6月18日(金)、京都太秦キャンパスにてコストコホールセールジャパン(株)代表取締役/日本支社長 Ken Theriault氏を迎え、「コストコ代表が伝える人材で大切な事」と題し、本学学生300名に向けてキャリア・価値観・将来観についてご講演頂いた(注)。
「世界の小売業が日本市場へ進出するのは簡単なことではない。物流や法律等、様々な要因はあるものの、一番大切なのは進出国のお客様が何を求めているのかということ。人や文化への敬意、何事に対しても情熱を注ぎ、陰ながらの努力なくして成功がないこと、そして最後は自分次第である」ことをKen Theriault氏は彼自身の人生を通じて教えてくれた。
「“You never will know everything. Keep learning forever!” (すべてを知り得ることなどない。一生学ぶこと!)━━。2020年以降、コロナ禍により社会変化は加速した。小売業にとって消費者心理や行動が変わる中、消費者と繋がる道を模索する必要があった。コストコが緊急事態下であっても生活必需品の低価格提供、在庫確保等、消費者の求めるサービスを提供し続ける事ができたのは、他社にないユニークなビジネスモデルを築き上げてきたからだ」。
第3回 2021年6月18日 : 終了>
- テーマ
キャリア・価値観・将来観 - スピーカー
Ken Theriault氏
第1部 ご講演
第2部 Q&A
ご紹介頂いた経済経営学部 桑村先生からの謝辞
やる気があるのか、ポジティブなのか、あいさつの重要性といった精神的なことやマナー的なことのほうが重要であるとおっしゃっていて、コミュニケーション力という力の重要性を改めて考えさせられました。(経済経営学部 2年生)
私は、特にKen Theriault様の「人」としての大きさに圧倒されました。言語化することはできないのですが、人としての違いをかなり感じました。(バイオ環境学部 3年生)
働く上で大切なことは、いま何一つ身についていないと感じた。この4年間で、必死になれることを見つけて、日ごろから「行動」することを意識しようと思った。(人文学部 1年生)
イベント「トンガリ人材への道」の目的 : 社会との接点を提供する
(インターンシップセンター 青木 望)
Round 3: “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?”
Mr. Ken Theriault, Representative Director/Country Manager Costco Wholesale Japan
On Friday, June 18, Mr. Ken Theriault, Country Manager of Costco Wholesale Japan, gave a lecture at Uzumasa Campus to 300 KUAS students. The lecture was titled, “The Important Things in Life as heard from a Costco Representative”, and covered topics such as Mr. Theriault’s career and values as well as his outlook for the future.
It is not an easy task for retailers around the world to enter the Japanese market. Although there are many factors to consider such as logistics and laws, the most important thing is to know what customers are looking for in the country you are entering. Using his own life story, Mr. Theriault taught us to have respect for people and culture, to take on everything with passion, that success is not possible without hard work behind the scenes, and that the end result is up to you.
“You will never know everything. Keep learning forever!” The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated social change since 2020. Retailers need to find a way to connect with consumers as sentiment and behavior change. Thanks to its unique business model, Costco has been able to continue providing services desired by consumers, such as low prices on daily necessities and stock availability, even under emergency conditions.
The lecture was given entirely in English with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese, and the question and answer session was also conducted in English. One student asked, “Who is the best person you have worked with so far, and what were they like?” To this, Mr. Theriault responded, “It is impossible to single out one employee. Every employee is different, and each one has their own strengths.” Through this response, we can gain a deeper understanding of Mr. Theriault’s attitude toward people and why Costco has an organizational culture focused on employee development.
If it were not for Mr. Theriault, Costco would not have been successful in the Japanese market. The messages he gave from various perspectives on life, career development, and future prospects were invaluable as a source of inspiration for the students to take their first step forward in their careers.
Third round, June 18th, 2021 <closed>:
- Topic
“The Important Things in Life as heard from a Costco Representative
~Career, Values, and the Future” - Speaker
Mr. Ken Theriault
Costco Wholesale Japan
Representative Director / Country Manager
Part 1 Lecture
Part 2 Q&A
Uzumasa venue
Mr. Theriault
Q&A session
Q&A session
Message from Professor Kuwamura of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, who acted as an intermediary
Commemorative photograph
Student Voices
Mr. Theriault said that attitude and manners—such as having motivation, being positive, and always remembering to greet people warmly—are important. It made me rethink the importance of communication skills.(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2nd year)
I was especially impressed by the way that Mr. Theriault’s presence filled the room. I can’t put it into words, but I felt quite strongly that he was different from other people.(Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science, 3rd year)
I was reminded that I have not yet acquired many important work skills. During the next four years, I will try to find something that I can give my all towards, and always keep in mind the importance of taking “action” on a daily basis.(Faculty of Humanities, 1st year)
And more!
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” Event Series: Helping Students Connect with Society
This event speaker series provides students with opportunities to think more deeply about their future life and career choices. We believe that one of the reasons why students have difficulty imagining their future careers is that they have few chances to interact with working professionals while in school. Expanding your network through encounters on and off-campus and learning about the values of various people will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. This will be a step towards enriching your student life, by helping you develop a clearer image for your future, and by acting as a starting point for accelerating your activities both on and off-campus.
(Internship Center, Nozomi Aoki)