
2023年ハロウィン祭を開催/2023 Halloween Festival

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2023年10月21日(土)、京都太秦キャンパスにてハロウィン祭を開催いたしました。本学に在籍する外国人学生を中心とするKUAS Halloween Committee が主催し、約150名の参加者を集めました。教職員や保護者の方々も多数参加。クリエイティブかつ奇抜なコスチュームでハロウィンを祝いました。





ご参加いただきました学生、教職員、保護者の皆さま、ならびに熱意を込めてイベントの計画と運営を担ったKUAS Halloween Committeeの皆さまには厚く御礼申し上げます。来年のハロウィン祭もお楽しみに!


KUAS Halloween Committee ウェブサイトはこちら
KUAS Halloween Committee インスタグラムはこちら

(学生センター マイケル・スミス)
(国際センター アラン・チャンブリス)

On October 21, the Kyoto Uzumasa Campus came alive with eerie excitement as the 2023 Halloween Festival, hosted by the KUAS Halloween Committee, brought together a diverse crowd of about 150 attendees. From KUAS students to faculty, staff, and their families, everyone got into the Halloween spirit with their creative and quirky costumes.

The festivities kicked off with a haunted house, complete with an escape-room twist. For party-goers with an appetite, a kebab food truck was waiting nearby to serve tasty snacks. For those looking for more fun and games, there were mini-activities like cornhole and ring toss. The popular magic show left everyone mystified, and the 3-legged race had participants in splits. Live DJ sets and performances by the KUAS Wind Ensemble and international students added a musical touch to the night.

The grand finale of the event took place on the West Building Terrace, where the KUAS Halloween Committee hosted a Costume Contest. Categories included “strangest costume,” “best make-up,” “best group,” and the coveted “Judges’ Favorite.” Winners posed for pictures with the event planners and went home with fantastic prizes. The night reached its peak when an international student, dressed in her magical schoolgirl costume, took the stage and wowed the crowd with a popular anime song.

A massive thank you to all the guests, faculty, and students who joined in the fun, making the night truly magical and festive. Special appreciation goes out to the Halloween Committee for their hard work in planning and executing this spectacular event. We cannot wait for the next Halloween Festival! Be sure to check out the KUAS Halloween Committee’s website for more thrilling updates and future events.

KUAS Halloween Committee Website
KUAS Halloween Committee Instagram

(Michael Smith, Student Affairs Center)
(Ahraun Chambliss, International Center)