山田 浩史 YAMADA Hiroshi
  • 国際学術研究院
  • 特任教授
経営管理特殊講義III (財務会計) MBA Courses on Selected Topics III(Financial  Accounting)
東京大学経済学部卒業。コロンビア大学経営学修士(MBA)を取得。 パナソニック㈱にて連結決算 (米国会計基準、IFRS)、ディスクロージャーなどを担当し、東京支社経理責任者、理事経理グループ経理渉外担当を歴任。
また、非常勤で、企業会計基準委員会(ASBJ)委員、 国際会計基準審議会(IASB)世界作成者フォーラム(GPF)メンバーを歴任。 その後、大阪経済大学大学院経営情報研究科 客員教授、同志社大学商学部・商学研究科 客員教授を歴任。 専門分野は、国際会計、 国際的な会計基準のコンバージェンス、企業情報のディスクロージャー。Hiroshi Yamada graduated from Tokyo University’s Faculty of Economics and Management and was awarded an MBA from Columbia Business School. 
He was in charge of consolidated accounting (U.S. GAAP and IFRS) and disclosure at Panasonic Corporation, where he also held the positions of Controller of the Tokyo Branch Office and Chief Accounting and Liaison Officer.
He has also served as a member of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) and the Global Preparers Forum (GPF) of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) on a part-time basis.
After that, he served as a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Management Information Sciences of Osaka University of Economics and at the Faculty of Commerce and Graduate School of Commerce of Doshisha University.
His areas of expertise include international accounting, international convergence of accounting standards, and corporate information disclosure.




会計基準は世界各国でIFRS(国際会計基準)の採用またはIFRSへのコンバージェンス(収斂)が進展し、最近はサステナビリティ情報の開示を拡充する動きが進んでいます。日本の国際的な大手企業での経理・財務の実務経験や企業会計基準委員会(ASBJ)で会計基準の開発に関与した経験をもとにした授業を通じて、ビジネスの基本である財務会計の実践的な知識を学んでいただきます。 Accounting standards have been progressively adopting IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) or moving towards convergence to IFRS in many countries around the world, and recently there has been a move to expand the release of sustainability information. Through lectures based on my practical experience in accounting and finance at a major international company in Japan, and my involvement in the development of accounting standards at the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ), you will learn practical knowledge of financial accounting, the foundation of business.