2024年2月7日(水)の第15回「トンガリ人材への道~How do I get there?~」(本学太秦キャンパス開催)では、株式会社松栄堂 代表取締役社長の畑正高氏をお招きし、「歴史に学ぶ 香りに学ぶ」をテーマにご講演いただきました。当日は春休み期間中でしたが約30名が参加し、香りの魅力や「温故」の大切さ、そして歴史を学ぶことの楽しさなどをお話いただきました。

株式会社松栄堂は300年以上前に創業した薫香(線香・焼香・練香など)の製造販売を行う12代続く長寿企業です。古都京都の伝統産業「お香」を未来につなぐバトンを預かっていると語る畑氏。創業家の畑家に伝わる家訓にある通り「細く 長く 曲がることなく」代々引き継がれて長年社会のニーズに応えられてきました。


第15回 2024年2月7日(水)
畑 正高氏
株式会社松栄堂 代表取締役社長
(インターンシップ推進課 乾芙美香)
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent”
~How do I get there?~
Round 15
On Wednesday, February 7th, KUAS welcomed Mr. Takamasa Hata, President of Shoyeido Incense Co., for the 15th installment of its “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” lecture series, where he spoke on the topic Lessons from Fragrance and History. Although the event was held during students’ spring vacation, it was attended by over 30 students and staff. Participants learned about the intricacies of scent and the importance of revisiting the past, as well as the simple joys that are found through studying history.
About Shoyeido Incense Co.
Shoyeido Incense Co. is a long-standing business in the incense industry, with a storied history spanning over 300 years and across 12 generations. Mr. Hata notes that the torch has been passed down to him to carry incense, one of Kyoto’s traditional industries, on into the future. Following the Hata family motto “Stand humbly, but enduringly,” Shoyeido has continued generation after generation to cater to the changing needs of society.
Strive to glow and expand abundantly
“Unlike light, which only travels in a straight line and cannot illuminate anything behind obstacles, scent spreads in all directions and can reach everyone in a given space. Incense has been in use for over a thousand years, yet even in this age of rapid technological advances, smell is a sense that cannot be digitized,” Mr. Hata mused. The Kunjyukan, built next to the Shoyeido head office as a place to promote incense culture to the world, has been a viral hit on social media and become one of Kyoto’s major tourist attractions.
Acting on the idea that “innovation creates tradition”, the company has continued to incorporate new technologies into product development, such as using compression molding to develop a new line of incense products, as well as eco-friendly incense stands made from biodegradable earth.
“Revisiting the Past”
“Study the people and events of the past with an inquisitive mind, to know how to make your own mark on history.” Of this concept of onko-chishin, Mr. Hata emphasized the importance of revisiting the past (onko). He asked that as an example, we listen to stories from our families about the books they read when they were our age, and in doing so learn just a little more about our own roots and ancestry, with hopes that we will encounter many such opportunities to unravel our own history.
Students’ Voices
“I was impressed by the fact that despite being a company with so much history, they do not reject new ideas and instead proactively incorporate foreign cultures in order to continue growing.” (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration 3rd Year)
“I originally participated because I enjoy incense, but through this event, I was able to discover the joys of unraveling history.” (Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology 3rd Year)
“It was a very valuable lecture, and I was able to learn about many facets of history through the context of scent and fragrance.” (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering 3rd Year)
Round 15 Wednesday, February 7, 2024
〜Lessons from Fragrance and History〜
Mr. Masataka Hata
Shoyeido Incense Co. – President
(Fumika INUI, Internship Division)