伊藤 友則
ITO Tomonori
- 国際学術研究院
- ビジネススクール(MBA)
- 特任教授
担当科目 | M&A
Mergers and Acquisitions |
略歴 | 1979年東京大学経済学部卒業後、東京銀行(現:三菱UFJ銀行)入行。国際企業部、資本市場第一部、ニューヨーク支店などにて勤務。ニューヨーク支店勤務中に米国の投資銀行のBear Stearns社に出向し、本格的なM&A業務に携わる。東京銀行在職中にハーバード・ビジネススクールに留学し、経営学修士号(MBA 1984年)を取得。1995年3月スイス・ユニオン銀行(現:UBS) 東京支店に入社、1998年6月よりUBS証券会社マネージング・ディレクター投資銀行本部長を務める。その間数々の民営化、IPO,公開企業のエクィティーファイナンス、社債発行、 M&Aを手掛ける。2011年4月一橋大学国際企業戦略研究科特任教授、2012年10月同研究科教授、2021年9月早稲田大学ビジネスファイナンス研究センター研究院教授。三井住友トラストグループ株式会社および三井住友海上火災保険株式会社の社外取締役。 In 1979, ITO Tomonori graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, and joined the Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.). He worked in the International Corporate Department, Capital Markets Department 1, the New York Branch, etc. While working at the New York branch, he was seconded to The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc., a U.S.-based investment bank, and engaged in M&A operations on a full scale. As a Bank of Tokyo staff member, he had the opportunity to study at Harvard Business School and obtained an MBA in 1984. In March 1995, he moved to the Tokyo branch of Union Bank of Switzerland (currently UBS). He served as Managing Director and Investment Bank Division General Manager of UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd. from June 1998. During that period, he was involved in numerous projects for privatization, IPO, equity finance of publicly listed companies, corporate bond issuance, and M&A. In April 2011, he assumed the position of specially appointed professor at the School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University. He became a professor there in October 2012. As for September of 2021, he is acting as a professor at the Center for Business and Finance Research at Waseda University Business School. Currently, he is an outside director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. |