Walid Bin Ali Receives Young Presentation Award from Magneto-Science Society of Japan
Dec 18, 2023
Walid Bin Ali, third-year doctoral student of the Solid State Physics Engineering Laboratory (supervisor: Dr. Shigeru Horii), Graduate School of Engineering, received the Young Presentation Award from the Magneto-Science Society of Japan. This award is given to only one young researcher under the age of 35 who has given an outstanding presentation as the lead author at the annual meeting of the Magneto-Science Society of Japan. At the 17th Annual Meeting held at Fukui Institute of Technology from November 8th to 10th, Ali’s research presentation “Magnetization Axis and Magnetic Anisotropy in Misfit Layered Calcium-Based Cobalt Oxides” was selected for the award.
His supervisor Dr. Horii said, “Many functional oxide materials have anisotropic and complex crystal structures. The magnetic field orientation method is a material fabrication process that aligns crystals in a desired direction using a magnetic field to enhance the functionality of such materials. At this point, we need to understand and find ways to control the magnetization axes and magnetic anisotropy in materials. The presentation that received this award focused on Ca-Co-O and Bi-Sr-Co-O, which have complex crystal structures, and examined their magnetization axes, magnetic anisotropy and control methods. We found that when these powder samples are oriented in a class 10 Tesla magnetic field (modulated rotational magnetic field), a single crystal-like alignment (triaxial crystal orientation) is achieved only in Ca-Co-O where the blocking layers of the crystal structure cause triaxial magnetic anisotropy. We also found that by doping this blocking layer with rare earth element ions, we can control the magnetization axis of this material. In particular, the direction of the magnetization axis can be changed by selecting the rare earth ion species. Accordingly, even in materials with complex crystal structures, the magnetization axis and magnetic anisotropy can be controlled by adjusting the chemical composition, which means that the magnetic field orientation method has potential as a method for improving the functionality of materials.”
This is an epoch-making achievement that has the potential to make materials used in electrical products, equipment and facilities capable of being manufactured with high functionality at a low price.
(Tadayuki Imai, Faculty of Engineering)