KUAS Powerlifting Club’s Mao Kaneko Sets a New Record and Becomes the World Champion
Nov 17, 2023
From October 31 to November 4, Mao Kaneko (Dept. of Health and Sports Sciences, 4th year) of the KUAS Powerlifting Club attended the 2023 International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) World University Cup heldin Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, where he would set a new student deadlift world record of 330 kilograms. Furthermore, he accomplished the extraordinary feat of lifting a total of 777.5 kilograms and setting a newworld record for university students, crowning him the world champion.
Club members Shunya Kametani (Dept. of Health and Sports Sciences, 2nd year) and Ryuichi Inubushi (Dept. of Health and Sports Sciences, 1st year) displayed amazing performances, with Inubushi setting anew student world record for the bench press event and winning medals in both the bench press and squat events.
The three students produced excellent results as a team, and they were ranked 4th out of 66 competing universities, making the KUAS name known on an international level.
We are truly grateful for everybody’s support.

Men’s 93 kg Class, 1st PlaceSquat
Kaneko Mao
Squat: 282.5 kg, 2nd place (new Junior Japan record)
Bench press: 165 kg
Deadlift: 330 kg, 1st place (new world record for students, new Junior Japan record)
Total: 777.5 kg (new world record for students)
Comments from Kaneko
At last year’s world championships, I was able to win a gold medal in each deadlift event but wasunable to perform as well as I wanted to. I was frustrated with finishing fifth overall. Since startingpowerlifting, I have worked hard every day with a strong desire to become the world champion, andI am delighted to be able to achieve that goal in this tournament. I was deeply moved by the fact that I set a new world record of 330 kilograms for the deadlift event and a new world record of 777.5kilograms for my grand total. Through this victory, I realized I had received support from many people. I owe it all to my mentors, friends, and regular supporters. Thank you so very much.
Men’s 83 kg Class, 16th Place
Shunya Kametani
Squat: 217.5 kg, 14th Place
Bench Press: 127.5 kg, 16th Place
Deadlift: 232.5 kg, 17th Place
Total: 577.5 kg
Comments from Kametani
This was my first time participating in a tournament overseas, and there was a lot of anxiety due tobeing in an environment much different from Japan; however, I am truly glad that we finished theevent without experiencing any issues.
Regarding the results, I was unable to set a new personal best; however, through my perseverance, Ican say with certainty that I felt growth during this tournament.
I was able to witness the moment when our captain, Kaneko, became the best in the world, andbeing able to share that moment with him was an honor. Being able to have this experience as earlyas my second year of university was truly a great experience for my competitive career, and it hasgiven me confidence in my ability to become stronger.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the faculty and staff for their support and cooperationin this tournament. Thank you very much.
Men’s 66 kg Class, No Overall Rank (Disqualified)
Inubushi Ryuichi
Squat: 205 kg, 3rd Place
Bench Press: 145.5 kg, 2nd Place (new world record for students)
Deadlift: No record
Total: No record
Comments from Inubushi
I truly desired to become the best in the world at this tournament, but I was disqualified for thesecond time this year. I realized the weight increments that I practiced beforehand can changedrastically due to fatigue caused by travel and the change in climate.
Although I was disqualified, I was very happy to finish third in the squat event, despite being my weakest event, and second in the bench press event, despite the rule change at the international tournament.
In order to redeem myself, I will move forward by strategically preparing for next year’s worldcompetition and prevail as number one in the world.
Thank you all very much for your heartwarming support.

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(Tamefusa Yagi and Takeya Wakano, Sports Promotion Office)