
第13回「トンガリ人材への道 ~How do I get there?~」開催

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2023年9月26日(火)、カナダのバンクーバーにある不動産管理会社Blue Tree Management社の代表 岡本裕明氏を京都太秦キャンパスにお招きし、第13回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~ 私の人生、何故バンクーバー?海外で働くのはエキサイティング?」(主催:キャリアデベロップメントセンター インターンシップ推進課)を開催しました。岡本氏にはご自身のキャリアや経験、海外で活躍する日本人経営者としての想いなど、約40名の参加者に向けてご講演いただきました。特にグローバル社会へ飛び立とうとする本学の学生にとって、これから意識すべきメッセージが散りばめられた講演となりました。



人生七転び八起き! 20代は汗をかき、そして国際人になれ!



Blue Tree Management社について

Blue Tree Management社は、1989年にカナダのバンクーバーで設立された不動産管理会社です。30年 以上にわたりバンクーバーで幅広い事業を行っており、不動産管理以外にもマリーナ管理、駐車場運営、ビジネスコンサルティング、日本の書籍雑貨の卸販売などを行っています。また岡本氏はブロガーとしても知られており、外から見た日本の社会、文化や経済について、毎日様々な観点から時に鋭く時に温かく書き綴っています。Blue Tree Management社には 本学の全学共通型インターンシッププログラムの海外実習先としても御協力いただいています。


  • グローバル社会において、私は英語ができないとダメだと思っていたが、英語が流暢なだけでは意思疎通は足りず、プレゼンテーション能力や論理的思考が必要不可欠であることを学んだ。また、国際人になるために、英語力を伸ばすだけでなく日本人に生まれたことに誇りを持って、日本のことをより深く知っていこうと思った。
    (経済経営学部経済学科 3年生)
  • I was truly impressed by Mr. Okamoto’s speech. His journey of building a successful business in Canada is a remarkable example of strategic brilliance and determination. The insights he shared were not only inspiring but also practical. I believe his experiences and strategies will serve as a valuable guide for anyone looking to excel in the world of business.
    (工学部機械電気システム工学科 3年生 留学生)
  • 自分の人生を創っていくには、自分からたくさんの行動を起こすことが必要なのだという事を改めて痛感しました。私が自分の将来をしたい事で溢れさせることができるようにワークライフバランスを確立していけるように努力をしていきたいです。また人生の転機となる選択で、後悔のないようにしたいです。
    (経済経営学部経営学科 1年生)
Blue Tree Management社の幅広い事業をご説明されている岡本氏





第13回 2023年9月26日(火)


講演者:岡本 裕明氏
Blue Tree Management President

(インターンシップ推進課 乾芙美香)

“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent”
~My life, why Vancouver? Is it exciting to work overseas? ~
Round 13 – Hosted by the Internship Division

On Tuesday, September 26th, KUAS welcomed Mr. Hiroaki Okamoto, President of Vancouver-based real estate management firm Blue Tree Management, to speak at round 13 of our “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” series of guest talks. Mr. Okamoto spoke about his career and experiences as an entrepreneur abroad to an audience of roughly 40 KUAS students and staff, where his stories were interspersed with messages and advice for students looking to head out into the globalized world. Several international students also participated and English interpretation was provided.

Life is About Falling Over and Getting Back Up! Work Hard in Your 20s and Become an Internationally-Minded Person!

Mr. Okamoto moved to Canada as an expat for a Japanese real estate firm early in his career, only for the firm to file for bankruptcy 10 years later. After much deliberation, he decided to buy out the Vancouver branch and start his own company, experiencing a variety of successes and failures as the firm branched out into many areas over the next 30 years. He spoke about being in an environment filled with people from all backgrounds in addition to finding a balance between work and play; the new ways of life and thinking he discovered in Canada; and how he feels about Japan looking in from the outside. Speaking from his own experience, he imparted many lessons to the audience, mentioning that “whenever you fail, the important thing is to continue challenging yourself. If you make a mistake, sleep on it to reset your mind and you can find a way around it.” He also spoke of the importance of not narrowing your perspective down to a single answer. Good communication is the only way to reach an understanding between people of different values and traditions.

In his talk about becoming an “internationally-minded” person, Mr. Okamoto stressed the value of learning about one’s own country in addition to experiencing foreign cultures via communicating and debating with people from different backgrounds. He stated that taking pride in one’s own background is the first step to becoming an internationally-minded person.

About Blue Tree Management

Blue Tree Management was established in 1989 as a real estate management firm. The firm spent the next 30 years establishing a wide variety of businesses in a range of industries including marina management, parking management, commercial real estate, business consulting, and sales of Japanese books and goods. Mr. Okamoto is also a successful blogger, writing primarily as a social critic about Japan’s position in the world from an international perspective. Blue Tree Management is also an internship partner with KUAS, accepting students as part of the overseas Internship Program.

Participant Voices

I had always thought that being able to speak English was a necessity in a globalized society; however, I learned that alone is not enough for proper communication. Presentation and critical thinking skills are also vital. Also, I realized that in order to become an internationally-minded person I need to be proud of my own heritage, and felt I needed to learn more about Japan as a country.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics 3rd-Year Student)

I was truly impressed by Mr. Okamoto’s speech. His journey of building a successful business in Canada is a remarkable example of strategic brilliance and determination. The insights he shared were not only inspiring but also practical. I believe his experiences and strategies will serve as a valuable guide for anyone looking to excel in the world of business.
(Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering 3rd-Year International Student)

I realized that in order to make your way in life, you need to be proactive and take initiative yourself. I want to work to develop a work-life balance that lets me fill my life with things that I want to do. Also, when facing life-changing decisions, I want to be able to decide so that I have no regrets.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration 1st-Year Student)

(Left) Mr. Okamoto explaining the broad range of Blue Tree Management’s projects
(Right) An international student in the audience asking about business networking in a foreign country
(The students had many questions, more than could be covered during the Q&A session)

Students continuing to ask Mr. Okamoto questions after the Q&A session

Round 13 Tuesday, September 26, 2023

“My life, why Vancouver? Is it exciting to work overseas?”

Mr. Hiroaki Okamoto
President of Blue Tree Management

(Fumika INUI, Internship Division)