
Take advantage of your spring or summer vacation to study abroad for two weeks to a month. In addition to learning the language, you can experience the culture, history, social norms, and lifestyle of your host country through extracurricular activities and living with a homestay family. For students who are interested in economics and management, we also offer programs that include visits to local companies. The university provides scholarships to support the students’ overseas training, so these programs can be enjoyed at a reasonable price, and teachers also accompany participants for peace of mind.

Program NameRegion/Training LocationTermIntended FacultyDate of ProgramApplication PeriodCredits
Overseas Language Training in Bath, EnglandBath, England / Kaplan International EnglishAbout 4 weeksAll FacultiesAugustApril – May4
Short-term overseas training in HawaiiHawaii / Oahu11 daysAll FacultiesMarchOctober1
Overseas Health and Sports Culture TrainingChina・Shanghai / Shanghai Sports Institute7 daysHealth and Sports SciencesMarchDecember1
Thai company tour and language trainingSuburbs of Bangkok, Thailand / Rangsit UniversityAbout 2 weeksEconomics and Business AdministrationFebruaryNovember2
Summer Language and Culture Training at Kainan UniversityTaoyuan City, Taiwan / Kainan University15 daysAll FacultiesAugustMay2
Duksung Women’s University Discover KoreaSeoul, Korea / Duksung Women’s University17 daysAll FacultiesJulyMay2
Fieldwork training in Dunhuang, Xi’an, ChinaXi’an, China / Xi’an University of Foreign Studies11 daysAll FacultiesMarchDecember1
Consortium Kyoto “Short-Term Language Study Abroad” in Melbourne, AustraliaMelbourne, Australia4 weeksAll FacultiesMarch of the following yearApril
*At registration