KUAS全学生、教職員向けに、秋学期11月~3月にかけて毎月「トンガリ人材への道」というイベントを実施しています。今回は工学部 客員教授 兼 日本電産㈱執行役員 中央モーター基礎技術研究所⻑ 中山先生登壇の第1回イベントの実施報告を行います。
第1回 2020年11月20日(金)について
テーマ | ~⼤学⽣活での縁や⼈間関係の⼤切さ~ |
スピーカー | 中山 純⼀郎氏 京都先端科学⼤学 ⼯学部 客員教授 ⽇本電産㈱ 執⾏役員 中央モーター基礎技術研究所⻑ |
- 大学生活を充実させる方法を学ぶ!
- 卒業後に活躍人材としてキャリアを積むためのアドバイスを貰う!
- イベント内のアクティビティを通じて他学部生と交流しネットワークを拡げる!


スピーカー:中山 純⼀郎氏
第1回は工学部 客員教授 中山先生にご登壇頂きました。サッカー少年であった高校生がどの様な経験を経て、世界No.1モータメーカー日本電産㈱の執行役員になったかについて、人生の道のりをお話しして頂きました。

講演では「縁」と「偶然」について、与えられた機会をチャンスとして捉え、挑戦することがいかに大切かを強調しつつ、サークルや部活等への積極的な参加がネットワークを広げ、縁と偶然につながるのだというメッセージを頂きました。中山先生は大学生の頃に参加したボーイスカウト活動の「International Staff Camp」をきっかけに海外で働きたいと思うようになられました。研究職として国際的に活躍される中山先生のキャリアは縁と偶然の中で与えられたチャンスへ挑戦され続けた結果でした。

「入学してから初めて長い時間 最初から最後まで人の話を集中して聞いた」
第2回 | 12/18(金)@18:00~19:30 | ~キャリアネットワークの拡げ方~ |
スピーカー西村 周三氏 京都先端科学⼤学 経済経営学部長 田村 スティシー氏 京都先端科学大学 インターンシップセンター職員 グオ ヘイリー氏 〃 | ||
第3回 | 1/8 (金)@17:00~19:30 | ~いま、あなたの心に火はついていますか~ |
スピーカー神保 拓也氏 トーチリレー 代表取締役 隊長/元ファーストリテイリンググループ ユニクロ 上席執行役員 | ||
第4回 | 2/19 (金)@18:00~19:30 | ~次世代で活躍するデジタル人材~ |
スピーカーデロイトトーマツコンサルティング合同会社 金谷 優樹氏 マネージャー サプライチェーン・製造チーム 大地 宏明氏 スペシャリストリード サプライチェーン・製造チーム | ||
第5回 | 3/19 (金)@18:00~19:30 | ~マスマーケティングと商品づくり~(仮) |
スピーカーBen Taylor氏 ㈱スクウェア・エニックス テクニカルダイレクター |
- Covid-19感染症対策の上で実施。
- 全学生、教職員等、KUAS関係者であればどなたでも参加大歓迎です。詳細は先端なびやポータルをご参照下さい。
Fall Semester Event Hosted by the Internship Center
Round 1 of “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent ~How Do I Get There?~”
~Professor Nakayama, KUAS Faculty of Engineering Visiting Professor and Nidec Executive Officer~
At KUAS, the Internship Center is holding a series of events called “Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” for all students, faculty and staff. This article is a report on the first round of the event series.
“Becoming a Top-Tier Talent” Event Series: Helping Students Connect with Society
This event speaker series provides students with opportunities to think more deeply about their future life and career choices. We believe that one of the reasons why students have difficulty imagining their future careers is that they have few chances to interact with working professionals while in school. Expanding your network through encounters on and off-campus and learning about the values of various people will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. This will be a step towards enriching your student life, by helping you develop a clearer image for your future, and by acting as a starting point for accelerating your activities both on and off-campus.
Round 1 on 2020/11/20 (Fri)
Theme | ~Making the Most of University Life~ |
Speaker | Mr. Junichiro Nakayama Visiting Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University of Advanced Science Executive Officer of Nidec Corporation Head of Nidec Research and Development Center |
- Learn how to make the most of your university experience!
- Get advice on how to build your career as an active person after graduation!
- Interact with students from other faculties and expand your network through activities at the event!

At the event

Speaker: Mr. Junichiro Nakayama
Our first event was headed by Mr. Nakayama, a visiting professor at the Faculty of Engineering. He talked about his life journey from a high school soccer player to an executive officer at Nidec Corporation, the world’s No.1 motor manufacturer.

In his lecture, Professor Nakayama talked about “fate” and “coincidence,” emphasizing how important it is to see any given opportunity as a chance and take on challenges. Mr. Nakayama’s desire to work abroad was sparked by the International Staff Camp, a Boy Scout activity he participated in as a university student. Mr. Nakayama’s career as an internationally active researcher was the result of his continuous efforts to take up opportunities given to him by fate and chance.
Professor Nakayama’s cheerful and open personality kept the students’ questions flowing in the post-lecture Q & A session. The students asked a wide range of questions, including what skills they should acquire while still in school and how to interact with others. In the latter half of the event, each group exchanged opinions on Professor Nakayama’s lecture, which provided the students with an opportunity to expand their network with students from other departments.

Student Voices
“I’m still in my first year, so I hope to get involved and expand my community.”
(Faculty of Engineering, 1st year)
“I want to take action and become a proactive person.”
(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2nd year)
“For the first time since I entered the school, I listened intently to someone for a long time from start to finish.”
(Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science, 1st year)
Future Events
Round 2 | 12/18 (Fri) @ 18:00~19:30 | ~Expanding your Career Network ~ |
Speakers: Mr. Nishimura Shuzo Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto University of Advanced Science Ms. Stacey Tamura Ms. Hailey Guo Staff, Internship Center, Kyoto University of Advanced Science | ||
Round 3 | 1/8 (Fri) @17:00~19:30 | ~Do You Have a Fire Burning In Your Heart? ~ |
Speakers: Mr. Takuya Jimbo Torch Relay, Representative Director/Captain Former Upper Executive Officer of Fast Retailing Group (UNIQLO) | ||
Round 4 | 2/19 (Fri) @18:00~19:30 | ~The Next Generation of Digital Talent ~ |
Speakers: Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC Mr. Yuki Kanaya, Manager, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Team Mr. Hiroaki Ochi, Specialist Lead, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Team | ||
Round 5 | 3/19 (Fri)@18:00~19:30 | ~Mass Marketing and Product Creation – (tentative) |
Speakers: Mr. Ben Taylor Technical Director, Square Enix Co. |
- Conducted with COVID-19 safety measures in place.
- All students, faculty, staff, and anyone else involved with KUAS are welcome to attend. For details, please refer to the portal site.