due date
- Reserving a book / checking whether a book is reserved
- Requesting an interlibrary loan
- Requesting photocopies
- Checking the arrival of new media
- Creating / checking personalized data folders
- Requesting book purchases (full-time faculty only)
- Inquiring about book purchase budgets(full-time faculty only)
- Inquiring about book orders(full-time faculty only)
To use My Library, a user ID and password are required. Please apply at the library counter.
Documents & Forms
Use these forms to request various services at the library counter.
Please download the the relevant form, fill it out and bring it to the library counter. These application forms can only be used by students and faculty.
Intercampus Media Request Form | |
Intercampus Media Request Form (Excel) Intercampus Media Request form (pdf) | Use this form to order media from one campus to another. Media cannot be ordered back and forth from the Kameoka Campus Main Library and the Kameoka Campus Library Annex. |
Media Copy Request Form | |
Media Copy Request Form (Excel) Media Copy Request Form (pdf) | Use this form to request photocopies of media held at other institutions (National Diet Library and other university libraries). Copy expenses and shipping costs will be charged to the requester. |
Borrowing Application | |
Borrowing Application (Excel) Borrowing Application (pdf) | Use this form to borrow materials held by other institutions and view them at KUAS libraries Borrowing terms and conditions vary from library to library. The requester is responsible for shipping costs. |
K-Lib Net Application Form | |
K-Lib Net Application (Excel) K-Lib Net Application (pdf) | Using K-Lib Net, users can borrow media held by Kyoto Prefecture’s public libraries. Registrations takes about a week to 10 days after application. There is no charge for this service. |
My Library Application | |
My Library Application (Excel) My Library Application (pdf) | My Library allows users to check the status of individual books, including whether someone has borrowed or reserved them. The following services are available: Checking whether a book is borrowed Renewing a book’s due date Reserving a book / checking whether a book is reserved Requesting an interlibrary loan Requesting photocopies Checking the arrival of new media Creating / checking personalized data folders Requesting book purchases (full-time faculty only) Inquiring about book purchase budgets(full-time faculty only) Inquiring about book orders(full-time faculty only) |
Book Order Form | |
Book Order Form (Excel) Book Order Form (pdf) | For full-time faculty members only. Students are not allowed to use this service. If you have a book you want the library to purchase, please inquire at the counter. |
(Nippon Decimal Classification : Newly rev. 9th edition)
General works
000 General Works
002: Knowledge.Learning
007: Information science
010 Libraries.Library and Information Science
011: Library policy and administration
012: library buildings
013: library management
014: technical processes in libraries
015: library activities
016: specific kinds of institutions
017: school Libraries
018: special Libraries
019: Reading of books.Book review011: 図書館政策. 図書館行財政
020 Books.Bibliography
021:Authorship and editorial techniques
022: manuscripts and printed books
023: Publishing
024: Bookselling
025: General and national bibliographies
026: bibliographies of rare books
027: special bibliographies
028: catalogs of selected books.catalogs of reference books
029: library catalogs.Union catalogs
030 General Encyclopedias
031: Nipponese
032: Chinese
033: English
034: German
035: French
036: Spanish
037: Italian
038: Russian
039: General Concordances
040 General Collected Essays
041: Nipponese
042: Chinese
043: English
044: German
045: French
046: Spanish
047: Italian
048: Russian
049: General miscellanies
050 General Serial Publications
051: Nipponese serial publications
052: Chinese
053: English
054: German
055: French
056: Spanish
057: Italian
058: Russian
059: General yearbooks
060 General Societies
061*: academies
063*: cultural exchange organizations
065*: service clubs and other societies
069: museums
070 Journalism.Newspapers
071: Nippon
072: Asia
073: Europe
074: Africa
075: North America
076: South America
077: Occeania.Polar regions
080 General Collections
081: Nipponese
082: Chinese
083: English
084: German
085: French
086: Spanish
087: Italian
088: Russian
089: other languages
090+ Rare Books.Local Collections.Special Collections
100 Philosophy
101: Theory of philosophy
102: General history of philosophy
103: Reference books
104: Essay and lectures
105: Serial publications
106: Organizations
107: Study and teaching
108: Collected works. Collections
110 Special Treatises on Philosophy
111: Special treatises on philosophy
112: Philosophy of nature. cosmology
113: View of life. World view
114: Philosophic anthropology
115: Epistemology
116: Logics.Dialectics.Methodology
117: Philosophy of value
118: Philosophy of culture and technics
[119]: Aesthetics →701.1
120 Oriental Thought
121: Nipponese thought
122: Chinese thought
123: Chinese classics
124: Sages of Pre-Chin
125: Medieval and modern thought
126: Indian philosophy.Brahmanism
129: other oriental and Arabic thought
130 Western Philosophy
131: Ancient philosophy
132: Medieval philosophy
133: Modern philosophy
134: German and Austrian philosophy
135: French and Dutch philosophy
136: Spanish and Portuguese philosophy
137: Italian philosophy
138: Russian philosophy
139: Other philosophy
140 Psychology
141: General psychology
143: Developmental psychology
145: Abnormal psychology
146: Clinical psychology. Psychoanalysis
147: Prapsychology
148: Divination →: 176.8
[149]: Applied psychology
150 Ethics.Morals
151: 倫理各論
152: 家庭倫理.性倫理
153: 職業倫理
154: 社会倫理[社会道徳]
155: 国体論.詔勅
156: 武士道
157: 報徳教.石門心学
158: その他の特定主題
159: 人生訓.教訓
160 Religion
161: Science of religion
162: History and conditions of religions
163: Primitive religions
164: Myths. Mythology
165: Comparative religion
166: Taoism
167: Islam
168: Hinduism.Jainaism
169: Other religions
170 Shinto
171: Shinto theology
172: History and conditions of Shinto
173: Shinto sacred classics
174: Priestly memoirs. Sermons
175: Shrines. Shinto priests
176: Shinto
177: Shinto missions
178: Sectarian Shinto
180 Buddhism
181: Buddhist doctrines
182: History and conditions of Buddhism
183: Buddhist scriptures
184: Sermons.Preaching
185: Temples.Buddhist priest
186: Buddhist service and customs
187: Buddhist missions
188: Buddhist sects
190 Christianity
191: Christian theology
192: History and conditions of Christianity
193: Bible
194: Priestly memoirs. Sermons
195: Christian church. Holy orders
196: Ritual and liturgy
197: Missions
198: Denominations of Christian churches
199: Judaism
History. Geography
200 History
201: Historical science
202: Auxiliary science of history
203: Reference books
204: Essays and lectures
205: Serial publications
206: Organizations
207: Study and teaching
208: Collected works.Collections
209: World history
210 History of Nippon
211: Hokkaido
212: Tohoku
213: Kanto
214: Hokuriku
215: Chubu
216: Kinki
217: Chugoku
218: Shikoku
219: Kyushu
220 History of Asia
221: Korea
222: China
223: Southeast Asia
224: Indonesia
225: India
[226]: Southwest Asia. Middle East→227
227+: Southwest Asia. Middle East
[228]: Arab states→227.1/.8
229: Asiatic Russia
230 History of Europe
231: Ancient Greece
232: Ancient Rome
233: United Kingdom
234: Germany. Central Europe
235: France
236: Spain
237: Italy
238: Russia. USSR. CIS
239: Balkan States
240 History of Africa
241: North Africa
242: Egypt
243: Barbary States
244: West Africa
245: East Africa
248: South Africa
249: Island of Indian Ocean
250 History of North America
251: Canada
253: United States of America
255: Latin America
256: Mexico
257: Central America
259: West Island. Antilles
260 History of South America
261: 北部諸国[カリブ沿海諸国]
262: Northern South America
262: Brazil
263: Paraguay
264: Uruguay
265: Argentina
266: Chile
267: Bolivia
268: Peru
270 History of Occeania and Polar region
271: Australia
272: New Zealand
273: Melanesia
274: Micronesia
275: Polynesia
276: Hawaii
277: Polar regions
278: North pole. Arctic regions
279: South pole. Antarctic regions
280 Biography
281: Nippon
282: Asia
283: Europe
284: Africa
285: North America
286: South America
287: Occeania. Polar regions
288: Genealogy. Family history
289: Individual biography
290 Geography.Regional Geography.Trip
291: Nippon
292: Asia
293: Europe
294: Africa
295: North America
296: South America
297: Occeania. Polar regions
299: Oceans. Sea
Social Science
300 Social Science
301: Theory and Methodology
302: Social situation and conditions
303: Reference books
304: Essays and lectures
305: Serial publications
306: Organizations
307: Study and teaching
308: Series. Collected works. Collections
309: Social thought
310 Political Science
311: Political theory and thought
312: Political history and conditions
313: Forms of states. Political systems
314: Legislature. Parliaments
315: Political parties
316: State and individuals
317: Public administration
318: Local governments. Local administration
319: International relations
320 Law
321: Jurisprudence
322: Legal history
323: Constitutional law
324: Civil law
325: Commercial law
326: Criminal law
327: Judicial system and proceedings
[328]: Special law
329: International law
330 Economics
331: Economic theory and thought
332: Economic history and conditions
333: Economic policy. International economy
334: Population. Land. Resources
335: Enterprise. Management
336: Business management
337: Money and currency
338: Financial economics. Banks and trusts
339: Insurance
340 Public Finance
341: Theory of public finance
342: fiscal history and conditions
343: Fiscal policy and administration
344: Budgets and settlements
345: Taxations
347: Public debts
348: Public monopolies. National property
349: local finance
350 Statistics
351: General statistics
352: General statistics of Asia
353: General statistics of Europe
354: General statistics of Africa
355: General statistics of North America
356: General statistics of South America
357: General statistics of Occeania and Polar regions
358: Population statistics
[359]: Statistics of specific subjects
360 Society
361: Sociology
362: Social history. Social systems
364: Social security
365: Living and consumer’s problems
366: Labor economics. Labor problems
367: Family. Man and woman. Aged people
368: Social pathology
369: Social welfare
370 Education
371: Theory of education
372: History and conditions of education
373: Educational policy and system
374: School administration
375: Curriculums. Method of instruction and study
376: Pre-school. Elementary and secondary education
377: Higher education
378: Education for the handicapped children
379: Social education
380 Custom.Folklore and Ethnology
381: History and descriptions of customs, folklore and ethnology
383: Costumes. Eating and drinking. Housing
384: Customs of social and domestic life
385: Customs of life cycle
386: Annual events. Festivals
387: Popular beliefs
388: Legends. Folk tales
389: Ethnology. Cultural anthropology
390 National Defense.Military Science
391: War. Strategy. Tactics
392: History and conditions
393: Policy and administration of national defence
394: Military health services
395: Military installations. War supplies
396: Armies
397: Navies
398: Air forces and warfare
399: Antiquated arts of war
Natural science
400 Natural Science
401: heory and philosophy
402: history and conditions
403: Reference books
404: Essay and lectures
405: Serial publications
406: Organizations
407: Study and teaching
408: Collected works. Collections
409+: Science and Technology Policy
410 Mathematics
411: Algebra
412: Theory of numbers
413: Analysis
414: Geometry
415: Topological mathematics
417: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics
418: Numerical calculations
419: Mathematics of Nippon and China
420 Physics
421: Theoretical physics
423: Mechanics
424: Vibrations. Acoustics
425: Optics
426: Heat.
427: Electricity and magnetism
428: Physical properties of matter
429: Atomic and nuclear physics
430 Chemistry
431: Physical and theoretical chemistry
432: Experimental chemistry
433: Analytical chemistry
434: Synthetical chemistry
435: Inorganic chemistry
436: Metallic elements, their compounds
437: Organic chemistry
438: Chemistry of cycle compounds
439: Chemistry of natural products
440 Astronomy
441: Theoretical astronomy
442: Practical astronomy
443: Fixed stars
444: Sun
445: Planets. Satellites
446: Moon
447: Comets. Meteors
448: Earth. Astronomical geography
449: Horology. Calendars
450 Earth Science
451: Meteorology
452: Oceanography
453: Seismology
454: Geomorphology
455: Geology
456: Historical . geology. Stratigraphy
457: Paleontology
458: Petrology
459: Mineralogy
460 Biology
461: Theoretical biology
462: Biogeography
463: Cytology
464: Biochemistry
465: Microbes. Microbiology
467: Genetics. Evolution
468: General ecology
469: Anthropology
470 Botany
471: General botany
472: Flora
473: Thallophyte
474: Algae and fungi
475: Bryophyta, bryology
476: Pteridophyta, fern
477: Spermatophyte
478: Gymnospermae
479: Angiosperm
480 Zoology
481: General zoology
482: Fauna
483: Invertebrata
484: mollusc
485: arthropod
486: Insecta. Entomology
487: Vertebrate
488: Ornithology
489: Mammalia
490 Medical Science
491: undamental medicine
492: Clinical medicine
493: Internal medicine
494: Surgery
495: Gynecology. Obstetrics
496: Ophthalmology. Otorhinolaryngology
497: Dentistry
498: Hygienics. Public health. Preventive medicine
499: Pharmaceutics
500 Technology.Engineering
501: Basic engineering
502: History of technology
503: Reference books
504: Essays and lectures
505: Serial publications
506: Organizations
507: Study and teaching
508: Collected works. Collections
509: Industries. Manufacturing industry
510 Construction. Civil Engineering
511: Mechanics and materials
512: Surveying
513: Designs and executions
514: Engineering of roads and highways
515: Bridge engineering
516: Railroad engineering
517: Hydraulic engineering
518: Sanitary and municipal engineering
519: Pollution. Environmental engineering
520 Architecture.Building
522: Oriental architecture
523: Occidental architecture. Others
524: Construction
525: Planning. Design. Practices
526: Specific buildings
527: Residential buildings
528: Building utilities
529: Architectural design and decoration
530 Mechanical Engineering
531: Mechanics, materials and design
532: Machine-shop practice. Machine tools
533: Heat engines
534: Hydraulic and pneumatic machinery
535: Precision and optical instruments
536: Transportation engineering
537: Automobile engineering
538: Aerospace engineering
539: Nuclear engineering
540 Electrical Engineering
541: Electric circuits, measurements and materials
542: Electrical machinery
543: Generation of Selectric power
544: Transmission. Transformation. Distribution
545: Electric lighting and heating
546: Electric railroads
547: Communication engineering
548: Information engineering
549: Electric engineering
550 Maritime Engineering
551: Theories of shipbuilding
552: Hull construction. Materials of hull
553: Equipment and outfit of ships
554: Marine engineering
555: Refitment of ships. Maintenance
556: Specific ships and boats
557: Navigation
558: Sea development
559: Weapons. Military engineering
560 Metal and Mining Engineering
561: Exploitation. Ore dressing
562: Mining of specific metals
563: Metallurgy and alloys. Metallography
564: Ferrous metals
565: Nonferrous metals
566: Metallurgical technology
567: Coal mining
568: Petroleum mining
569: Non-metalic mining
570 Chemical Technology
571: Chemical engineering
572: Industrial electrochemistry
573: Ceramic technology
574: Industrial chemical
575: Fuels and explosives
576: Oil and fats
577: Dyes
578: Polymers. Plastics. Cellulose
579: Other Chemical technologies
580 Manufactures
581: Metal goods
582: Business machines. Household appliances. Musical instrument
583: Woodworking
584: Leather and goods
585: Pulp and paper industries
586: Textile industry
587: Dyeing
588: Food technology
589: Other miscellaneous manufactures
590 Domestic and Sciences
591: Domestic arts and sciences
592: Sciences and technology in household
593: Clothing. Sewing
594: Handicrafts
595: Beauty culture
596: Food. Cookery
597: Household utilities
598: Domestic health
599: Care of children
600 Industry and Commerce
601: Industrial policy and planning
602: History and conditions
603: Reference books
604: Essay and lectures
605: Serial publications
606: Organizations
607: Study and teaching
608: Collected works. Collections
609: Weights and measures
610 Agriculture
611: Agricultural economics
612: Agricultural history and conditions
613: Basic sciences on agriculture
614: Agricultural engineering
615: Methods of cultivation. Crop science
616: Edible crops
617: Industrial crops
618: Fiber crops
619: Agricultural technology
620 Horticulture
621: Gardening economy and management
622: Horticultural history and conditions
623: Basic science on gardening
624: Green houses and tools
625: Fruit culture. Pomiculture
626: Vegetable culture
627: Floriculture
628: Utilization of garden products
629: Landscape gardening
630 Sericulture.Silk Industry
631: Sericulture. Silk industry
632: Sericultural history and conditions
633: Natural history of silkworms
634: Silkworm eggs
635: Rearing of silkworms
636: Mulberry culture
637: Sericultural rooms and implements
638: Cocoon
639: Raw silk production
640 Animal Husbandry
641: Animal economy and management
642: History and conditions
643: Stock breeding. Forage
644: Cotes and implements
645: Domestic animals
646: Aviculture. Poultry
[647]: Apiculture. Beekeeping →646.9
648: Animal industry
649: Veterinary medicine
650 Forestry
651: Forest economics
652: History and conditions
653: Forest ecology. Silviculture
654: Forest protection
656: Forest administration
656: Forest engineering
657: Forest utilization
658: Forest technology
659: Hunting and shooting
660 Fishing Industry.Fisheries
661: Fishing industry. Fisheries
662: History and conditions
663: Basic sciences on fishery
664: Fishing
665: Fishing boat and implements
667: Fish technology
668: Utilization of aquatic products
669: Salt manufacture
670 Commerce
671: Commercial policy
672: History and conditions
673: Mercantile business
674: Advertising. Propaganda. Public relations
675: Marketing
676: Exchanges
678: Foreign trade
680 Transportation Services
681: Traffic policy and management
682: History and conditions
683: Maritime transport. Shipping
684: Inland water ways. Canal transportation
685: Land transportation
686: Railways
687: Air transportation
688: Warehouses
689: Tourist industry
690 Communication Services
691: Policy, administration and laws
692: History and conditions
693: Postal services
694: Telecommunication
699: Broadcasting
The Arts.Fine Arts
700 The Arts.Fine Arts
701: Theory of arts. Aesthetics
702: History of arts
703: Reference books
704: Essay and lectures
705: Serial publications
706: Organizations
707: Study and teaching.Art education
708: Collected works. Collections
709: Art and state.Cultural assets
710 Sculpture.Plastic Arts
711: Materials and techniques
712: History of sculpture
713: Wood carving
714: Stone carving
715: Metal sculpture and casting
717: Ceramic sculpture
718: Buddhist image
719+: Objet
720 Painting.Pictorial Arts
721: Nipponese painting
722: Oriental painting
723: Western painting
724: Materials and techniques
725: Design.Drawing
726: Caricatures.Illustration
727: Graphic designs
728: Shodo.Calligraphy
730 Engraving
731: Materials and techniques
732: History of engraving
733: Wood engraving
734: Lithography
735: Copperplate and steel engraving
736: Soft-ground engraving
737: Photo-engraving. Mimeograph
739: Seal engraving
740 Photography and Photographs
742: Camera and photographic materials
743: Photographing
744: Developing and printing
745: Photoduplication. Photocopying
746: Specific field of photography
747: Applications of photographs
748: Collections of photographs
749: Printing. Graphic arts
750 Industrial Arts
751: Ceramic arts
752: Lacquer ware
753: Textile arts
754: Art wood work and bamboo-work
755: Jewelry arts. Ivory and horn carving
756: Art metalwork
757: Design. Decorative arts
758: Artistic furniture
759: Dolls. Toys
760 Music
761: Musicology
762: History of music
763: Musical instruments. Instrumental music
764: Instrumental ensembles
765: Religious music,Sacred music
766: Dramatic music
767: Vocal music
768: Nipponese music
769: Theatrical dancing. ballet
770 Theater
771: Stage. Direction. acting
772: History of theater
773: Noh play and Noh comedy
774: Kabuki play
775: Other theaters. Stage
777: Puppetry
778: Motion pictures
779: Public entertainments
780 Sports and Physical Training
Sports and Physical Training
781: Gymnastics. Plays
782: Track and field athletics
783: Ball games
784: Winter sports
785: Aquatic sports
786: Outdoor recreations
787: Angling and hunting sports
788: Combat sports. Racing
789: Military arts
790 Accomplishments and Amusements
791: Tea ceremony
792: Burning incense
793: Art of flower arrangement
794: Billiards
795: Game of go
796: Game of shogi
797: Game of chance
798: Indoor games
799: Dancing
800 Language
801: Linguistics. Philology
802: History and conditions
803: Reference books
804: Essays and lectures
805: Serial publications
806: Organizations
807: Study and teaching
808: Collected works. Collections
809: Speaking. Shorthand. Typewriting
810 Nipponese
811: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
812: Etymology. Semantics
813: Dictionaries
814: Vocabularies
815: Grammar
816: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
817: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
818: Dialects
820 Chinese
821: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
822: Etymology. Semantics
823: Dictionaries
824: Vocabularies
825: Grammar
826: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
827: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
828: Dialects
829: Other Oriental languages
830 English
831: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
832: Etymology. Semantics
833: Dictionaries
834: Vocabularies
835: Grammar
836: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
837: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
838: Dialects
840 German
841: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
842: Etymology. Semantics
843: Dictionaries
844: Vocabularies
845: Grammar
846: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
847: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
848: Dialects
849: Other Germanic languages
850 French
851: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
852: Etymology. Semantics
853: Dictionaries
854: Vocabularies
855: Grammar
856: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
857: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
858: Dialects
859: Provencal
860 Spanish
861: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
862: Etymology. Semantics
863: Dictionaries
864: Vocabularies
865: Grammar
866: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
867: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
868: Dialects
869: Portuguese
870 Italian
871: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
872: Etymology. Semantics
873: Dictionaries
874: Vocabularies
875: Grammar
876: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
877: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
878: Dialects
879: Other Romantic languages
880 Russian
881: Phonetics. Phonology. Writing
882: Etymology. Semantics
883: Dictionaries
884: Vocabularies
885: Grammar
886: Sentences. Styles. Compositions
887: Readers. Interpretations.Conversations
888: Dialects
889: Other Slavic languages
890 Other Languages
891: Greek
892: Latin
893: Other European languages
894: African languages
895: American Indian languages
897: Australian languages
899: Universal languages
900 Literature
901: Theory and teaching
902: History and criticism
903: Reference books
904: Serial publications
905: Serial publications
906: Organizations
907: Study and teaching
908: Collected works. Collections
910 Nipponese Literature
911: Poetry
912: Drama
913: Fiction. Romance. Novel
914: Essays. Prose
915: Diaries. Letters travels
916: Reportage
917: Aphorism
918: Collections
919: Chinese poetry and prose
920 Chinese Literature
921: Poetry
922: Drama
923: Fiction. Romance. Novel
924: Essays. Prose
925: Diaries. Letters travels
926: Reportage
927: Aphorism
928: Collections
929: Other Oriental literatures
930 English and American Literature
931: Poetry
932: Drama
933: Fiction. Romance. Novel
934: Essays. Prose
935: Diaries. Letters travels
936: Reportage
937: Aphorism
938: Collections
939: American literature →930/938
940 German Literature
941: Poetry
944: Drama
943: Fiction. Romance. Novel
944: Essays. Prose
945: Diaries. Letters travels
946: Reportage
947: Aphorism
948: Collections
949: Other Germanic literatures
950 French Literature
951: Poetry
952: Drama
953: Fiction. Romance. Novel
954: Essays. Prose
955: Diaries. Letters travels
956: Reportage
957: Aphorism
958: Collections
959: Provencal literatures
960 Spanish Literature
961: Poetry
962: Drama
963: Fiction. Romance. Novel
964: Essays. Prose
965: Diaries. Letters travels
966: Reportage
967: Aphorism
968: Collections
969: Portuguese literature
970 Italian Literature
971: Poetry
972: Drama
973: Fiction. Romance. Novel
974: Essays. Prose
975: Diaries. Letters travels
976: Reportage
977: Aphorism
978: Collections
979: Other Romantic literatures
980 Russian Literature
981: Poetry
982: Drama
983: Fiction. Romance. Novel
984: Essays. Prose
985: Diaries. Letters travels
986: Reportage
987: Aphorism
988: Collections
989: Other Slavic literature
990 Literatures of Other Language
991: Greek literatures
992: Latin literatures
993: Other European literatures
994: African literatures
995: Literatures of American native languages
997: Literatures of Australian native languages
999: Literature of universal languages
Kameoka Campus Library, Main Library and Bio Library
1-1 Nanjo-Otani, Sogabe Town, Kameoka City, Kyoto 621-8555, Japan
Kyoto Uzumasa Campus North Building Library
18 Yamanouchi-Gotanda-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 615-0096
Kyoto Uzumasa Campus South Building Library
18 Yamanouchi-Gotanda-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 615-0096