11月1日(金)、本学太秦キャンパスで「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」を開催しました。2024年度の第三弾となる今回は、パナソニック コネクト株式会社 執行役員 エグゼクティブ・ヴァイス・プレジデント(副社長)の坂元寛明氏をお招きし、「グローバル・ビジネスの世界で活躍するために求められるマインドセットとは?」というテーマで講演いただきました。
坂元氏は、松下電器産業株式会社(現:パナソニック) に入社後、ドイツ・イギリス・シンガポールなどで通算18年におよぶ海外勤務を経験。現地でサービス責任者、営業責任者などを担当した後、欧州地域の統括販売会社の社長、アジア大洋州地域の販売会社で社長を歴任されました。日本に帰国後、パソコン事業の事業部長を経て現職に就任。講演では、これまでの豊富な経験をもとに、これから社会に出ていく学生の心に響くメッセージを多くいただきました。イベント当日は、3、4年生を中心に50人以上が参加し、終始メモを取りながら真剣な眼差しで講演を聞く姿が見られました。


講演者の坂元氏の元同僚である本学 大学総務部の岡崎部長
(経済経営学部経営学科 1年生)
(健康医療学部看護学科 4年生)
(経済経営学部経済学科 3年生)

2024年度第三弾 2024年11月1日(金)
パナソニック コネクト株式会社
執行役員 エグゼクティブ・ヴァイス・プレジデント(副社長)
品質・環境・CS担当(兼)品質・環境・CS本部 マネージングダイレクター

(インターンシップ推進課 乾 芙美香)
“Becoming a Top-tier Talent ~How do I get there?~” 2024 Round 3
On Friday, November 1, 2024, Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) held the third “How do I get there? ~” of 2024 at Uzumasa Campus. The event welcomed Mr. Hiroaki Sakamoto, Executive Vice President of Panasonic Connect Corporation, who spoke on the theme, “Global Mindset – What is Required to Excel in Global Business?”
Mr. Sakamoto, who joined Panasonic (formerly Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.) and worked abroad for over 18 years in Germany, England, and Singapore, shared insights from his extensive career. His roles have spanned sales management in Japan to presidency of Panasonic’s sales companies in Europe and Asia-Pacific. He currently oversees quality and environmental strategy as an Executive Vice President at Panasonic Connect. More than 50 KUAS students, primarily third- and fourth-year students, attended the lecture, listening attentively and taking notes.

“To live in the world is to do things”
Reflecting on a quote by Ryoma Sakamoto, Mr. Sakamoto explained how this phrase shaped his approach to challenges. “I encountered this quote when I was a student, and it has motivated me throughout my career. In a competitive society, being motivated and having clear goals is essential.”
Overcoming Setbacks and Learning through Experience
During his years abroad, Mr. Sakamoto faced significant challenges, including cultural differences and communication barriers. “I had many regrets, but I learned valuable lessons from each experience,” he remarked, emphasizing the importance of resilience and adaptability. He encouraged students to embrace struggles as opportunities for growth and spoke on developing key skills such as self-motivation, cooperation, and leadership.

Student Voices
“I almost gave up on my dream of working overseas, but this talk reignited my motivation to try again.”
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration First Year)
“Even if we fail, the process is crucial. I learned that striving for results is essential.”
(Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Fourth Year)
“The lecture made me see the excitement of working abroad, and I aspire to take on that challenge. There were a lot of useful points related to leadership.”
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Department of Economics Third Year)

“Becoming a Top-tier Talent ~ How do I get there~” 2024 Round 3
“Global Mindset – What is Required to Excel in Global Business?”
Hiroaki Sakamoto
Panasonic Connect Corporation
Executive Vice President (Vice President)
Managing Director, Quality, Environment and CS Division, Quality, Environment and CS Division

(Internship Division – INUI Fumika)