2023年LCOY代表団のメンバー/Group Photo for Official Appointment as 2023 LCOY Delegates
2023年9月20日、バイオ環境デザイン学科のウォン・ヤン ジエ先生が、第19回Local Conference of Youth(LCOY)の代表団の一員に任命されました。
このイベントは、Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP) TokyoとClimate Youth Japan(CYJ)が共同主催し、国際連合も後援しています。環境と持続可能性に関するグローバルな課題がある中、それらに取り組む若手リーダーや専門家を一堂に集めるプラットフォームになっています。ここでのウォン先生の役割は、ワークショップやラウンドテーブルディスカッションへの積極的な参加だけでなく、気候変動に関連するグローバルな課題に対処するための具体的な戦略の開発も期待されています。
On September 20, 2023, Dr. Wong Yong Jie from the Department of Bioenvironmental Design was appointed as a delegate for the 19th Local Conference of Youth (LCOY).
Endorsed by the United Nations, this event is jointly organized by the Tokyo branch of the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP) and the Climate Youth Japan (CYJ). The LCOY serves as a crucial platform for bringing together young leaders, activists, and professionals dedicated to addressing global challenges, particularly environmental and sustainability issues. Dr. Wong’s role as a delegate will not only include active participation in workshops and roundtable discussions, but also in the development of concrete strategies against the global challenges of climate change.
Joining the LCOY delegation signifies Dr. Wong’s commitment to youth empowerment and involvement in global sustainability efforts, as this is a testament to his carrying the hopes of young leaders and change drivers alike within the academic and environmental communities. Now, together with the other 19th LCOY members, Dr. Wong is preparing the 2023 LCOY Japan National Youth Statement for submission.
Let us all play our roles in the fight against global warming.

LCOYのラウンドテーブルとワークショップの様子/Roundtable and Workshop for LCOY 2023

LCOY代表団の全体写真/ Group Photo of LCOY Delegates
(バイオ環境学部 教授 寳関淳)
(Jun Hoseki, Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences)
(広報センター 浦田剛)
(Go Urata, Public Relations Center)