Campus Database

Database List
- Available only at Kameoka Campus
Available only at Uzumasa Campus
Search Books
CiNii Books
Search for books and academic journals held by university libraries across the country.
Provider | National Institute of Informatics (NII) |
Languages | Japanese, English |
This service allows users to search for literature (books, journals, etc.) held by university libraries and other institutions across Japan. Users can search for about 10 million books (more than 100 million volumes) and about 1.5 million authors held by about 1,200 institutions. This information is stored in the National Institute of Informatics Cataloging and Information Services (NACSIS-CAT). This service is available to anyone, with no registration required.
National Diet Library Search
Search the National Diet Library’s library collection and index of journal articles.
Provider | National Diet Library |
Languages | Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean |
Kyoto Prefectural Libraries General Catalogue Network. Users can search for books in Kyoto Prefecture’s public libraries. Media held in these libraries can be borrowed free of charge.
Provider | Kyoto Prefectural Library and Catalog Network |
Languages | Japanese |
The Kyoto Prefectural Library General Catalog is a bibliographic and collection database that integrates distributed (cross-search) and centralized (data-providing) databases. Users can search for books, journals, and newspapers held by libraries in Kyoto prefecture as a whole. If a user is looking for a book located at another library, an order can be made to procure that book at the Meiji Gakuin University Library. Books can be ordered through the university library and can be checked out at the counter. (This service is free).
Books are delivered to municipal libraries once a week by delivery car, so it may take 1-2 weeks for books to arrive.
Search Articles
CiNii Research
This is a database service that allows users to search for articles, journals, textbooks and other academic media.
Provider | National Institute of Informatics (NII) |
Languages | Japanese |
You can search for academic publications, university research bulletins, and the National Diet Library’s journal article index database.
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
This is a database of Japanese journals and articles, which is linked with OPAC, Webcat Plus, and J-STAGE archives.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | Nichigai Associates |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 2 concurrent logins |
This is the largest database in Japan, and includes general magazines, specialized magazines, university journals, and overseas magazines. In addition to the National Diet Library’s magazine article index, it also contains collections of annual reports and dissertations and general academic journals not covered by that index. In total, MAGAZINE PLUS contains about 33,000 magazines and 11.45 million articles. It is linked with University OPAC, Webcat Plus and J-STAGE archives.
The Oya Soichi Library Web Index
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
Users can search for articles from general and popular magazines.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Oya Soichi Library |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 1 concurrent logins |
The Japanese Government Gazette (Kanpo)
Users can search an archive of the Japanese Government Gazette (issues, special editions, government announcements, data, and catalogs).
Click here for User ID and Password (school use only)
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The National Printing Bureau |
Languages | Japanese |
The Japanese Government Gazette Information Retrieval Service allows users to search an online archive of the Japanese Government Gazette (issues, special editions, government announcements, data, and catalogs). Users can search the Japanese Government Gazette from May 3, 1947, the day the Constitution of Japan came into effect, up to today’s issue (Japanese Government Gazette issues are published online after 8:30 AM on the same day of their publication).
Search Newspaper Articles
Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search (Kikuzo Ⅱ Visual)
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
Users can browse Asahi Shimbun newspaper articles from 1985 all the up to yesterday’s paper. AERA and Shukan Asahi Magazine articles are also available for search.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Asahi Shimbun Company |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 3 concurrent logins |
Users can read Asahi Shimbun articles from 1985 up to articles that appeared in yesterday’s newspaper. Users may also search for “AERA” Magazine issues from the first issue in May 1988, and “Weekly Asahi” Magazine from April of 2000. Content may be searched by keyword.
Nikkei Telecon 21
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
Users can search for articles and company information from The Nikkei Shimbun, Nikkei Financial News, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, and Nikkei Ryutsu Shimbun.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Languages | Japanese |
This is the full-text database of all major Nikkei newspapers (Nikkei Shimbun, Nikkei Business Daily, Nikkei Marketing Journal, Nikkei Financial Daily, Nikkei Plus One, Nikkei Magazine, and Nihon Keizai Shimbun (from the Meiji era to the postwar period)), provided by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Please use the “Nikkei Telecon 21” substitute search engine below to search for newspapers other, non-Nikkei newspapers.
Nikkei Telecon 21 (substitute search engine)
Substitute Search Engine (it is possible to search for national and local newspapers other than the Nikkei using this engine).
*Library staff must perform searches on your behalf. Please ask at the counter.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Languages | Japanese |
Users can search across 65 million articles from various newspapers and magazines. In the article search menu, users can search from articles from now only Nikkei papers, but also from 100 local newspapers, specialized newspapers, over 100 magazines. In the case of the Nikkei Morning Post, users can find out only what they want in an instant from among 30 years of articles.
Search Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Japan Knowledge
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
A database of dictionaries, encyclopedias, and complete works.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | Shogakukan |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 2 concurrent logins |
More than 50 dictionaries and encyclopedias are available, including The Complete Japanese Encyclopedia of Japan, Japanese language dictionaries such as The Complete Japanese Encyclopedia of the Japanese Language, foreign language dictionaries such as The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, The Historical Japanese Place-name Dictionary, and The Complete Japanese Dictionary of History, among others.
To access from outside of school, please click here.
*Required campus network ID and password.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Search Precidents, Laws & Ordinances
LEX/DB Internet
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
A Legal Database Service containing full-text civil, criminal, and administrative cases, verdits, and abstracts.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | TKC Corporation |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 10 concurrent logins |
This is one of the largest full-text databases in Japan with a comprehensive collection of judicial precedents from the Supreme Court from 1875 to today. The database is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with frequent updates and fast search functions.
Case Law Literature(
An online search engine for bibliographic information on legal literature and case law collections.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | DAI‐ICHI HOKI CO.,LTD. |
Languages | Japanese |
Users can search for bibliographic information on law-related literature (periodicals or books) and case law collections published in Japan since January of 1982. Data is classified according to contents and searchable via keyword.
Super Horei Web
A database of current Japanese laws and regulations.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | TKC Corporation |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 10 concurrent logins |
Public Law Collections Database
This is a database that allows users to view the original texts of public law cases.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | TKC Corporation |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 10 concurrent logins |
Users can search through all 24 of Japan’s official court publications, such as “Supreme Court Civil Precedents” and “Supreme Court Bulletin Precedents.” Users can also view the original PDF files for these cases.
NEW Precedent Commentaries Watch
This law journal is the first to provide commentary after the publication of a case.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | TKC Corporation |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 10 concurrent logins |
This law journal provides commentary on noteworthy and important legal precedents as soon as they are published. Commentary is provided by researchers in relevant fields. In addition to a journal info search, users can view texts in PDF format.
Westlaw Next
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
An updated version of Westlaw International, this database contains case law, statutes, administrative documents, legal journals, legal encyclopedias, and attorney directories from around the world. You can download the manual from here.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Languages | English |
Users can search for case laws, statutes, administrative documents, legal journals, legal encyclopedias, lawyer directories, and other legal information. In addition, more than 800 legal journals and bulletins are also available for search. This archive also contains 26,000 business-law related databases concerning news, corporate information, public documents, patent information, and more.
The Japanese Government Gazette (Kanpo)
Users can search an archive of the Japanese Government Gazette (issues, special editions, government announcements, data, and catalogs).
Click here for User ID and Password (school use only)
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The National Printing Bureau |
Languages | Japanese |
The Japanese Government Gazette Information Retrieval Service allows users to search an online archive of the Japanese Government Gazette (issues, special editions, government announcements, data, and catalogs). Users can search the Japanese Government Gazette from May 3, 1947, the day the Constitution of Japan came into effect, up to today’s issue (Japanese Government Gazette issues are published online after 8:30 AM on the same day of their publication).
Social Sciences
This is a comprehensive database of corporate information, including annual reports, basic corporate information, and half-yearly reports.
*Please log in by pressing the auto-authentication login button.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | EOL, Inc. |
Languages | Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean |
Access Limit | 3 concurrent logins |
This is a comprehensive database of corporate information that allows users to search not only securities reports, but also basic corporate information, half-yearly reports, financial statements, and prospectuses. Furthermore, financial statement data can be downloaded to spreadsheet software, making it possible to freely calculate the financial indicators necessary for management analysis. The database also contains unlisted companies’ annual reports.
Users can search and view articles from foreign journals. The following databases are available to social sciences-related faculties.
Please click here here to download the comprehensive manual for EBSCOhost.
- Business Source Complete: A full-text database of economics and business studies. Click here for the user manual.
- EconLit: A reference source database in the field of economics. Click here for the user manual.
- Regional Business News: A comprehensive database of regional business publications in full text.
- ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center): A searchable database of education-related literature and resources as well as article information.
- Teacher Reference Center: A searchable database of indexes and abstracts of professional journals and magazines for teachers and educators.
- Click here to access these databases from outside campus.
*ID is required for off-campus use. Please apply at the library counter if you wish to use this service.
OECD iLibrary
This is an online service that provides access to publications and data from the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD).
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Languages | Japanese |
This database allows users to search and view full-text documents and statistics (PDF) published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Transport Forum (ITF), as well as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Books, reports and journals are available dating back to 1998, and statistical data is available back to the 1960s. This database consists of 17 thematic book collections (with approximately 50 titles added each year), 14 journals, 24 working papers, and 22 OECD statistical databases.
*Publications up to March 2014 are available for viewing.
Users can search and view overseas journal articles related to psychology using the following databases.
Click here to access these databases from outside of school.
*ID is required for off-campus use. Please apply at the library counter if you wish to use this service.
Please click here here to download the comprehensive manual for using EBSCOhost.
PsycINFO: This is a database that allows you to search for information on literature from around the world related to psychology and related fields of behavioral and psychiatric sciences, sociology, anthropology, education, pharmacology and linguistics, and other social sciences.
Languages | Japanese, English, French, German, Chinese and Spanish |
This database contains bibliographic information and abstracts of journal articles, dissertations, monographs, reports, and other bibliographies and abstracts from around the world on psychology and related disciplines in the behavioral and social sciences, such as psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, education, pharmacology, and linguistics, since 1887. Click here for a list of journals.
Natural Sciences
Uses can access literature and patent information related to the life sciences, including chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, medicine and related fields, using the databases below.
*User registration is required to use this service. Please click this page (viewable on campus only) for details.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Japan Association for International Chemical Information |
Languages | English |
Access Limit | None |
This database contains information on more than 100 years of literature published since 1900 in the life sciences, including a wide range of literature on chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacology, medicine, and related disciplines, as well as just-published, state-of-the-art scientific literature and patents that are less than two days old.
Rural Digital Library
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
This database can be searched for information on Japanese agriculture and dietary habits.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Rural Culture Association of Japan |
Languages | Japanese |
Access Limit | 5 concurrent logins |
Users can search for information on practical content such as agricultural work and farming techniques, as well as information on Japanese dietary habits, food processing, community learning, natural and cultivation learning from Rural Culture Association publications. This media is accompanied by a wealth of photographs. Users can browse and download full-text documents and information on-the-spot.
Users can search and view natural sciences articles from the following foreign journals.
- Please click here here to download the comprehensive manual for using EBSCOhost.
- GreenFILE: A searchable database with indexes and abstracts of all research data on human impacts on the environment. Contains full texts.
- Click here to access these databases from outside of school.
*ID is required for off-campus use. Please apply at the library counter if you wish to use this service.
Languages | Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and other languages |
This is a database of foreign journal information provided by EBSCO. It contains not only bibliographic information and abstracts, but also full-text articles. The database is divided into two categories, one for economics and one for the humanities. The following databases are available at KUAS.
GreenFILE: A searchable database with indexes and abstracts of all research data on human impacts on the environment, as well as full text.
Web of Science
This is an online scholarly database of major journals related to all the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.
*Please login from the “Web of Science Online Authentication Portal” on the linked website.
Provider | Clarivate Analytics |
Languages | Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, and other languages |
The Web of Science platform provides unrestricted access to more than 33,000 journals, patents, and research datasets, ranging from leading journals in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities with impact factors across all disciplines to a wide range of international research literature of interest in each region and discipline.
JDream Ⅲ Search
This is one of the largest databases of scientific and technological literature in Japan, allowing users to easily search for domestic and international literature information on science and technology, medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Please log in from the “IP address” of JDream III search service under the “Use Service” column at the link.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
*ID is required for off-campus use. Please apply at the library counter if you wish to use this service.
*See here for user manual
Provider | G-Search Limited |
Languages | Japanese |
JDream III is the successor to JDream II, which was provided by the Japan Science and Technology Agency and has been widely supported and used by researchers and those in charge of technical information, and was launched by G-Search Inc. in April 2013 as Japan’s largest science and technology literature database.
It contains approximately 60 million highly reliable data entries from academic journals, corporate journals, and public documents across all the fields of science and technology.
Medicine & Nursing
Japan Medical Abstracts Web (Ichushi)
Clickhere to access this database from outside campus.
[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
This is a search service for domestic medical articles produced by Japan Medical Abstract Society (JAMAS).
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Japan Medical Abstract Society (JAMAS) |
Languages | Japanese, English |
Access Limit | 5 concurrent logins |
Users can search approximately 7.5 million articles from 5,000 periodicals and 5,000 journals in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing science and related fields published in Japan.
Medical Online
Click here to access this database from outside of campus.[Note: there is a possibility that this may not function correctly if opened using Microsoft Edge when off-campus. In such cases, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.]
This is a database that provides literature searches, abstract viewing, and PDF documents of domestic medical journals.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | The Japan Medical Abstract Society (JAMAS) |
Languages | Japanese, English |
Access Limit | 5 concurrent logins |
National Examination Questions Web for Nurse Practitioners
This is a comprehensive database of the National Nursing (Public Health) Examination that includes the last 10 of test questions, practice questions, and reference materials.
*Please inquire at the library counter for faculty IDs and passwords.
*Be sure to log out of this site after using it.
Provider | Elsevier |
Languages | Japanese |
This database currently contains 319 nursing skill videos and is constantly being added to and updated to ensure that users always have access to the latest information.
Users can search and view articles from foreign nursing journals at the following databases.
Click here access these databases from outside of school.
*ID is required for off-campus use. Please apply at the library counter if you wish to use this service
Please click here here to download the comprehensive manual for using EBSCOhost.
CINAHL: This is the basic literature database for nursing science. Click here to download the user manual.
SPORTDiscus:This is a full-text database for searching publications related to the field of sports medicine. Click here for the user manual.
Languages | Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and other languages |
This is a database of foreign journals provided by EBSCO. It is possible to search not only for bibliographic information and abstracts, but also for full-text articles. The database is divided into two categories, one for economics and one for the humanities. Bibliographic databases available at KUAS are as follows.
SPORTDiscus:This bibliographic database covers many topics in the field of sports medicine, including nutrition, physical therapy, occupational health, occupational therapy, exercise physiology, and kinesiology. In addition to journals and monographs, it contains references to tens of thousands of doctoral and master’s theses.
CINAHL: This database contains abstracts of about 3,000 journal articles on nursing and general health, dating back to 1982 at the earliest.