KUAS Students Participate in the Matsunoo Taisha Oide Festival
Apr 26, 2023
OthersOn Sunday, April 23, 2023 several KUAS Students had a unique and exciting opportunity to partake in the annual 神幸祭(Oide)Festival at Matsunoo Taisha Shrine, which is one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto known for enshrining the god of sake. At this festival, the participants carried 7 mikoshi (a portable shrine that houses a god) weighing over one ton from the main shrine, across the Katsura River and finally to an Otabisho (a temporary destination for a god during a ritual procession).

This festival is held to ward off misfortunes and to bless the residents in the local area. The event was held for the first time in 4 years and the participating students had a memorable time interacting and meeting with many locals. Another event, 環幸祭 (Okaeri), will be held on Sunday, May 14, where the mikoshi will be brought back to the main shrine. Several students from KUAS will be partaking in this event as well.
(Mariko Kora, Liaison Team, International Office)