Brazilian Higher Education Officials Visit Uzumasa Campus

Jun 10, 2024


On May 27, 2024, officials from Brazilian institution SEMESP (Sindicato dos Estabelecimentos de Ensino no Estado de Sao Paulo) visited Kyoto Uzumasa Campus to interact with faculty, staff and students of KUAS and observe educational and research facilities on campus. The delegation consisted of approximately 40 people, including Rodrigo Capelato, Executive Director of SEMESP, Prof. Alexandre Uehara of ESPM University, and other experts from higher education institutions in Brazil. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen exchanges and collaboration with the Japanese government and educational institutions, as well as to learn from advanced education and gain insights for application to higher education in Brazil.

To begin, President Masafumi Maeda and Executive Vice President Toshihiko Koseki welcomed the delegation to KUAS. Following this, Dr. Osamu Tabata, Executive Vice President and Dean of Faculty of Engineering, introduced educational programs offered by KUAS. Our visitors were particularly interested in KUAS Engineering’s “Capstone Project”, which is the first of its kind in Japan. Many raised questions regarding the educational content and management of the program, the problems assigned to student groups, and the role of participating companies in addressing such challenges. From there, three professors and a graduate student from the Faculty of Engineering introduced advanced research conducted at KUAS, such as AI and digital health, and robotics using AI.

After presentations from our students and faculty, the group toured the South Building, visited research facilities and viewed the equipment used for engineering studies. At Dr. Zilu Liang’s laboratory, a student from Brazil explained his laboratory activities and research in Portuguese. Through this lively engagement with the student, our visitors were able to learn about KUAS’ diverse student body and environment.

We hope that this exchange will further deepen the relationship between KUAS and higher education institutions in Brazil and strengthen collaboration in various fields.

News article on SEMESP’s visit to KUAS (in Portuguese)

Faculty of Engineering Introduction by Executive Vice President Tabata
“AI x Digital Health” by Dr. Zilu Liang
“AI-powered Robotics: Teaching and Research at KUAS-E” by Dr. Sajid Nisar
SEMESP Visitors and Executive Vice President Tabata