
国際イノベーションコンテスト (iCAN 24)の日本予選でトリプル受賞!【工学部】

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同チーム(チーム名:Jammy Tech /メンバー:Araki Amane, Ikehara Hinata, Kasajima Yakushin, Huke Koyuu, Tanaka Junsei)は、災害時ロボットサポートCoCaを提案しました。CoCaは、被災地に赴いて被災者の話を聞き、文字データに変換・要求要約・分類をしてクラウド上に保存します。救助者側は簡便なWebアプリでそのデータを見て迅速に救助方針をたてることができます。CoCaはまた、話の内容の喜怒哀楽を判断して顔のアニメーションを変化させる機能を備え、被災者の心に寄り添うことも目指しています。

(工学部 教授 川上 浩司)

Won Triple Prize at the Japanese qualifying round of the International Contest of Innovation (iCAN’24)


A team of students from the Faculty of Engineering won the second prize, the Idea Prize, and the Poster Prize in the Japanese qualifying round of the 15th International Contest of Innovation (iCAN’24).

The contest is an international competition where participants propose applications using MEMS devices and compete with the prototype of the applications. The Japanese qualifying round for the 15th contest was held at Sendai Mediatheque on 14th April 2024, with 13 teams from all over Japan. The top teams will compete in the World Championships scheduled to take place in Davos (Switzerland) in July.

The team “Jammy Tech” (Araki Amane, Ikehera Hinata, Kasajima Yakushin, Huke Koyuu, Tanaka Jnsei) proposed a disaster robot support “CoCa.” CoCa goes to the affected area to listen to the survivors’ talks, converts them into text data, summarizes them into requests, classifies them, and stores them in the cloud. Rescuers can view the data using a simple web app and quickly formulate a rescuer plan. CoCa also aims to be close to the hears of survivors, with the ability to change facial animations based on the joy or sadness of the content of the talks.

(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)