本学工学部3年生のAbbhiraj Singhさんが日本機械学会2023年度年次大会にて「Strength control of silicon MEMS using electron beam induced silicon nanodots」の研究発表を行い、若手優秀講演フェロー賞を受賞しました。この賞は、日本機械学会主催の講演会において優れた講演を行った学生員と正員に対して顕彰されます。若手に自信と誇りを与えることで専門家育成を支援するもので、科学技術創造立国のための人材育成に貢献することを目的としています。

本学教員の生津資大教授(工学部/専門分野:ナノメカニクス、ナノテクノロジ、機能性材料)の指導のもと、Abbhirajさんは工学部のコーナーストーンプロジェクト(工学部学生が自主的に取り組むプロジェクト型の研究)として「Nanodot-based Nanomechanical Switch」の研究開発に取り組んできました。シリコン(Si)を酸化させて作ったSi酸化膜に電子線を当てるだけで膜の中に直径10ナノメートル程度のSiナノドットを作ることができます。AbbhirajさんはSiナノ細線を酸化させて作った酸化Siナノ細線の内部にSiナノドットをたくさん作り込み、それを引き伸ばしながら電流を流すことで2つのSiナノドット間に流れる電流が途切れると考え、これをスイッチのメカニズムとして使うことを提案しました。その研究過程で、Siナノドットをある密度で酸化Siナノ細線に作り込めば、細線自体の強度を制御できることを見出しました。材料の強度はその作製履歴や欠陥の大きさ・数で自動的に決まるとする従来の考え方を覆す、とても画期的な研究成果です。
(工学部教授 川上浩司)
Abbhiraj Singh, KUAS Engineering 3rd year bachelor student, received the JSME 2023 Young Fellow Award
Abbhiraj Singh, a third-year bachelor student at KUAS Engineering has received the Young Fellow Award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) 2023 Annual Meeting held in Tokyo Metropolitan University for his presentation entitled “Strength control of silicon MEMS using electron beam induced silicon nanodots”. This award recognizes outstanding research work and presentations performed by young researchers among the presenters at the conferences organized by JSME. Abbhiraj’s research and presentation were very positively evaluated, leading to this award.

Under Professor Takahiro Namazu’s supervision, Abbhiraj has addressed a challenging research project “Nanodot-based Nanomechanical Switch” as a Cornerstone Project, which is a self-motivated project-type research and development that KUAS Engineering bachelor students can do. The Nanomechatronics Laboratory (specializing in nanomechanics, nanotechnology, and functional materials, directed by Professor Takahiro Namazu) is researching a new technique for nucleation of Si nanodots with a diameter of about 10 nanometers in Si oxide film by simply irradiating an electron beam to the film. Abbhiraj thought “by creating a large number of Si nanodots inside an oxidized Si nanowire, which can be made by oxidizing a Si nanowire, a current can flow through the nanowire. Under the condition, if the nanowire is stretched, the current flow would be interrupted due to an increase of the distance between two Si nanodots inside the nanowire. That phenomenon can be used as a nanoscale switching mechanism.” During his project, Abbhiraj discovered that the strength of the nanowire can be controlled by growing Si nanodots inside. This is a groundbreaking idea and research outcome, which overturns the conventional idea that materials’ strength is automatically determined by process history and the size and number of defects contained.
Abbhiraj said, “It is a great honor for my project results to be recognized. It was very hard for me to pursue experiments during my spare time after lectures. The lab’s seniors and Namazu sensei always supported me, so I did it! Thanks, everyone!” Professor Namazu added, “During the limited time available, Abbhiraj actively visited the laboratory and did his best in the experiment. His serious and proactive approach to everything led him to receive this award. He deserves it and I am proud of him.” Abbhiraj will join the Nanomechatronics Laboratory in April 2024 on a laboratory Project and will continue to work hard on his research activities.
(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)