
4年生の金賞受賞チームを指導した松本教授は、「企業側からの課題に対して、見事に仕様を満たし、的確に発表できたことが高い評価につながったと思います。途中で取り組んできた機構がうまく動作せず、方針変更をして平凡な機構に流れそうになったのを、スーパーバイザーとして止めました。私がアドバイスをしたのはこれくらいです。受賞チームは、企業側エンジニアからサポートを受けつつ、優れたチームワークと個々の高い能力で多くの問題を自分たちで解決してくれました」 とコメントしました。 工学部の名物であるこのプロジェクトは、来年度以降も継続して実施します。

ANAシステムズ株式会社/株式会社アニモ/アジアクエスト株式会社/株式会社あさひ/株式会社キャステム/ダイハツ工業株式会社/デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社/福井めがね工業株式会社 part of Essilor Luxottica /フクシマガリレイ株式会社/株式会社GRA/株式会社松井製作所/三菱ロジスネクスト株式会社/株式会社ナカサク/ニデック株式会社/ニデックマシンツール株式会社/NSKマイクロプレシジョン/NSW株式会社/ニデックオーケーケー株式会社/Pens and Needles/ペンタリンク株式会社/株式会社PITTAN/ロート製薬株式会社/三洋金属工業株式会社/SEWA International GK/株式会社SCREENホールディングス/株式会社島津製作所/株式会社サンエムカラー/株式会社テクノ高槻/タカラベルモント株式会社/テックファーム株式会社/株式会社TVE/株式会社山岡製作所 (全32社 順不同)
(工学部教授 川上浩司)
On Wednesday, January 15, a final presentation of the Capstone Project by 93 fourth-year engineering students, 143 third-year students, and 32 companies was held successfully.
The pyramids in Egypt are completed when the capstone is placed on top at the end. The Capstone Project in the Faculty of Engineering is a project-based learning course that solves real problems faced by companies, serving as a culmination of what students have learned so far.

It is similar to an internship in that students work on corporate issues, but students form teams to solve issues independently and autonomously within the university. It is a student-driven program that allows students to experience R&D while still in school, preparing them for similar work at a company after graduation. The Capstone Project, in which all 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students participate, is the first of its kind at an engineering school in Japan.
This year, 20 teams of 4th year students and 30 teams of 3rd year students will work on 50 assignments given by 32 partner companies. The teams formulated research and development plans while receiving advice from engineers from the companies that provided them with the assignments, and in the Fall semester, the teams have implemented these plans together. More than 140 visitors attended the final presentation. The visitors were mainly from partner companies and general businesspeople. All 50 teams’ posters were displayed, and students standing in front of their posters explained their projects to the visitors.

Heated discussions took place not only during the poster presentations but also at the company-student mixer held afterward. At the end of the event, one gold, one silver, and one bronze prize were awarded to both of the fourth-year teams and the third-year teams, respectively, as voted by the visitors.
Prof. Matsumoto supervisor of the gold prize fourth-year team commented that the target was to meet the challenges set by the company with a small number of motors and sensors, and the fact that the specifications were successfully met and accurately presented led to a high evaluation of the project.
(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)