跡田 直澄
ATODA Naosumi
- 経済学科
- 経済経営学部
- 特任教授
所属学会 | 財政学会、統計学会 |
担当科目 | 日本経済入門、統計学、経済政策論、財政学、先端的政策分析、先端的経済分析、専門ゼミ、キャリアサポート実践講座、【院】技術移転論、財政学、技術戦略論、財政政策論 |
学位 | 博士(経済学)大阪大学 |
略歴 | 大阪大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程単位修得退学。 和歌山大学、帝塚山大学、名古屋市立大学、大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科、慶應義塾大学商学部、嘉悦大学を経て現職。 After obtaining a PhD in Economics at Osaka University, ATODA Naosumi worked at Wakayama University, Tezukayama University, Nagoya City University, the Osaka School of International Public Policy, the Faculty of Business and Commerce of Keio University, and Kaetsu University. Afterward, he assumed his current position. He also worked as a visiting researcher at the Economic Research Institute of the Economic Planning Agency and at the Policy Research Institute and as a member of the Postal Services Council. He has consistently analyzed and proposed desirable tax and pension system reforms based on economic models constructed in consideration of the impacts of taxes and social security on households and companies. He has revealed the need to reform special accounts and the fiscal investment and loan system and privatize postal services and government-affiliated financial institutions through the analysis of national finance and money flow analysis. He has also shown and proposed the desirable direction of reforms. |
税・社会保障に関する制度改革の家計・企業に与える影響の実証分析。 寄付税制が非営利活動に与える影響の実証分析。
研究キーワード | 所得分配、税制、寄付 |