
田畑副学長・工学部学部長 製造業の国際イベントに

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2024年3月14日(木)、本学の副学長・工学部学部長の田畑修教授がAichi Sky Expo(愛知県国際展示場)で開催のSMART MANUFACTURING SUMMITに登壇します。田畑教授は同イベントのメインコンテンツであるビジネスサミットのパネルディスカッション「新しい時代に求められる人材、そのために大学と社会が共創すべきこと -学生教育からリカレント・学び直しまで― 」で、名古屋大学の佐宗章弘副総長、寺野真明特任教授と議論を展開します。


SMART MANUFACTURING SUMMITは製造業に関する国際的なイベントで、愛知県や在日フランス商工会議所などの後援を受けて、日本のものづくりの一大拠点でもある愛知県で開催します。参加を希望される方は事前の登録が必要ですので、詳しくは同イベントの来場者登録のサイトを覧ください。

(社会連携支援室 岡 徹)


Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. TABATA Osamu to Attend the International Manufacturing Industry Event

On Thursday, March 14, 2024, Professor TABATA Osamu, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, will speak at the SMART MANUFACTURING SUMMIT to be held at the Aichi Sky Expo (Aichi International Exhibition Center). Prof. Tabata will join Vice President SASOH Akihiro and Designated Professor TERANO Masaaki of Nagoya University in a panel discussion on “What universities and industries should do for preparing profiles required in new era- from education, recurrent learning to re-skilling” at the Business Summit, the main event.

The Business Summit will feature keynote speeches and panel discussions by manufacturing industry leaders from Japan and Europe. All speeches will have simultaneous interpretation, so it will be possible to hear the talks in Japanese and English. There will also be time after the conference for casual networking and business card exchange.

SMART MANUFACTURING SUMMIT is an international manufacturing industry event that will be held in Aichi Prefecture, a major manufacturing center in Japan, with the support of Aichi Prefecture and the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan. Those who wish to attend must register in advance; see the event’s visitor registration website for details.

(OKA Toru, Community Collaboration Support Center)