10月19日(土)、太秦キャンパスにて、2024年度の夏季インターンシップ・企業実習プログラムの成果報告会を開催しました。本報告会には、国内外のインターンシップに参加した実習生約230名に加え、お世話になった実習先企業のご担当者120名、プログラムに関心を持つ学生や教職員50名、総勢約400名が参加しました。今回の成果報告会では、企業での実習を通じて得た学びや成長を発表しました。 会場では、参加者から多くの質問やフィードバックが寄せられ、学生にとって新たな学びを得る場となりました。
(キャリアディベロップメントセンター ワトソン)
2024 KUAS Internship Program Final Presentations
Check out the Video Summary for this event below!
The Final Presentation Event for the 2024 KUAS Summer Internship Program was held on Saturday, October 19. Over 400 people attended the event, including about 230 interns, approximately 120 company representatives, and around 50 faculty members, staff, and interested students. During their presentations, interns reflected on the knowledge and personal growth they gained through their internship experiences. They also received feedback and questions from participants, offering further opportunities for reflection and development.
Taking on an Overseas Internship
Thirty of the 230 participating students tried their hand at internships abroad in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, India, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Netherlands. A recurring theme across many presentations was the importance of international perspectives and cross-cultural understanding.
International Students First Work Experience in Japan
On the other hand, 30 English-standard international students partook in the Internship Program, many of them having their first experience working at a Japanese company. Their presentations highlighted adaptability and teamwork as crucial skills, along with the challenges and rewards of overcoming language barriers.
Deepening Connections at the Networking Reception
A Networking Reception followed the presentations, with students actively involved in organizing and moderating the event, creating an opportunity for exchange in a more casual setting. Students proactively approached and exchanged business cards with company representatives, which led some participating companies to comment on the increasing proactiveness of students, raising expectations for future collaboration.
2024 Program Completion and Future Prospects
With the completion of the Final Presentation Event, the 2024 KUAS Summer Internship Program has officially concluded. This year once again provided students with a wide range of domestic and international experiences, enabling them to grow through hands-on learning and interaction with host companies and organizations.
Looking ahead, we aim to further enhance our career support to foster long-term student development. We will continue working closely with our internship partners to tailor programs to meet the evolving needs of various industries.
We would like to congratulate this year’s participants on successfully completing the program and extend our sincere thanks to our partner companies. We look forward to making next year’s program an even greater success.
(Career Development Center, Kyler Watson)