Personal Information Protection

This is an introduction to Nagamori Gakuen’s stance on personal information protection.
As an educational institution, Nagamori Gakuen has accumulated a vast amount of personal information. This information includes basic personal information such as names, addresses, dates of birth, and gender, as well as academic records, enrollment records, results of various examinations, records of special activities such as club activities, results of medical examinations, career paths, family situations, family structures, and information about parents and guarantors including their places of employment and emergency contact information. The list goes on and on.
However, at the same time, Nagamori Gakuen strongly recognizes that it is one of our most important responsibilities to protect personal information from risks such as leakage, loss, and falsification. We have established a Personal Information Protection Policy and will strive to protect and maintain personal information in a necessary and appropriate manner based on the following items.
The personal information covered by this policy is all personal information obtained, learned, or retained in the course of the educational activities of Nagamori Gakuen and its schools, including personal information related to the faculty and staff of Nagamori Gakuen.
- Nagamori Gakuen will position a Standing Committee as an organization that promotes the protection of personal information, appoint a person in charge of personal information protection, and strive for the appropriate management of personal information.
- Nagamori Gakuen has established a set of “Nagamori Gakuen Personal Information Protection Regulations” and will ensure that all faculty members comply with the appropriate handling of personal information, including specifying the purpose of use, limiting the use of personal information, notifying the purpose of use, ensuring accuracy, taking safety control measures, limiting the provision of personal information to third parties, and disclosing, correcting, and suspending the use of personal information.
- When Nagamori Gakuen outsources the handling of personal information, we will limit the amount of personal information to the minimum necessary, select a contractor who is recognized to handle personal information appropriately, and have the contractor implement appropriate management of personal information, including safety management and confidentiality.
- Nagamori Gakuen will implement appropriate safety management measures for personal information in its possession and strive to prevent leakage, loss, falsification, etc.
- Nagamori Gakuen will comply with domestic laws and regulations, guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and other relevant ministries and agencies, and other standards regarding the protection of personal information.
- Nagamori Gakuen will periodically evaluate and review its personal information protection system, and provide education and training to its faculty and staff in order to improve and raise awareness of the system.
Nagamori Gakuen Educational Foundation