To nurture our future graduates into professionals who can succeed in a rapidly evolving information-based society, KUAS has prepared internet connectivity in all of its school buildings and facilities to which students can connect via their personal devices. As many engineering courses make use of personal laptops, Faculty of Engineering students will be required to bring a personal computer to school starting from the spring semester of 2022 (April).


In the KUAS Faculty of Engineering (Department of Mechanical and Electrical System Engineering), students will straddle the fields of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering as they learn about 13 interlinked disciplines (mechanics, materials, electromagnetics, ionics, energy, actuators, devices, circuitry, communications, robotics, measurement, design and production). It is particularly important for Engineering students to have a constant awareness of new social and technological developments. Therefore, Engineering students will immediately start using computers to learn about mathematics, physics and information processing, which are the foundations of the field of mechanical and electrical systems engineering, from their first year of study

Some examples of courses that first-year students will take are “Introduction to Numerical Analysis Programming,” “Information Literacy,” “Algorithmic Thinking and Programming with Python + Exercises,” “Introduction to C Programming + Exercises,” “System Programming with C + Exercises,” and “Digital Signal Processing + Exercises”. These amount to ten courses in all.

In the first semester of the first year, students learn the basics of the numerical analysis software MATLAB and Simulink in the “Numerical Analysis Programming” course, and then learn basic information management techniques using shell scripts in the “Information Literacy” course. Students acquire general programming skills in “Python Programming + Exercises”, advanced programming skills in “C Programming + Exercises” and “C System Programming + Exercises”, and practical applied information processing skills for mechanical and electrical systems engineering in “Digital Signal Processing + Exercises”. Students also acquire practical information processing skills for mechanical and electrical systems engineering. “Numerical Analysis Programming” and “Information Literacy” are taught in a regular classroom using laptop computers. For “Python Programming + Exercises,” “C Language Programming + Exercises,” “C Language System Programming + Exercises,” and “Digital Signal Processing + Exercises,” lectures and exercises are held in an information lab equipped with desktop PCs and large screen displays. Students are required to use laptop computers for preparation, review, and report writing.

In addition, as a policy of the Faculty of Engineering, MATLAB & Simulink will be used in the lectures and exercises of all specialized courses, including physical engineering and industrial mathematics courses, to support the mastery of MATLAB & Simulink, which are widely used in technical fields. In addition, physics courses will also use computer-based aids (electronic versions of textbooks and WileyPlus academic support software) and CAD. In this way, students will spend their time in university in such a fashion where they are constantly studying with the aid of a computer.

Based on the above, we ask all new students to prepare their own laptop computer.


Please direct any computer-related inquiries to the Information and Communication Technology Center at