This is a list of electronic journals available at KUAS

Non-Japanese Journals (listed A – Z)

Available only at Kameoka Campus

Available only at Uzumasa Campus

メモ:齋藤 このページ太秦と亀岡の表記間違っているところが多数あります、、(背景色は緑なのに文字は太秦になっている等)・・・おそらく日本語ページから間違っていて、修正方法がわからないのでご対応お願いいたします.

The range of full texts available from the list below are provided by their publishers.

Some titles not included in this list may be available from the e-journal database E-Journal Database. Please ask at the library counter for details.



Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Journal of American Folklore

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Journal of accounting research(Vol.58まで)

The journal of biological chemistry(OpenAccess)

Journal of Business Research

Journal of chemical ecology

Journal of communication disorders

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of economic literature(VOLUME37~) 

*1 Please search for the corresponding journal-title from [Publications] in the upper left corner of the screen after logging in to EconLit.

Journal of economic perspectives


The journal of finance

Journal of Folklore Research

Journal of Food Science

Journal of Food Science Education

Journal of management studies

Journal of money, credit and banking

Journal of Natural Products

Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan

Journal of personality

Journal of speech, language & hearing reserch

Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness※2

*2 Users may need to enter an ID/password to view full texts. Please ask at the library counter if you wish to view these journals.


Japanese Journals

Full-text availability varies by journal. Please contact the library for details.

Brain and Nerve脳と神経

Brain and Nerve 脳と神経

PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectBrain and neurology research
BRAIN and NERVE神経研究の進歩
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectBrain and neurology research
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectClinical medicine
Japanese Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research言語聴覚研究
PublisherJapanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists / Igaku Shoin
SubjectSpeech and hearing
Public Health公衆衛生 
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectPublic Health
The Respiratory Journal呼吸器ジャーナル
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectRespiratory function research and clinical medicine
Respiration and Circulation呼吸と循環
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectRespiratory and circulatory function research, clinical medicine
Ministry of Finance Statistics Monthly財政金融統計月報
PublisherNational Institute for Fiscal Policy Research/Official Gazette Cooperative of Japan
SubjectPublic finance and economic statistics
Occupational Therapy作業療法
SubjectOccupational Therapy
The Japanese Journal of Occupational Therapy作業療法ジャーナル
PublisherMiwabi Publishing
SubjectOccupational therapy
Reference Service and Bibliography参考書誌研究
PublisherInformation Division, National Diet Library / Japan Library Association
SubjectLibrary services and subject matters addressed by the National Diet Library
Information & documentation – 情報管理
PublisherJapan Science and Technology Agency
SubjectMaintenance, distribution and utilization of academic information
The Cardiovascular Journal循環器ジャーナル
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectCirculatory function research, clinical medicine
Advances in Neurological Research神経研究の進歩
PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectNeurological research
Human geography – 人文地理
PublisherSociety for Human Geography
SubjectHuman geography
Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources – 水文・水資源学会誌

Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources

PublisherJapan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources
SubjectHydrology, terrestrial hydrology, river engineering, oceanography
Clinical Psychiatry – 精神医学

Clinical Psychiatry

PublisherIgaku Shoin
The Science of Living Things – 生体の科学

The Science of Living Things

PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectLife sciences, biological sciences, neuroscience, molecular biology, enzyme science, nutritional sciences
Comprehensive Rehabilitation – 総合リハビリテーション

Comprehensive Rehabilitation

PublisherIgaku Shoin
The Japanese Society of Applied Entomology & Zoology – 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌

The Japanese Society of Applied Entomology & Zoology

PublisherThe Japanese Society of Applied Entomology & Zoology
SubjectResearch results in the fields of insects and zoology in agriculture, medicine, ecology, etc.
Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing – 日本がん看護学会誌

Journal of Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing

PublisherJapanese Society of Cancer Nursing
SubjectOncology nursing
Journal of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care – 日本看護医療学会雑誌

Journal of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care

PublisherJapan Society of Nursing and Health Care
SubjectNursing science
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science日本看護科学会誌

Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science

PublisherJournal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science / Igaku Shoin
SubjectNursing science
Japanese Journal of Nursing Research日本看護研究学会雑誌

Japanese Journal of Nursing Research

PublisherJapan Society of Nursing Research
SubjectNursing science
Journal of the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing日本災害看護学会誌

Journal of the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing

PublisherJapan Society of Disaster Nursing
SubjectDisaster nursing science
Journal of Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis日本看護診断学会誌

Journal of Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis

PublisherJournal of Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis / Igaku Shoin
SubjectNursing science
Journal of Japanese Nursing Ethics日本看護倫理学会誌

Journal of Japanese Nursing Ethics

PublisherThe Japan Nursing Ethics Association / Igaku Shoin
SubjectNursing science
The Journal of Japan Academy of Nephrology Nursing日本腎不全看護学会誌

The Journal of Japan Academy of Nephrology Nursing

PublisherJapan Academy of Nephrology Nursing / Igaku Shoin
SubjectNursing science
Journal of the Japanese Forest Society日本森林学会誌

Journal of the Japanese Forest Society

PublisherThe Japanese Forest Society
SubjectForestry, forest Engineering
J. of Jpn. Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing日本糖尿病教育・看護学会誌

J. of Jpn. Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing

PublisherJapan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing / Igaku Shoin
SubjectNursing science
Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment水環境学会誌

Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment

PublisherJapan Society on Water Environment
SubjectWater environment
Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan有機合成化学協会誌

Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan

PublisherThe Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
SubjectOrganic synthetic chemistry
The Japanese Journal of Physical Therapy理学療法ジャーナル

The Japanese Journal of Physical Therapy

PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectPhysical therapy
Physical and Occupational Therapy理学療法と作業療法

Physical and Occupational Therapy

PublisherIgaku Shoin
SubjectPhysical therapy
Japanese Journal of Limnology陸水學雜誌

Japanese Journal of Limnology

PublisherJapan Hydrological Society
SubjectHydrology, terrestrial hydrology, river engineering, oceanography
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicineリハビリテーション医学

The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

PublisherThe Japanese association of Rehabilitation Medicine / Igaku Shoin
SubjectRehabilitation medicine
  • 。Users can access these journals on campus.
  • 。First-time users are asked to read the Terms of Service.
  • 。This service is available to students, graduate students, research students, and faculty members of KUAS.

Users can access these journals on campus.


This is a searchable database of non-Japanese journals provided by EBSCO. Bibliographic databases available at KUAS are as follows

Business Source PremierA full-text database of economics and business administration journals. 8,800 full-text journal articles are searchable. Corporate information on 10,000 of the world’s largest companies can also be searched.
EconLitA reference source database for economics, containing full-text articles from the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL).
Regional Business NewsA comprehensive database of local business-related publications in full text.
ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center)A searchable database of education-related literature and resources, plus article information.
Teacher Reference CenterA searchable database of indexes and abstracts of professional journals and magazines for teachers and educators.
GreenFILEA database containing indexes and abstracts of all research data on human impacts on the environment, as well as searchable full-text data.
CINAHLA database of nursing literature containing abstracts of about 3,000 nursing and general health-related journal articles. 

OECD iLibrary

The OECD Library provides 24-hour access to Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) publications. Print publications are available as PDF files, and the statistical database can generate downloadable tables.

Wiley Online Library

All magazines published by Wiley can be viewed at this library.

Please click here for the contract title and here for the user manual.

Academic OneFile

This is a full-text database of scholarly articles covering all fields from the humanities and social sciences to the natural sciences.

Click here  for the user manual.

General OneFile

This is a full-text database for the general public from Academic OneFile.

E-Journal Terms of Use


All browsing, downloading and printing of these pages is managed by the their respective web administrators (publishing companies), and users who violate their terms of use will be suspended. (In the case of an institution, the entire organization to which that user belongs will be suspended).

Thus, if one person violates the terms of use, service may be revoked for the entire university.

The license agreement with each publisher stipulates what rules must be adhered to when using their electric journals.

The following activities are strictly prohibited

  • Downloading or printing out documents, images, etc., automatically or systematically (using download assistance software, file retrieval tools, etc.)
  • Downloading or printing out a large number of journals all at once.
  • Use for purposes other than personal use. Copying or redistributing for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
  • Copyright infringement.

KUAS may lose its access rights entirely if one user violates these rules, so please ensure that you take great care when using these databases.


  • Users can access these journals on campus.
  • First-time users are asked to read the Terms of Service.
  • This service is available to students, graduate students, research students, and faculty members of KUAS.
  • E-book foreign book list(Excel)(PDF)

Maruzen eBook Library

丸Maruzen’s E-Book Library specializes in academic books. Users can access this library by clicking the button below.

Maruzen eBook Library
Click here for the Maruzen eBook Library user manual.

If you are off campus, please click the button below.
Maruzen eBook Library【Off-campus Login】

If you want to access the site from off-campus, you will need to register an account. See here for details.

  • Each title can only be accessed by 1 user at a time, so please wait if the “in use” icon is displayed next to a title.
  • To browse from the top page, click on “Search by Subscription” or “List of Subscribed Titles”.
  • You can print / save up to 60 pages per view.
  • For more information, please see the user guide page
  • If you have any questions about the E-Books, please contact the desks below.

【Main Library: 0771-29-2292】
【Uzumasa North Library: 075-406-9220】
【Uzumasa South Building: 075-496-6370】

E-book Terms of Use


All browsing, downloading and printing of these pages is managed by the their respective web administrators (publishing companies), and users who violate their terms of use will be suspended. (In the case of an institution, the entire organization to which that user belongs will be suspended).

Thus, if one person violates the terms of use, service may be revoked for the entire university.

The license agreement with each publisher stipulates what rules must be adhered to when using their E-Books.

The following activities are strictly prohibited

  • ownloading or printing out documents, images, etc., automatically or systematically (using download assistance software, file retrieval tools, etc.)
  • Downloading or printing out a large number of books all at once.
  • Use for purposes other than personal use. Copying or redistributing for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
  • Copyright infringement.

KUAS may lose its access rights entirely if one user violates these rules, so please ensure that you take great care when using these databases.

Essay collections published by KUAS

KUAS Academic Repository

Users can find theses and doctoral dissertations published in the following media published by KUAS.

  • Commentaries by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, KUAS
     (Published by the Society of Economics and Business Administration)
  • Commentaries by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto Gakuen University
      (Published by the Society of Economics and Business Administration)
  • Journal of Human Cultural Studies
     (Published by the Human Cultures Society, Faculty of Human Cultures)
  • Commentaries by the Faculty of Economics, Kyoto Gakuen University
     (Published by the Economic Association, Faculty of Economics)
  • Commentaries by the Faculty of Business Management, Kyoto Gakuen Univeristy
     (Published by the Business Management Society, Faculty of Business Management)
  • Kyoto Gakuen School of Law
     (Published by the Law Society, Faculty of Law)
  • Interdisciplinary Research Office Bulletin
      (Research & Collaboration Support Center)
  • Doctoral Theses

Kameoka Campus Library, Main Library and Bio Library

1-1 Nanjo-Otani, Sogabe Cho, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-8555, Japan


Uzumasa Campus Library

18 Yamanouchi-Gotanda-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 615-0096, Japan
