京都を起点とし、カジノ向けプレイングカードとカジノ向けカレンシー市場で高いマーケットシェアを誇るグローバルメーカー エンゼルグループ株式会社様(以下エンゼルグループ)。代表取締役専務CSO 滝根 直哉氏が、3月24日(木)に京都太秦キャンパスへ来学し、参加者約30名に向けて「京都から世界へ!ワールドクラスのビジネスと人材を生み出す極意」というテーマの下、IR業界、企業紹介に加え、ご自身のキャリアや人材育成についてご講演下さった。
「IR(統合型リゾート、Integrated Resort)*1と聞くとどの様なイメージを思い浮かべますか」。滝根氏の問いかけに対して参加者は様々な反応をみせた。

*1 統合型リゾートとは、カジノやMICEを中心に、ホテル、レストラン、ショッピング、劇場等様々な施設を持つ複合型観光・商業施設のこと。MICEとは、Meeting、Incentive travel、Convention、Exhibition・Eventの頭文字の略。
お客様や現場を大事にしているエンゼルグループだからこそ、実現出来た高度な”No One Knows”の技術。

1999年に世界で初めて販売したプレシャッフルプレイングカードのシャッフル技術も、お客様からカジノにおける不正防止に関する話を頂いたことが開発のきっかけとなった。事業だけではなく、お客様への深い理解を得ようと何度も働きかけ、Never Give Upの精神で常にパーフェクトを追究し続け、開発に至っている。
(経済経営学部 経営学科 1年生)
(工学部 機械電気システム工学科 2年生)
第8回 2022年3月24日(木) : 終了>
- テーマ
- 「京都から世界へ! ワールドクラスの
- 講演者
滝根 直哉 氏
代表取締役専務 CSO
(インターンシップセンター 青木 望)
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?~” Round 8 From Kyoto to the World! The Art of Creating World-Class Businesses and Employees
Angel Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Angel Group”) is a Kyoto-based global manufacturer with a high market share in the casino playing card and casino currency markets. On Thursday March 24th, we were visited at our Kyoto Uzumasa Campus by Mr. Naoya Takine, Angel Group’s Chief Strategy Officer, who gave a presentation entitled “From Kyoto to the World! The Art of Creating World-Class Businesses and Employees”. In it, he introduced the IR (Integrated Resort) industry and its companies, in addition to sharing the story of his own career and experiences with human resource development.
First, you need to know your counterpart and understand the facts.
“What image comes to mind when you hear the words ‘Integrated Resort’*1?” This question from Mr. Takine elicited a variety of responses from the participants.
According to information on the internet and other sources, casinos, a well-known type of integrated resort, are present in more than 100 countries and regions, with thousands of facilities and a market size of more than 10 trillion yen. However, since this amount is usually considered gross profit rather than sales in many industries, it is more accurate to assume that the market size is dozens of times larger than this, not just 10 trillion yen.

those opposed, raise your left!)
Also, in today’s casinos, it is more common to see many customers playing simple games where the winners are determined by luck alone, with high levels of excitement, rather than one-on-one skill competitions between players and dealers as in the old movies. How many people are aware of facts like these? “When expressing or discussing one’s opinion, one should start with a proper understanding of the facts. To agree or disagree or express opinions without a good understanding of the actual situation tends to lead to off-target discussions, and it is also disrespectful to the other party. It is important to understand the facts first with everything.” These words from Mr. Takine, who is active in the global market, were very impressive.
*1 An integrated resort is a tourist/commercial complex with various facilities such as hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters, etc., centering on casinos and MICE.
MICE is an acronym for Meeting, Incentive Travel, Convention, and Exhibitions/Events.
Angel Group is a company that cares about its customers and its employees, which is why it has been able to make its advanced “No One Knows” technology into reality.
Founded 75 years ago, Angel Group operates a consumer products business, a gaming industry products business, and an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and novelty business. Since entering the casino market, the company continues to seek a deeper understanding of casino operations and is making great strides by creating original products that are customer-focused and meet the needs of the industry. They now hold more than 50% of the global market share for several products, including playing cards and chips for casinos.

The development of the world’s first shuffling technology for pre-shuffled playing cards, which was sold in 1999, was also inspired by a customer’s story about fraud prevention in casinos. Angel Group makes constant efforts to reach out to its customers so that they can gain a deep understanding of not only the business aspect of the casino industry but also of the consumer’s perspective. This insight along with the Angel Group’s spirit of “Never Give Up”, which pushes them to drive innovation in pursuit of perfection, enabled them to develop such industry changing products.
Become the golden egg by breaking your “me-filter”! If you don’t know how to do something, try it anyway!
Lastly, Mr. Takine, who has been involved in global human resources and recruitment for many years, spoke about the kind of human resources and human resources development that is on the rise.
Not everyone in the workforce can do everything from the start. Be a golden egg with high growth potential. First of all, you need to have a minimum level of common sense, consideration for others, respect for others, and sensitivity to what is happening around you. These are all basic things that students can acquire.
Second, you must have interpersonal skills. Have you become set in your ways even though you are still young? Do you have the integrity and honesty to break down the “me-filter”, which prevents you from accepting anything but your own way, and to accept harsh criticism head-on? Let’s put aside our pride and fear of failure and make an effort. And if you don’t know what to do, just do it. If you have the flexibility to try things out even if you don’t understand what you are told, you will develop the ability to listen and imitate, which will eventually become a great strength. The ability to try to understand what you don’t understand will be needed even long after you enter the workforce. These skills are important when you work on the global stage as well. In the end, it’s all about exuding “humanity.”
And finally, you must have English language skills. Mr. Takine himself faced the English language barrier soon after he started his career, but he continued to study English even after working and studying abroad. As a result, at the age of over 40, he achieved a TOEIC score of over 900 points and also passed the EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Level 1, which is the highest level. He told us from his own experience that continuing to make efforts in both languages and work is the key to increasing one’s options, gaining experience, and building a career.
“Due to the influence of Covid-19, will casino gaming shift online?”, and “How do I learn to listen and imitate?” were asked, among other questions.
A recent KUAS graduate in attendance. “You quit McKinsey to start your own business. What made you decide to do it?”
Despite being held during spring break, the event attracted a large number of participants.
Individual questions continued to flow in after the event.
After the event, a roundtable session began spontaneously.
Mr. Takine kindly stayed late to answer all questions from students. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Student Voices
The importance of “human ability” and the “ability to grow” have increased even more in my mind now that I have heard from a person from a globally active company that these are more important than any other skills for living in society. Until now, when someone gave me instructions on something, I sometimes thought, “I don’t understand what they mean”, and would not try it. However, after listening to Mr. Takine’s talk this time, I realized that if I don’t understand what someone says, then there is a possibility that they were talking about something in an area that I don’t know much about. There is a limit to our comprehension. However, in such cases, it is important to try anyways.
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, 1st year)
This was my first time attending a “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” event. I was a little nervous at first because I did not know what kind of people would be speaking. But the more I listened to the speaker, the more I discovered different ways of thinking. I began imagining what it will be like when I enter the workforce, and it made the hour and a half event seem very short. I will participate again! In high school, there was an atmosphere in which people who could do things without effort were cool and people who worked hard were lame, and I was embarrassed to work hard.
(Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering, 2nd year)
Round 8 on 2022/3/24 (Thu):
- Theme
- “From Kyoto to the World! The Art of Creating
World-Class Businesses and Employees” - Speaker
Mr. Naoya Takine
Angel Group
Chief Strategy Officer
(Internship Center, Nozomi Aoki)