
はじめに、4つのグループに分かれ自己紹介を行いました。4年生の皆さんは事前にスライドを作成し、タブレット端末を使いながら自分の誕生日や趣味、好きな食べ物などを英語で紹介。次に、留学生らが子どもの頃に遊んだゲームに取り組みました。インドネシア式ババ抜きに石投げゲーム、推測ゲームやDuck Duck Gooseなど、皆さんにとって初めて体験するゲームがほとんどでしたが、大いに盛り上がりました。ゲームの説明はすべて英語で行われましたが、理解が難しいところは7年生が4年生を手助けし、全員が楽しく取り組むことができました。

(国際センター 岩田淳史)
KUAS International Students Visit Kameoka-Kawahigashi Gakuen
On January 12th, 2024 (Fri), four international students and staff from KUAS visited Kameoka-Kawahigashi Gakuen (an integrated Elementary and Junior High School), where they interacted with 66 students from the 4th and 7th (Junior High 1st) grades. From KUAS, three international students from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh currently studying in the Faculty of Engineering as well as an International Office staff member from the US participated in these exchange activities.
First, the KUAS participants and the schoolchildren were divided into four groups and introduced themselves. The fourth graders had prepared slides and used their tablets to introduce themselves, talking about their birthdays, hobbies, favorite foods, etc. Next, the international students and staff introduced a game they had played as children. An Indonesian version of Old Maid, a stone-throwing game, I Spy, and Duck, Duck, Goose were played. While it was the first time to play the games for most of the schoolchildren, the event was a great success. While the explanation of the rules took place all in English, the 7th graders helped the 4th graders when they got confused. This way, everyone was able to have a good time.
“This was a wonderful experience,” said one of the international students, “I would love to go visit them again.” “I really enjoyed interacting with the Japanese school kids,” commented another student. “I’m really surprised that they were able to understand an Indonesian game very fast too. I really want to have this experience again in the future.”
(Atsushi Iwata, International Office)