世界27ヵ国 総勢113名の留学生が入学
同日午後、同じ京都太秦キャンパスの「みらいホール」にて2023年度工学部‧工学研究科入学式を挙行しました。世界27ヵ 国から学部生98名、院生15名、合計113名の英語基準学生*が入学。式典は英語で開催され、中には伝統的な民族衣装を着た留学生も見られました。コロナ禍後初めて保護者も対面参加し、文字通り国際色豊かな華々しい式典となりました。なお、入国手続きが間に合わなかった一部の留学生はオンラインでの参加となりました。
入学式冒頭、前田正史学長は「本学は、皆さんが自らの夢に向かって、自分の力で歩むために必要と考えられる知恵と“チカラ”をつけるプログラムを用意しています。チャンスは目の前にあります。つかむのは皆さんです。4年後、皆さんが自分の夢に向かって、日本で、世界で、活躍できる人財になっていることを期待します。」と新入生へ励ましの言葉が贈られました。また、田畑修副学長(工学部学部長)が「工学の基礎学問をしっかり勉強し、デザインシンキング思考で”Street-Smart Global Engineerを目指してほしい」、「多くの魅力的な日本人と交流し、文化的に豊かな京都の環境を楽しんでほしい」と新入生の門出に祝辞を述べました。
その後、機械電気システム工学科2年生の松永崇央さんから「私もこの2年間で成長を実感しています。すべてはあなた次第です。躊躇せず新しいことに挑戦してください。」と歓迎・激励の言葉が述べられました。また、新入生のSantoso Jonathan Richardさんは入学の喜びに触れながら、「リスクを顧みず新しい友情を築きこの機会を最大限に活かしていきます。」と返答し、式が無事に終了しました。

(大学総務課 中村)
On Wednesday, September 6, following the Fall 2023 Graduation Ceremony, the Fall 2023 Kyoto University of Advanced Science Entrance Ceremony was held at Mirai Hall of Uzumasa Campus. A total of 113 new students from 27 countries, including 98 undergraduate students and 15 graduate students, were in attendance for the event. The ceremony was held in English, and many international students wore their home country’s traditional attire to celebrate the occasion. For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and guardians were able to attend the event in person, making for a spectacular ceremony with a stronger international atmosphere than ever before. In addition, 19 international students who could not complete the immigration procedures in time for the ceremony were able to participate online.
At the beginning of the ceremony, President Masafumi Maeda offered words of encouragement to the new students, saying, “At KUAS, we offer programs that give our students the wisdom and strength needed to build their dreams with their own hands. . .Please make full use of these opportunities. The chance is there for you to grasp. In four years, I expect that you will be young professionals, fully capable of pursuing your own dreams and succeeding in Japan or anywhere in the world.”
Executive Vice President and Dean of Faculty of Engineering Dr. Osamu Tabata congratulated the new students, challenging them to master the fundamentals of engineering and aim to embody the spirit of “Global Street-Smart Engineering”. He ended his address by advising the international students to “. . . interact with many Japanese people around you and enjoy the culturally rich environment of Kyoto during your university life.”
Following President Maeda and Dean Tabata’s addresses, Mr. Suo Matsunaga, a second-year at KUAS Faculty of Engineering, welcomed and encouraged his new peers, saying, “I would like to tell you two things based on my experiences after a year and a half at this university. First, everything is up to you. . . opportunities are waiting for you to grasp them. Don’t be shy. The second thing I want to tell you is that you are never alone. . . Our professors, teaching associates, campus staff, and students like me will do our best to support you.”
Finally, Mr. Santoso Jonathan Richard, class representative of the new batch of KUAS Faculty of Engineering students, offered words of joy on their admission, “Let’s take risks, take on new challenges, build new friendships, and make the most of our opportunities here at Kyoto University of Advanced Science.” Mr. Santoso delivered the final words of his speech and brought the ceremony to a close.
(Yuki Nakamura, University General Affairs Division)