International Student Support

This page introduces some of the services that are provided to international students at Kyoto University of Advanced Science.
The International Office & International Office Committee
Kyoto University of Advanced Science has established a specialized department called the International Office to support Japanese students’ overseas studies and language training while also providing daily support and guidance to international students, including short-term exchange students. Likewise, the International Office Committee, led by the Director of the International Office, exists to deal with various academic and administrative issues related to international students and ensure that international students receive the support they need.
Number of International Students at KUAS
As of the spring semester of 2021, 80 international students (70 undergraduate, 10 graduate) from Korea, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam are studying at KUAS. In addition, 2 students from China are studying as one-year or six-month non-degree students (short-term exchange students). A further 6 international students are currently on academic leave due to obligations in their home countries.
Click here for more detailed data (Japanese)
Scholarship Support
Through the International Office, KUAS assists international students with various scholarship applications, including the Japan Student Services Organization’s (JASSO) Honors Scholarship. International students are also eligible for various scholarships offered by the Student Affairs Center under the same conditions as Japanese students, and these scholarships are actually offered or lent to international students, which are issued through the International Office to successful applicants.
Housing Support
In addition to the International Student Dormitory, the Student Affairs Center and the International Office will assist incoming international students with finding lodgings if they require aid. In addition, as part of KUAS’ agreement with our partner schools, the university also rents private apartments for short-term exchange students.
International Student Tutoring System
Immediately after international students enter the university, they receive academic and student life guidance from senior students (both international and Japanese). These senior student tutors are selected by the International Office Committee from among the KUAS student body. In 2020 academic year, 2 students were selected.
International Events
To promote socialization between international domestic students, the International Office holds events about four times a year in the form of parties. Likewise, local international exchange organizations will frequently invite international students to participate in events with local residents.
Employment Support
For those international students who wish to find a job in Japan, the university has them register for job hunting activities in the same way as Japanese students, and staff members have been placed at the Career Support Center to support international students. Each semester, at the orientation for incoming international students, these staff members will provide an orientation.
Counseling and Academic Advisor Services
International students can get advice about their daily life at the International Office. In addition, advisors are appointed from among the faculty members to provide academic advice to students.