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本学工学部学部長の田畑修教授が、2023年度日本機械学会関西支部賞(研究賞)を受賞しました。同賞(JSME Kansai Academic Award)は、研究業績を通じて関西支部地区の機械工学と機械工業の発展に貢献した研究グループの功績に対して授与されます。




(工学部 教授 川上 浩司)


Professor Tabata received the JSME Kansai Academic Award 2023!

Professor Osamu Tabata, Faculty of Engineering, KUAS received the 2023 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Kansai Academic Award (Research Award). It is awarded to the achievement of a research group that has contributed to the development of mechanical engineering and the machine industry in the Kansai Section.

Professor Tabata received the award for the work on “Development of Body-on-Chips by Applying Nano-Micro Fabrication” together with Lecturer Yoshikazu Hirai (Kyoto University) and Associate Professor Kenichiro Kamei (New York University, Abu Dhabi).

This research aims to create mini human bodies (body-on-a-chip) by integrating multiple mini-organs cultured from human organ cells, together with microvalve pumps and microfluidic channels, on a chip of a few centimeters square to realize material exchange between the mini-organs. This research will contribute to drug discovery and the elucidation of the causes of disease.

The research group has already succeeded in developing a mini-human body consisting of mini-organs of the liver and heart. The group is currently working to realize a mini-human body consisting of mini-organs of the small intestine and liver, and to elucidate the pathogenic mechanism of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and develop therapeutic drugs. An overview of his research can be found in Professor Tabata’s Yume Navi (in Japanese).

(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)