~デロイトトーマツコンサルティング合同会社 & 日本システムウエア株式会社~
「次世代で活躍するデジタル人材」と題した講演では金谷氏に加え、DTCスペシャリストリード 大地宏明氏、さらにはDTCのパートナー企業である日本システムウエア株式会社(以下NSW)執行役員 竹村大助氏の3人にそれぞれご登壇頂きました。
講演では今話題のデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)や「2025年の崖」などのキーワードを挙げて解説していただいた一方、先端デジタル技術 ARデモンストレーションを体験するため、機器を搭載した学生二人が実演を行いました。実際にNSWの東京拠点と映像と音声をつなぎ、救急車などのおもちゃを東京からの指示で作り上げました。
第4回 2021年2月19日(金)について
- テーマ
- 次世代で活躍するデジタル人材
―これからの社会に求められる人材― - スピーカー
サプライチェーン・製造チームマネージャー 金谷 優樹 氏
スペシャリストリード 大地 宏明 氏日本システムウエア株式会社
執行役員 竹村 大助 氏
第1部 「今更聞けない!デジタル化、DXとは?」金谷氏より
第2部 「先端デジタル技術の体験」竹村氏より
第3部 「エンジニアだけじゃない!デジタル人材になるためには?」 大地氏より
第5回 | 3/19 (金)@18:00-19:30 | ~個性を発揮して、夢に向かって突き進む~ |
イベント「トンガリ人材への道」の目的 :社会との接点を提供する
(インターンシップセンター 青木望)
Fall Semester Event Hosted by the Internship Center
Round 4 of “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?”
~Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LCC & Nippon Systemware~
Japan’s digitalization is lagging behind the rest of the world. Mr. Yuki Kanaya, Manager of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LCC (hereinafter, DTC), emphasized this point during his talk to students at KUAS.
On February 19, 2021, more than 60 students and faculty members attended the lecture held at Uzumasa Campus’ Happiness Hall and listened intently to Mr. Kanaya’s talk.
In addition to Mr. Kanaya, Mr. Hiroaki Ochi, DTC Specialist Lead, and Mr. Daisuke Takemura, Executive Officer of Nippon Systemware (NSW), a partner company of DTC, took the stage for a lecture titled “The Next Generation of Digital Talent”.
In the lecture, they explained the hot topics of digital transformation (DX) and the “the 2025 Digital Cliff,” while two students were equipped with devices for an augmented reality (AR) demonstration. Students were also given instructions via a live video-audio feed that was connected to NSW’s Tokyo office, whose staff gave instructions on how to assemble a miniature plastic model of an ambulance.
The key phrase “the 2025 Digital Cliff” announced in the DX report published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2018 refers to the “last chance” that Japan has to promote DX before its competitiveness declines and it begins to incur an estimated 12 trillion yen of annual economic losses, about three times the current level.
As such, digital transformation is an urgent issue for Japan, and this issue can only be solved if everyone works together as a team to solve it. The presenters mentioned that the students in the audience are digital natives, saying, “Honing your individual expertise (knowledge and areas of specialization) is the first step to becoming active as a digital professional in society.”
Round 4 on 2021/2/19 (Fri)
- Theme
- The Next Generation of Digital Talent
-How Can I be of Value to a Future Society?- - Speakers
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LCC
Supply Chain and Manufacturing TeamMr. Yuki Kanaya, Manager
Mr. Hiroaki Ochi, Specialist LeadNippon Systemware
Mr. Daisuke Takemura, Executive Officer
Part 1: “Don’t wait until it’s too late! Digitalization and DX” by Mr. Kanaya
Part 2: “Experiencing AR Technology” by Mr. Takemura
Part 3: “It’s not just for engineers! How you can become a digital professional.” by Mr. Ochi
Lecture by Mr. Kanaya, DTC
Lecture by Mr. Ochi, DTC
Lecture by Mr. Takemura, NSW
Assembly work experience via remote AR instructions
After the event
Student Voices
I learned that there are many different companies in the world. I didn’t know much about consulting, so I learned a lot.
(Faculty of Engineering, first-year student)
I was surprised that I did not feel any time lag when I actually used the AR demonstration. It felt like there is a real possibility that this could be used for technical guidance.
(Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science, first-year student)
I learned that people in both the humanities and sciences need to share responsibility for digital transformation, and that by thinking about the process of its realization, we can finally utilize various skills and knowledge in manufacturing to create products. By playing a specific role, we can create better products.
(Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science, third-year student)
There is no superman who can take on all the needs of society and create a product to meet those needs by himself. Therefore, I learned that it is good to have a specialization in one of the steps in that process. I thought that by keeping my senses attuned to what I want and need, I can get closer to becoming a digital professional.
(Faculty of Humanities, third-year student)
Future Events
Round 5 | 3/19 (Fri) @18:00-19:30 | ~Exert your individuality and reach for your dreams~ |
*Conducted with COVID-19 safety measures in place.
*All students, faculty, staff, and anyone else involved with KUAS are welcome to attend. For details, please refer to the portal site.
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” Event Series: Helping Students Connect with Society
This event speaker series provides students opportunities to think more deeply about their future life and career choices. We believe that one of the reasons why students have difficulty imagining their future careers is that they have few chances to interact with working professionals while in school. Expanding your network through encounters on and off-campus and learning about the values of various people will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. This will be a step towards enriching your student life, by helping you develop a clearer image for your future, and by acting as a starting point for accelerating your activities both on and off-campus.
(Internship Center, Nozomi Aoki)