
【学長メッセージ】 本学における生成系AIへの対応について/Regarding the Use of Generative AI Systems at Our University

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さらに、個人情報などの情報を生成系AIに入力すると、他の利用者に提供されてしまう可能性があります。本学では個人情報保護の観点からも、学生による生成系AIの活用における個人情報の入力を厳しく禁じています。 これらのことをしっかりと理解していただき、そのうえで自己学修や自らの能力を高めるために積極的に活用することは、これからの社会では必要になってくるでしょうし、本学における学修でも有効となる可能性があると考えています。


学長 前田正史

Generative AI has come to be recognized as a useful tool in a variety of fields. However, the generative AIs typically available to the public are models that have not been customized for a specific purpose and are only trained using the data accessible on the internet. In other words, if the “primary information” available to the AI is not accurate, it will not provide accurate results.

Furthermore, entering personal or other sensitive information into a generative AI is not safe. The AI could retain this information and use it in responses to other users. Never enter any personal information when using these AI tools. While it is important to be aware of these potential risks, I also believe that utilizing these AI tools for self-learning and skill acquisition will be essential in the future and that AI can be an effective tool for learning at our University.

On the other hand, in an academic setting, providing clear citations is required when referencing information in books, on the Internet, or from other sources. Therefore, please be aware that it is not permissible to use the information provided by an AI as-is in assignments, reports, and other academic work submitted as part of your university coursework. All coursework submitted to the University must be of your own writing, and if you cite information from other sources, you are required to indicate the source accurately. If a submitted assignment is found to have been generated by an AI without proper citation, the University will take strict action, including deeming that submission an act of plagiarism.

Masafumi MAEDA, President
Kyoto University of Advanced Science