Prayer Room

Prayer Room
A designated prayer room is available at the Uzumasa Campus of Kyoto University of Advanced Science. This facility is intended to accommodate the prayer needs of all members of our university community. Please see below for details.
(1) Eligibility
The prayer room is accessible to all students and staff enrolled at Kyoto University of Advanced Science who require dedicated time for prayer or meditation for religious reasons.
(2) Operating Hours
The prayer room is currently accessible from 11:00 to 20:00.
Important Guidelines:
- Please demonstrate patience and consideration if others are already using the prayer room to maintain a peaceful environment.
- Use of the room for purposes other than prayer or meditation is strictly prohibited.
- Avoid leaving personal belongings unattended in the prayer room.
- Any installations or modifications to the prayer room must receive prior authorization.
- Please refrain from locking the room during use.