
About the International Office

The International Office promotes the internationalization of education and research as well as International Exchange at Kyoto University of Advanced Science through the following activities.

  • The implementation of (short- and long-term) study abroad programs and the support of students while on exchange
  • The admission and support of international students on campus
  • The promotion International Exchange on campus
  • The formation of educational and research partnerships with overseas universities.
  • Other matters related to the promotion of internationalization

Embark on a journey of self-discovery!

KUAS supports students who have a strong desire to go abroad. When you are young, your mind is sharp and your senses are keen, and that is when it is the best time to go abroad and see the world with your own eyes. At the same time, studying abroad is a great opportunity to broaden your own horizons. Go abroad and learn about a world that you have never seen before, while also discovering something new about yourself.

Exchange Programs

Students are sent to and accepted from overseas universities with which KUAS has exchange agreements. These programs are six months to one year.

Overseas Short-Term Training Programs

During the spring and summer vacation periods, students can study in a foreign country and experience different cultures through personal interactions, visits to local companies, and cultural activities.

Events held in English 

At KUAS, the International Office plans and organizes events that are conducted in English so that students can have fun while learning and practicing their language skills. In the 2020 academic year, we hosted a photo scavenger hunt where students raced around campus to see which team could take the most photos of hidden objects. The International Office plans to organize and hold more events like this in the future. 

Support for International Students

KUAS provides personal support for international students from the time they enroll in KUAS to the time they graduate.

Exchange Agreement Partners

In order to promote the development of top-tier professionals who will go on to become industry leaders, which is the goal of our university, KUAS actively promotes International Exchange and is always seeking to expand its network of exchange agreement partners.

Country/RegionUniversity Name(JPN)University Name(EN)
Koreaソウル国立大学校Seoul National University
Korea徳成(トクソン)女子大学Duksung Women’s University
Korea世明(セミョン)大学Semyung University
Korea慶北科学大学Kyungpook National University
China浙江大学Zhejiang University
China西安外国語大学Xi’an International Studies University
China南通大学Nantong University
China上海体育学院Shanghai University of Sport
Taiwan国立成功大学National Cheng Kung University
Taiwan国立高雄餐旅大学National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism
Taiwan国立体育大学National Taiwan Sport University
Taiwan開南大学Kainan University
Taiwan明道大学Mingdao University
Thailand国立カセサート大学Kasetsart University
Thailandランシット大学Rangsit University
Thailandイースタンアジア大学Eastern Asia University
Indonesia国立ボゴール農業大学IPB University
Mongoliaイフ・ザスグ大学Ikh Zasag University
North & South America
Country/RegionUniversity Name (Japanese)University Name (English)
United States of Americaオハイオ州立大学The Ohio State University
United States of Americaタフツ大学Tufts University
United States of Americaハワイ大学マノア校University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
United States of Americaオクラホマ州立大学Oklahoma State University
United States of AmericaノースセントラルカレッジNorth Central College
Country/RegionUniversity Name (Japanese)University Name (English)
Franceトゥールーズ国立工科大学Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
Swedenセーデルトーン大学Södertörn University

Questions or Concerns? Contact the International Office!

The International Office provides expert support for students with questions about studying abroad and overseas training. The International Office also provides information on exchange programs, and advice on foreign language study. The center also provides support for those who are considering studying abroad or taking language training after graduation from the university.

Kyoto Uzumasa Campus (1st floor, South Building)


Office Hours: weekdays, 8:30AM – 5:00PM

※Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and other school holidays.

Contact us by e-mail

MAIL: intl@kuas.ac.jp

※E-mails sent on weekends and holidays will be answered on the next day that the office is open.