Reporting Address Changes, etc

Please report any changes to your personal information (name, address, phone number, etc) via the following methods.

For Students

Type of ChangeRequired DocumentsPlace to Notify
Name changeStudent Name / Guarantor Change Form

Resident’s Card or “Certificate of Items Stated in Resident Register”
Student Affairs Center
Student Card Reissuance (5,000 yen reissuance fee)Educational Affairs Center
Address / Phone Number / Mobile Phone Number / Email AddressApply via Sentan NaviGo to: Shared Iterms → Request for  change in student information → Personal information

For Guarantors

Type of ChangeRequired DocumentsPlace to Notify
Change in Student GuarantorStudent Name / Guarantor  Change FormStudent Affairs Center
Change in Guarantor’s NameStudent Name / Guarantor  Change FormStudent Affairs Center
Address / Phone Number / Mobile Phone Number / Other Contact InfoApply via Sentan NaviGo to: Shared Items → Request for change in student information → Personal information