- り災した事実を公的証明書等により証明ができる学生
- 以下のいずれかに該当する甚大な被害を受けた世帯の学生
- 主たる学費支弁者(保護者)が死亡または行方不明となった場合
- 主たる学費支弁者(保護者)の居住する家屋が「全壊」、「大規模半壊」、「中規模半壊」、「半壊」、「床上浸水」の場合
- 新潟県
新潟市、長岡市、三条市、柏崎市、加茂市、見附市、燕市、糸魚川市、妙高市、五泉市、上越市、佐渡市、南魚沼市、三島郡出雲崎町 - 富山県
富山市、高岡市、氷見市、滑川市、黒部市、砺波市、小矢部市、南砺市、射水市、中新川郡舟橋村、中新川郡上市町、中新川郡立山町、下新川郡朝日町 - 石川県
金沢市、七尾市、小松市、輪島市、珠洲市、加賀市、羽咋市、かほく市、白山市、能美市、河北郡津幡町、河北郡内灘町、羽咋郡志賀町、羽咋郡宝達志水町、鹿島郡中能登町、鳳珠郡穴水町、鳳珠郡能登町 - 福井県
- 提出書類
「罹災証明書(写)」・・・2-2の場合 - 提出期日
京都先端科学大学 学生課
〒615-8577 京都市右京区山ノ内五反田町18番地
電話:075-406-9115 (平日 8:30~17:00)
京都太秦キャンパス 電話:075-406-9140(平日 8:30~17:00)
京都亀岡キャンパス 電話:0771-29-2273(平日 8:30~17:00)
Special Assistance for Students Affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and the resulting tsunami.
Kyoto University of Advanced Science will provide the following support to currently enrolled students (undergraduate and graduate) who were affected by the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
Students whose primary tuition remunerator (parent/guardian) resides in an area affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024 (Regions covered by the Disaster Relief Act) and who fall under one of the following two categories.
- Students who can prove that they were affected by the disaster with official certificates, etc.
- Students from households that have suffered severe damage that fall under any of the following categories:
- The primary tuition remunerator (parent/guardian) has passed away or is missing.
- The house in which the primary tuition remunerator (parent/guardian) resides is “destroyed,” “severely damaged,” “moderately damaged,” “partially damaged,” or “flooded above floor level.”
Regions Covered by the Disaster Relief Act
- Niigata Prefecture
Niigata City, Nagaoka City, Sanjo City, Kashiwazaki City, Kamo City, Mitsuke City, Tsubame City, Itoigawa City, Myoko City, Gosen City, Joetsu City, Sado City, Minamiuonuma City, Izumozaki-cho, Mishima-gun - Toyama Prefecture
Toyama City, Takaoka City, Himi City, Namegawa City, Kurobe City, Tonami City, Oyabe City, Nanto City, Imizu City, Funahashi-mura, Nakaniikawa-gun, Kamiichi-cho, Nakaniikawa-gun, Tateyama-machi, Nakaniikawa-gun, Asahi-machi, Shimoniikawa-gun - Ishikawa Prefecture
Kanazawa City, Nanao City, Komatsu City, Wajima City, Suzu City, Kaga City, Hakui City, Kahoku City, Hakusan City, Nomi City, Tsubata-machi, Kahoku-gun, Uchinada-cho, Kahoku-gun, Shika-cho, Hakui-gun, Hodatsushimizu-cho, Hakui-gun, Nakanoto-cho, Kashima-gun, Anamizu-cho, Hosu-gun, Noto-cho, Hosu-gun - Fukui Prefecture
Fukui City, Awara City and Sakai City
Support Provided
Exemption from 2024 Spring semester tuition
Application Procedure
If you are eligible and wish to receive special assistance, please apply via the following procedure.
- Required Documents
Please send the following documents to the Student Affairs Division via simple-registered mail (簡易書留).- “Special Assistance Application Form “
- “Death Certificate” (For those who fall under 2-1 in “Target”)
- “Disaster Certificate” (Copy) (For those who fall under 2-2 in “Target”)
- Submission Period
February 1, 2024 – April 30
Please contact the Student Affairs Division if you have any questions or if it is difficult to apply as a result of the earthquake.
Contact Us
Student Affairs Division Kyoto University of Advanced Science
18 Yamanouchi Gotanda-cho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City 615-8577
Telephone: 075-406-9115 (weekdays 8:30~17:00)
E-mail: gakusei@kuas.ac.jp
Regarding Mental and Physical Health
In the event of a major disaster, a variety of stress responses may appear in the body and mind of those affected. At KUAS, mental and physical health care is provided by the Nurse’s Office and Student Counselor’s Office, so please feel free to visit for a consultation if you notice any changes in your mental or physical well-being.
Student Health & Counseling Division
Kyoto Uzumasa Campus Tel: 075-406-9140 (weekdays 8:30~17:00)
Kyoto Kameoka Campus Tel: 0771-29-2273 (weekdays 8:30~17:00)