Bioenvironmental Sciences
Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences
- Introduction
- Key Features
- Field of Study
- Curriculum
- Facilities
- Career
The Bioenvironmental Sciences International Program (undergraduate only) will open in 2025. Contents are subject to change.
Study Nature and Life, Create a New Future for Our Planet
Earth’s environmental challenges are becoming more serious every year, and many lives are at stake. Creating a sustainable environment in which people and other living creatures can coexist in harmony has become a common issue worldwide, and solutions are urgently needed.
The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences at Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS Bio) trains students to contribute to the creation of a habitable environment for all living things.
When it comes to studying nature and life, there is no location more ideal than Kameoka Campus. It boasts a rich natural environment and covers a vast area. Students can step out of their classroom and find lush vegetation, animals and insects within arm’s reach, available for observation at any time. The Food Development Center is available for the students to process crops that they raised in the campus fields into food products. Providing students with firsthand knowledge about the functions of life, KUAS Bio’s Program is exactly what Earth needs for the future.

Dean’s Message
The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences is currently creating a new era in our long history. Starting in 2019, the university underwent a major organizational change with a new name, and we are expanding that change to the creation of a new curriculum for the field of bioenvironmental education and research. And now, we are looking forward to welcoming you and other scholars from around the world to join us in becoming a truly international educational institution.
Human activities are causing numerous problems that exceed the limits of the natural systems. The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences engages in studies to create a sustainable global environment for not only humans but many other living things (we call this “the Bioenvironment”). At the Future Bio-Environment Creation Center (FuBEIC), newly established in 2022, we conduct cutting-edge research together with many universities and research institutions. We return our findings to the local community and companies so that we can further advance our research together with your help.
The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences is located in Kameoka, less than one hour by public transportation from the center of Kyoto, the old capital of Japan. Kameoka is a city that has many beautiful “Satoyama”, an agricultural landscape specific to Japan, where Japanese agricultural traditions still thrive as an essential practice. Our faculty offers you a place to connect the world’s most advanced research to traditional Japanese atmosphere.
We are looking forward to meeting you here in Kameoka, a place abundant in lush greenery and many fireflies.
(Prof. Tetsuro Mimura, Dean of Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences)