Lost & Found

Reporting Lost Items
If you find a personal possession that someone has lost on campus, please hand it in to the Student Affairs Center as soon as possible.
Identifiable Items
In cases where the owner of a possession can be identified, the Student Affairs Center will contact them via Sentan Navi. Please bring your student ID or personal ID card and retrieve your lost item as soon as possible. Any found items that are not retrieved after their owners are notificed will be kept for three months and then disposed of.
Unidentifiable Items
Items whose owner cannot be identified will be kept for three months and then disposed of.
Cash, wallets, etc. are kept for two weeks and then reported to the police.
If you lose something
If you lose a personal possession on campus, please bring your student ID or personal ID card to the Student Center and report the loss.
*Please take good care of your personal belongings while on campus.
KUAS Student Affairs Center (Uzumasa)
KUAS Student Affairs Center (Kameoka)